Did a manlet really define the '80s?

Did a manlet really define the '80s?

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Literally fucking who

>i'm only one inch taller


>Big Daddy, the unctuous plantation owner he played in Quentin Tarantino’s “Django Unchained” (2012), could have been a stock villain, but, Johnson said, “What I came to know, through my character work and dream assignments, was his big heart, and how much they loved him, his, uh . . . plantation workers.” His slaves? “Yes, I was looking for that word. That period has been vilified—and accurately so. Enslavement is just fucking awful. But at that time it was a normal way of life. And it came to me that he was Big Daddy because he was a benevolent king and an unashamed opportunist—which is why you fall in love with him. There was a scene that got cut that was one of the best I’ve ever done. Dr. Schultz says to me, ‘You got a lot of beautiful ponies around here, Big Daddy. Now, the question remains: do you have any niggers here worth five thousand dollars?’ And I go, ‘Dr. Schultz, Five-Thousand-Dollar Nigger is practically my middle name.’

1 inch taller is 6 ft so you're ok friend

5'11 reported is like 5'9 in real life.

He's actually 5'9.5"


>6 feet

How does it feel to be retarded

>6'3 1/2

He's taller than that.

god, with all those manlet threads one would think it's the lanklets who are the insecure ones. kek.

>American actor best known for starring in TV series Magnum PI and Blue Bloods. In movies he has appeared in Three Men and a Baby, Quigley Down Under, High Road to China and Her Alibi. He said in the NY Times, "I'm 6'4". In a 1983 Time magazine article it also mentioned his peak weight: "6-ft. 4-in, 200-lb. star".

Nigger please tell me you're joking

most of the 6'2 guys will be 5'11 when they are older than 40

I mean you are doomed to be a manlet if you are below 6'4

Man who cares about height, he had the looks, a boat, lamborghini/ferrari and comfortable linen suits.

and a pet alligator

Also a kicking theme song


Manlet shitposters are completely unable to get over their envy of rich, successful people. They pick on height to push back the crushing depression that comes with knowing they will never have one percent of the money and fame these "short" guys have.

there are """""""""people'""""""""""" itt who are under 6'2". Serious question how do you not contemplate suicide on a daily basis?

I know lots of tall guys they are either too skinny or too fat
When I tell them to workout they say look you are short so it is easy for you to build muscle. Maybe true but you don't even try
Anyway all it matters is who gets the most pussy at the end of the day

>be 5'10" master race

>never met anyone 6' and above that I couldn't easily break in half

I think you're just mad that you overshot being the perfect height, lanklets

thats king of manlets though

>tfw 5'11 3/4

im gonna end it RIGHT FUCKING NOW

you can wear heels and look a lot taller if you change your sex

Hell I'll just leave this here.


tough but you made the right choice

>tfw all you have going for you is your height

Same. I'm 6'3 but a total fucking failure in every other area of life. still better than being a manlet though, right bro?

anything below 6'1 is subhuman by modern standards
t. 6'6

but on the other hand

5'10" is king of manlets. 5'11" isn't manlet, look it up.

t. 5'11 manlet

>i-i-i'm tall guys i swear!


Manlet? Huh? 5'11 is tall

5'9 is average

at least 5'11 is the most incognito height of all time

nobody will comment about your height either way
from my experience anyway
I don't think I've ever had someone say 'you're tall' or comment that I seem short either

>5'9 is average
for a chick


Did OP really define being a faggot?

>look up height of actor now on google
>haha what a manlet


True, Solid Snake is 5'11 right?

paul newman got away with being short
so did the unbruisable cruise

>that '''''woman'''''

Pretty much

Sam Fisher is 5'10 as well, maybe there's truth to this

>tfw 5'11
It just isn't fucking fair. I workout.I have a nice body. My facial structure is superb. But I'll never be able to fix my height!

>My facial structure is superb
Murder spree and suicide in Isla Vista when?

>tfw manlet but I don't care about getting a gf or having a social life so it doesn't matter
lol normans


It isn't manlet if you use the metric system tho. 1.80 is the point where people usually think you're tallish

From what I have seen height isn't a magic pill that fixes all social stuff.

