Admit it, you liked it

Admit it, you liked it.

Yeah, it was a great flick to see on the big screen. Sequel was good, too

You're right and I still do.

I liked it

>Admit it
Is it unusual to like it?


i absolutely liked it, what is there to admit user

>le shaky cam
One of the worst films I have voluntarily watched.

Nah it's shit. Literally unwatchable. Characters are all appallingly written and everything looks like total fucking ass.

It wasn't bad but I wish they had expanded on the universe instead of dropping it completely and hijacking a completely unrelated movie by throwing in a scene at the end and calling it a sequel.

It really has the potential to be a real American Godzilla franchise but they're fucking it up by waiting so long to expand the universe. Soon no one is going to give a shit


yup, never denied it

Shaky-cam doesn't apply to diagetic camera.

It's number 2 on my favorite Kaiju movie list. Right After King Kong.

10 Cloverfield Lane was the second in the anthology

>It's not shaking if it's shaking
>tfw too smart for this post

Biggest anticlimax since your dad killed your future sister on your mom's face

All hype, no substance

the sequel was even better, pleb.

I did but it's neigh unwatchable due to very little payoff regarding the monster.

Not a poorly made film, but you don't walk out of the theater saying "I need that bluray".

I didn't say it was bad, fucktard.

Loved it in theaters due to the hype campaign and going to see it with all my bros. Goat Midde-Schoolkino.

Literally unwatchable now though.

>Godzilla on shakycam
Don't like Godzilla. Don't like shakycam.

All 10 cloverfield lane did was take a decent kidnapping movie and add one scene to the end to sort of tie it into the same universe. The alien in 10 wasn't vaguely related the monster. It's like if you renamed Alien to "star trek planet 10" and said "Yep it's definitely a star trek movie now" just because it has aliens

So yous be sayin' they did something different in Hollywood? How dare they!

I did like it.

I never said I didn't.

Imagine if you were watching Gone Girl and at the last scene some random guy in a trenchcoat busts down the door and kills the girl and tells Ben Affleck that she was a robot the entire time and everyone hailed it as the sequel to blade runner. That's what 10 cloverfield lane is.

>guys this random ~psychological thriller~ that takes place in a cellar is better than this revolutionary kaiju movie
You've gone too far in sucking Jar Jar's dick.

Good summary, that last segment of 10 Cloverfield Lane was so jarring and out of place in a tense, claustrophobic character drama. She turns into a superhero, complete with everything she needs because she ran into a destroyed car with convenient supplies in the back seat.
The previous hour and a half already told us that she's resourceful and smart, she doesn't have to turn into a flawless badass at the end to justify having a big CGI alien ship in the movie
It's such a fucking bizarre contrast, and it's the last thing I saw in the theatre so it's the first thing I remember about the movie. Why did they go with that ending?