Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa

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I think Roisin is nice and I think they shouldn't be so mean to her

*evades tax*

>it's a Stephen doesn't start the show with a "good evening, good evening, good evening..." episode

heh, nothing financiel

>ah ah ah ah ah ah ah aaaaaah

saw him live, was really great since he actually banters alot with the crowd and comes up with jokes on the spot

One of the factors to his staying power - aside from whoring himself out for any game/panel show - is the fact that he was always proficient at heckler put-downs. Doesn't he have an entire section of his show dedicated to letting people call shit out and then promptly putting them down?
Maybe that's just his stadium gigs, not his smaller-scale shows. I dunno.

Post QIkinos: youtube.com/watch?v=ow1nHW4j_8o.

No he didn't.

Tax Evasion =! Tax Avoidance.

Learn the difference, it could save you lots of money.

Imagine Jimmy Carr laughing with Rich Evans. Fuck me. Somebody more skilled than I could try and overlap them in a video but I forgot all my skills.

Would you? I would

The most average looking 40 year old man?

I meant Roisin

She is one of the few women on these shows that I always like

Christ that sounds awful.
Throw in Robin Quivers and you'll get the most obnoxious fucking sound to ever pierce people's ears.

I can't find any videos of all three just laughing, if I could I'd have smashed it into YouTube Doubler.

As it is, I'm too lazy and hope somebody else will do the work for me.

It might not have technically been illegal, but it was highly immoral and he was well aware of it, yet decided to anyway. Nobody likes paying taxes, but we do it because it benefits our country as a whole (for the most part) so we do it. Him avoiding paying the tax that he should rightly be paying, and that he knows he should be, is essentially saying "fuck you" to the public.

Does anyone know how the episode with this bitch turned out?
I had to skip to the next episode after 3 minutes.

Absolutely, she looks like she'd be up for anything.

It was a little cringe but not too terrible

>mfw I'm German

>Compile the three laughs
>Make one of those webms out of it where you open like ten of them at once so it's just a fucking cacophony of horrendous noise

By god I horrified myself.
I'd post it everywhere

Post 10/10 comedians

>Shit autistic version of Noel Fielding

And that's fucking saying something considering Noel Fielding is well past his best by

Yes but it's not illegal.

If you had two options: give your money to the government or keep it for yourself, which one would you pick? Voluntarily paying tax that you can legally avoid is just idiotic.

remember when he got heckled and he told the heckler he fucked their mom?!?!? totally clever!


It's the right thing to do. He wants the police? Fire and rescue services? The NHS? Then he should pay his fucking taxes.


>It's the right thing to do

You have $10, you can pay $6 in taxes or do something completely legal that lets you pay only $2, which do you do?

Anybody acting rationally would have done exactly the same thing. The whole point of the legal system is that you don't need to be motivated by such fuzzy concepts as "it's the right thing to do", so if you can find and exploit a loophole, you absolutely should do it.

>if you can find a loophole in the law you should exploit it
the fuck?

of course it's personally better for him if he pays less, but it doesn't make it a morally good thing to do

if you're resorting to technicalities then you know that what you did was wrong

he was enjoying the benefits of being a tax-paying citizen, yet he was only paying a fraction of his dues to that system

He was paying only as much as he was legally obligated to do so. If the government really cared about him not paying as much as they think he should do then they should remove the loopholes, but of course they don't, so what does that say about his actions?

>morally good thing

If it's legal, who cares whether it's "morally" right or wrong? Who decides the morality?


>tfw Rachel Riley always wears the dresses for 8 out of ten cats does countdown they won't let her wear on the proper show anymore

There's the letter of the law and the spirit of the law. You, I and he all know that what he did was wrong.

>If the government really cared about him not paying as much as they think he should do then they should remove the loopholes, but of course they don't, so what does that say about his actions?
That doesn't say anything about his actions. It does say something about the people who pass laws i.e. the elite. They are the ones who benefit from these loopholes as well, so they don't want to close them, yet if asked in an interview if they think tax avoidance is a bad thing they'll obviously say it is and that loopholes should be closed because they know that everyone else knows they're bad for the country.

>If it's legal, who cares whether it's "morally" right or wrong?
Are you really going with this stance? So anything legal is perfectly fine to do?

>Who decides the morality?
Nice tactical nihilism bro.

>if you can find and exploit a loophole, you absolutely should do it.

Yeah, if you're scum.

I bet you'd keep a wallet you found in the street too.

No, because that's actually illegal, whereas using loopholes that the government is aware of but refuses to close so that their friends in big business can use them is legal

>it doesn't make it a morally good thing to do

Why not?

Tax Evasion = Tax Avoision

>Everyone is doing it so it's fine

I personally applaud him for taking the noble decision to pay as little tax as possible. everyone should do that

The government has by proxy said that doing this is fine. Who am I to argue with them?

of course


everything about this was perfect

It was pretty tame, but really really dull. I've never rewatched it

>the whole point of the legal system is to exploit loopholes

Is she one of us?



every now and then I get a little bit lonely

What's going on here?


I wish girls could act. It would make life better

uk panel show thread? uk panel show thread




that episode when he break davil michell pen was fucking hilarious

>that episode when he break davil michell pen
The average panel show viewer attempts communication

>Somebody more skilled than I could try and overlap them in a video but I forgot all my skills.

I don't think we're ready for that lads

saw him live like 6 years ago, dude was fucking quick to put hecklers down

half the crowd in this shitty town were having a go and he was just lightning fast with the comebacks



this fucking line kills me


I like in another episode where some other guests were saying stephen was boiling tortoises in his kitchen
>No I like it hot and sweaty!

>not !=

post your sean lock kino segments

The best


I love this one.


The most genuine laugh I've ever seen from jimmy, so good

>it's an "Alan has to laugh uncomfortably when stephen makes lewd comments" episode



Fucking pig when she opens her mouth and shows off her massive teeth and gums

>Who am I to argue with them?
Yeah. Pussy. Our economy is going to collapse

I quit QI a bit before the "no men-only panels" thing and the overall poz.

Did it got too bad?

I remember around the time when Charlie Brooker, Carr, Mitchell and hot blonde were doing that awful show and you could tell there was some shit starting (also when Frankie Boyle was "exiled" even while being a ethno masochist ginger cunt)


Blocked in bongland

Him and Norm McDonald both do not have natural laughs and I'm sure others as well


Why are you doing the laugh backwards?

Wouldn't know, I stopped watching it as well. Fuck the BBC's stupid agenda.

it just depresses me how many of those kids were black...

depresses me that people like you exist

Depends really.
There have been good female guests but usually the result of the rule is just MUH HUSBAND.