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>Memeing the useless peice of shit ZERO into a half decent plane

I'll give Miyazaki that one

Great movie.


I cried like a bitch at the end

>tfw It is been a year since I posted the very first He killed millions thread
I remember cause it was the day after leo's oscar


I'm accustomed to seeing "He killed millions," seeing it shortened down gave me a hearty laugh.

reminder that anime is nothing but a (highly successful) tojo psy-ops campaign aimed at destroying Western values and culture

Wasn't the Zero the perfect plane for Japan? Cheap, quick and easy to produce, well designed and put little value into protecting the pilots.

As if americans don't make movies romanticising their own war efforts.

it was very good, and there were good replacements, but japanese industry was literally a joke.

Japan did nothing wrong.

Difference is that Americans are the good guys and a democracy helping people around the world. Imperial Japan was an oppressive country where they literally said that the Emperor was a god with little to no respect for other humans.

go be a weeb somewhere else


There are no 'good guys'. Not at any point in history.

>12.1 kill ratio in 41 and 42

nice meme

He's already unretired

dumb gook can't make up his mind

americans treated wartime japs like shit dont be retarded.

>mfw I found out Hideaki Anno voices the main character
I mean I guess it makes sense, he really nailed the "bumbling austist" voice, probably from personal experience.

that stupid voice void of emotion

>Killing natives Americans by the score
>wrecked Phillipinos in their war of independence
>wrecking civies in the middle east on a daily basis
>goog guys

Fuck off you mutt.

>Difference is that Americans are the good guys and a democracy helping people around the world. Imperial Japan was an oppressive country where they literally said that the Emperor was a god with little to no respect for other humans.
>go be a weeb somewhere else

>Respecting other peoples cultures and not dropping nukes.
>Worshiping democracy, requiring an unconditional surrender rather then a conditional surrender no matter how many innocent civilians die.

Not wanting people nuked is not weeb, it is Christian just war principal. I hate my country sometimes. I really regret serving and fighting in Iraq. Retards like you need drafted at gun point.

How many Americans could Jiro kill if he had access to an Evangelion unit?

After what the Nips did to American POWs and the Chinese (rape of Nanking and Unit 731) and Koreans (Comfort women) they got off too fucking easy. Two nukes was literally not enough, we should have waited until we had 4 so we could destroy Tokyo and Kyoto too.

Should have let the Japs keep their hold on China t.b.h. It's going to be a mess when those Chinks get uppity with a blue water navy.

>rape of Nanking really happened

>muh nukes

Dresden had it worse, same for the rest of Germany

you and all the other weebs only care because muh anime and japanese games! if we were talking about any other nation you wouldn't give a fuck


> Japan kills the pinko filth and China is saved from Mao.

Chinese aren't human.
>Be U.S. envoy to Unit 731
>U.S. Official: Wow you guys did some terrible shit, tell ya what, we'll give you guys a free pass for your research!
>Dr. Ishii: OK USA!

T. Ass ravaged United Auto Workers member


pick one

>Dresden had it worse, same for the rest of Germany

>Not wanting people nuked is not weeb
>implying nuking Japan was a bad thing
Reminder America did it because of Pearl Harbour, and because the Japs are so tough, and so hellbent on killing themselves that it was the only way to show Japan we meant business

i meant stateside with interment camps.

Kyoto was a cultural center that even that psychopath LeMay wouldn't touch.
Tokyo was the Emperor's residence and killing him would have bloodlusted the Japs into a complete war until they were all dead.

I'm against that too. I don't even think the US should have been involved in Europe during WW I or II.

Nazis would have kept the pinkos out of Europe if we didn't have the landlease program with Russia.

>Inb4 he's a alt right.

I'm just a strict follower of Christian just war principal.

Why didn't the japs just surrender?

>muh Pearl Harbor
Fuck off
It was a demonstration to that faggot Stalin that we had a viable nuclear device.
The Japs were already on the ropes and ready to surrender with the condition that the Emperor was retained.

Because we wanted an unconditional surrender.

Aka, we kill your God, we make you a State, rape your women, put in work camps whatever the fuck we wanted to do.

It's understandable to fight that hard with everything at stake.

I loved it, Anno was not all that good but the direction made up for it!

>attack a country
>country defend itself and wins

w-w-ell it was fun but now please stop! think of all the civilians now that we are l-losing!

>waaah! Nukes ultimate evil!
The japs murdered more civies in Nanjing than died in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. Even the nazi head honcho in the east was horrified and tried to make them stop.

Seriously, the japs were huge dicks to all the people they attacked without provocation.
They got zero moral highground on America.

Sure if you use morals instilled in you by years of American influenced media.

how did he know his bitch died just by "the winding rising"?

Why was a conditional surrender not sufficient?

