So, do you like it?

so, do you like it?

is that lena dunham

I can't wait to get my hbo show so I can flash my dick in every episode

Hope I get an emmy!

See something you like big boi?

>already have nothing going for you in the chest despite being fat
>make it worse with a chest tattoo
Chest tattoos always are a hindrance, they've quite literally never a good thing. At best they're on a woman so beautiful they can be ignored. I'm glad child molester Lena has made her already poor situation worse.

Pretty nice, imo. I love how everyone says they don't like her on this board, but they have no valid arguments whatsoever. When people pose an argument here it's either racist or sexist, since most people on this board have zero understand of themselves or society as a whole. GO TO SCHOOL KIDS, THIS SHITHOLE WE CALL HUMAN CIVILIZATION IS GOING TO FUCKING KILL ITSELF IF WE NEVER LEARN TO BECOME LOGICAL!

Fuck you!

Her literally molesting a child seems like a pretty valid reason not to like someone to me?


I wanna blow my load all over that tat and little tits

lol, she was 7yo you cuck, does a child even know what the fuck they are doing.

Lol fuck off tumbleddit.

good argument? *claps hands*

Wrong, she was around 14 or so.

honestly, i would probally fuck her.. i mean a hole is a hole, so long as i can bust my nut.

Sorry, she was 7 years old.

Why have ((((you)))) got to bait so hard?

Don't you have some nigger dick to suck or something?

Muhaha, because it works every time. The morons flock like seagull going after the bread i throw to them over the ledge we call Sup Forums.

Are there more pictures of her tits?
She has really nice tits, even though the rest is disgusting.

good choice of words, *claps dick against user's head*

It's bull prepping time you nigger loving cuck.

*kidnaps you, beats you, ties a rope around your neck and hangs you from a tree in Alabama*

If you don't respond to this with "Kill Lena Dunham", she will receive another show on HBO.

thank you for proving my point user, *high five*

*teleports behind you*
*unsheathes katana*
Nuthin personnel kid

>oh look another misogynistic thread on Sup Forums

You're not allowed to speak nigger!

>no tits
>covers them up anyway


>muh soggy knees

*continues to shitpost in this thread, making Sup Forums a worse place overall*

>current year

Go nuke a hot pocket fa/tv/irgin

hmmm... can't tell if tumblr or reddit
either way kill yourself

chess tattos are the new tramp tattoo


>literally proving my point

forever pathetic



Paedo Jew gets a new tattoo


I don't even want your tits, you're probably ugly anywat, so just GTFO.

Posts tits bby.

She was 17, her sister was a kid.

She actually looks in some way not disgusting here
The tattoo isnt helping

Whoa. Is that from her new movie.

why cover her tits now?

we've seen them Lena, there's nothing sadder than a fat bitch with tiny tits

>low quality fa/tv/irgin men critiquing others appearances


>Industrial strength toilet seat rated at 1000 lbs.

Lost it.