I know several people being around 5'5 - 5'7 and they don't have issues with dating or whatever. On the flip side I know someone who is 6'4, blonde etc. like a Aryan stereotype and he is wondering why the women thing isn't working out for him, he doesn't really know how to talk to them. In the end he still walks away with nothing.

hello me

maybe 20 years ago

Yes because population is proven to become bigger instead of smaller

that WAS my point, you know?

5'11 being short is just a meme, nobody thinks that 5'11 is short outside of the internet

In the 1980s the manlet cutoff was 5'10". Now the manlet cutoff is 6'2" so everything looks different in retrospect.

Just because people are getting taller.

I'm 5'7" and I see multiple women(not wearing heels) that are taller than me every day.

At this point it doesn't even seem that uncommon to see 6ft+ hispanic and asian men either.

Lol people aren't 4 inches taller in the space of just 30 years.

>Just because people are getting taller.

It's literally the other way around

cocaine defined the 80s

>5'11 being short is just a meme, nobody thinks that 5'11 is short outside of Sup Forums



You might want to tuck that plebian vernacular away. Nobody is talking about chickens.

>tfw 5' 10.5"

>I'm 3 inches shorter
I don't think I'll ever learn desu

>tfw 5'11
>in a country where the average man height is 5'10 3/4

he was widely known to have the biggest dick in hollywood during his day; not only was he absurdly pretty but has a giant cock, fucking chads

>mfw 5'6" but have a fat 7 inch cock and going to medical school

Where the hell can I get sunglasses like his?

>The Ray-Ban Wayfarer became Det. Sonny Crockett's sunglasses of choice in the second episode of Miami Vice, "Heart of Darkness." In the first episode of the show, he is seen wearing Carrera 5512s in brown with pink lenses. Crockett would later relegate these lenses to Tubbs, as he would begin wearing the Wayfarers. He is first seen wearing these while riding in a limousine with Artie Rollins, Det. Rico Tubbs, and a porn director named Jimmy. In the first two seasons, Sonny would wear Mock Tortoise framed Wayfarers with G-15 lenses. The season 3 episode "When Irish Eyes Are Crying" would show Sonny wearing Persol 69218s in black. Sonny would return to the Wayfarers in Seasons 4 and 5, this time wearing black framed Wayfarers with G-15 lenses.

It's good to see that Moria is expanding it's health system by hiring more doctors instead of just investing in mining like it has done for so many years.

Thank you very much.

>tfw 5'11.5"
>Claim I'm 6 feet and people fall for it

Some people even assume I'm 6'1"

I gained almost an inch from taking yoga as a college gym credit, i really need to do it again

You didn't gain an inch, you were always that height, yoga just fixed your back.

Yes, I know. Thanks for clarifying.

>tfw 5'8
>tfw too short to ever get taken seriously by anyone but too tall to be allowed to really complain about it

Who /5'8 and suffering/ here

>6 ft 2

He was the perfect height

6'0" isn't a real height. It starts at 6'1".

Not when food is being genetically manipulated and cows are being pump full of hormones


5'11 man and 6'0 average height woman

If she is that tall how tall her partner must be?

Apparently so. Gah. Had no clue.

Sonny Crockett is still the epitome of cool in my book. A real stand-up guy who always does whats right desu. A man who wears his Armani loafers sockless but can still fuck you up and speed off in a hot car. He lived on a sail boat with a fucking pet alligator that's very badass.

Doesn't even matter because Don "giving your mom the" Johnson is alpha as fuck


im lmaoing at your lankyness freak

t. 6'3" master race

All the best actors and biggest stars are manlets, with few exceptions.

is that joe rogan?


manlet detected

>tfw 6'4" lanklet with a tiny penis

That's the worst thing, it's like arguing with Sup Forumsfags. Eventually they'll just regress into kike caricatures, much like anyone here faced with the fact that these threads are stupid as fuck will just resort to "manlet detected", which is about the same as going "u mad xd"

some people in the sph threads on /d/ would kill for a tiny penis, be grateful

Manlet detected.... just kidding but seriously this are the same fuckers you see in "feels" threads posting about their depression bullshit. If something i've learned here is to never feel any empathy for socially awkward lonely male nerds.

I bet some of them just like to play the victim while they aren't even ugly. Hell even ugly men can get girls so it can't be that (at least not always.)

As far as you know, anyway.


This. Although I thought I was destined to be tall as fuck since I was 5'11 in 8th grade and haven't grown since...