Moral high ground? We killed women and children just like the Japanese. It was intentional, we bombed schools and housing on purpose. You are saying that we had a high ground because we killed less and mostly through fire bombing?

Secular anti Christian morality is the worst.

Because the military hierarchy that was ruling the government would be put to death. They prefered having a few more months to live even if it meant letting millions of human beings die and the destruction of their nation.

This is all the UK's fault.

What isn't really?

neville chamberlain is history's greatest pussy

What's the point of this movie if it's not even accurate? His wife didn't even have tuberculosis in reality.

>moral high ground
>just a few decades before Japan's invasion of China, the U.S. treated the Chinese like subhumans, usually relegating them to slave-like conditions building the trans continental railroad.
>average American at the time couldn't find China on the map
Spare us the American moral high ground bullshit. Nobody gave a fuck about Nanjing ching chong whatever over here. Fact was, there was no room at the Anglo table for a Jap empire.
As for justifying nukes, whatever helps you sleep at night, bud.

In the end, they got to keep the emperor anyway.

The obdurate military control of the Japanese government that refused surrender at all costs, the fanatical indoctrination of Japanese people that encouraged them to fight to the death before surrender (before the bombs were dropped America had just witnessed the Japanese civilians at Okinawa throwing themselves off of cliffs to avoid being captured), the grim prospects for an amphibious invasion of the main islands and a pressing concern to keep the Soviets out of the peace process made dropping the atomic bombs a non-issue.

It was hardly debated and the conclusion was foregone.

If it wasn't for the personal courage of the Emperor to override his military officials that still held the government in a deadlock and announce the surrender (which the military tried to stop with a last moment coup which was foiled) then it was likely millions more would have died in the ensuing fight to the finish.

The atomic bombs may not have been as efficacious at ending the war as some claim, but viewing it in a vacuum without realizing the context of how and why the decision was made in the first place is almost always just sanctimonious whinging. It's easy to say what should or shouldn't be done when you're removed from making the fatal decision yourself.


>country where people were literally gonna mass suicide if they lost
>good guys
im not even american

he just built the planes

Miyazaki can make anything seem perfect without even trying

Once again, they would have accepted a conditional surrender.

Our foolish desire for a unconditional surrender lead to even more in unconditional fighting.

If role's were reversed, you could understand why some one would give their life to protect not only their country, but culture and way of life from Democratic subjugation.

>implying the nukes and american occupation didn't do japan good
they'd probably be some communist shithole like most of asia if it weren't for that

honestly i'd be terrified to live in a world where WW2 didn't happen

I don't need to be reminded if I actively know that and support it.

this to be honest

Germany, Italy and Japan are all better off having been defeated and rebuilt thanks to America

They are satillite nations that are heavily control and currently occupied by the American empire.

I can't see this lasting. It will be our down fall.

Like I said, whatever helps you sleep at night champ. Frankly, the thought of irradiating women and children makes me sick, then again, I'm not a sociopath.

Just about everybody is a U.S. satellite, so whatever.

Yeah, it was all thanks to America. Nothing to do with the native's ability to perservere and their industriousness.

yes, it's all Chinese propaganda my sushi eating friend

Getting their shit pushed in by burgers gave them a quick push away from fascism.

Why do stupid Americans love whataboutism so much? It's not a defence, retard.

t. small dicked slant eye

>lol Americans are bad too!
>yeah but what about the Japanese action

>Once again, they would have accepted a conditional surrender.
First off, it's not as easy as you think for the US at that period to pivot to a 'conditional surrender' since the 'unconditional surrender' proclamation Roosevelt & Churchill made at Casablanca back in 1943. This path had further been set upon when Truman reaffirmed at Potsdam several years later.

Secondly, this idea that Japan was on the verge of accepting a reasonable conditional surrender is always repeated by people who don't understand the structure of the Imperial Japanese Government. The war could only have been ended with the unanimous assent of the entire High Council which included several members of the military that were deadset against surrender. The trial balloon peace overtures asking the USSR to mediate a peace were done without the knowledge or blessing the military branches.


You aren't looking at it in the context of the barbarity that characterized the Pacific conflict.

of course jiro did something wrong, that was the point of the movie

he's presented with a faustian bargain in one of the early dream sequences, make pyramids at the price of people's lives and his own dignity

the movie demonstrates the degradation of his ethical and moral code when he watches as the gestapo chase down a victim, when as a child he would go out of his way to fight off bullies

even as the japanese government itself turns on him, he still works to make the goddamn plane.

his wife stays with him until the plane is done, after which she leaves to die (another echo of faust). he gets to enjoy the fruit of his labor for one single successful test, after which he only has fire and death to look forward to until his life and engineering legacy recedes into the past.

the wind rises was a good movie, too bad it triggered a lot of people who couldn't handle moral ambiguity

Why can you stupid faggots only ever talk about history from a moral perspective? It's so boring and juvenile.