October 7th 2017, otherwise known as the Second Day The Music Died...

October 7th 2017, otherwise known as the Second Day The Music Died, marked the date of a historical plane crash that claimed the lives of nine famous entertainers.

You get to choose who was on board. Only rules are that it has to be people from the entertainment industry, so no politicians. Also, bands/groups/ensembles count as one person.

>Twenty One Pilots
>Lena Dunham
>Amy Schumer
>Russell Brand
>Kanye West
>Kim Kardashian
>Paul Feig

Post yours

1. LeonardoDiCaprio
2. Emmanuel Lubezki
3. Terrence Malick
4. Alejandro Gonzalez INARATU
5. Tom Hardy
6. Michael Keaton
7. Emma Stone
8. Jonah Hill
9. Channing Tatum

I'd be down this this, but I'd replace Emma Stone with Beyonce or at least Katy Perry.

My plane would just have you in it. Fuck you.

Myself 9 times

a cat detected

At least take someone like Meryl Streep, or some shit ass band, with you and be remembered as a hero after you die, user.

1. Lena Dunham
2. Sarah Silverman
3. Meryl Streep
4. Susan Sarandon
5. Joss Whedon
6. Scarlett Johansson
7. Stephen Colbert
8. Jon Stewart
9. A clown

why a clown?

See? No one gives a shit about those people.


9 Sony pictures executives

>Tom Hardy
Can you imagine Sup Forums that day?

This is the most embarrassing samefagging I've seen in a while

Admit it, you chuckled.

Just give me a list of the biggest black music stars. That's my list. I really hate niggers.

Why do nine people die? Only three died in the first Day The Music Died.

completing the table

Three is not enough. This was an exercise my friends and I did and it was originally seven, but we just couldn't fit all the important ones in there. We also had to take out politicians because it was always seven or eight politicians and one or two entertainers.

Wasn't it four?

The pilot doesn't count.

Now if only Twenty One Pilots could die in a plane crash.

>still salty about meryl streep


>kind of person who says salty

Checks out

Just aiden gillen and tom hardy

any 9 food network chefs

T. Swift.
J. Lawrence
L. Dunham
S. Johanson
J. Whedon
A. Schumer
Tegan and Sarah

I see calls for Kanye/Beyonce/etc but they have private jets and wouldn't fuck around with 9 people unless they were industry ties. I know Taylor Swift is arguable richer than all of them but she seems like she'd keep a posse around.

It's a party plane, like a party bus but on a plane for rich celebrities. It crashed because the pilot was doing rails of coke in the back with the celebrities.

Fucking kek'd so hard

Aiden Gillen
Tom Hardy
Josh Stewart
Alon Aboutboul
Aliash Tepina
Christian Bale
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Gary Oldman
Ben Mendelsohn

>Who /devilish/ here?

I'd kek if you include only no-survivors

The entire ensemble cast of the Thor/Avengers universe - every damn person , including extras.
The cast of Hamilton.
The entire cast of Moonlight, including extras.
Everyone who's ever been on Family Guy.
Everyone who's ever been on the Simpsons.
All stage actors
All television actors
All commercial actors
Taylor Swift

That'd be a big ass plane

It crashes because it's overweight.



>killing David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson

> Andy Dick
> Lena Dunham
> Roman Polansky
> Woody Allen
> Sean Penn
> Amy Schumer
> Anne Hathaway
> Tim Burton
> Chad Kroeger
> Bill Cosby
> Gwyneth Paltrow
> Rosie O'Donnell
> Whoopi Goldberg
> Miles Teller
> Kim Kardashian
> Nicki Minaj
> Azealia Banks

Find a flaw in this list.

>> Bill Cosby
>> Azealia Banks
Two flaws right there.

>Find a flaw in this list

All people brave enough to advocate for equality and justice, fuck you. Except Bill Cosby, he can rot in hell.

Clueless elitists that care about nothing but self righteous virtue signaling. If you believe any of them actually give a shit about "justice" or "equality" then you're an especially foolish child.

I think you're just trying to rationalize your own racist feelings. I understand, though, times changing is a difficult thing and people deal with it in different ways. You'll either learn to catch up with the rest of society or be considered a relic, like the people who are still against interracial marriage and women's rights.

Whatever path you choose, it's up to you.

>Meryl Streep
>Mel Gibson
>Chuck Norris
>Drake from Drake and Josh
>Wes Anderson
>Barry Jenkins
>Emma Watson
> Michael Moore
>Dinesh De Souza

Funny how white liberals are more worried about race than anyone else on the planet. You go get 'em oh great white saviour. Hep us poor folks. Eat some shit while you're at it.

>Roman Polanski
>advocating for justice and equality

You're a special kind of creep, aren't you.


So I get to crash this plane... with no survivors?

>John Oliver
>John "Stewart"
>Seth Meyers
>Paul Feig
>Melissa McCarthy
>Amy Schumer
>Lena Dunham
>Don Cheadle
>Will Ferrell twice


>Taylor Swift
Over the FUCKING line.

Only acceptable list