Lawrence, Ridley, Vikander, Larson, Robbie and More Competing For Lead Role in MARIAN

>Jennifer Lawrence ("The Hunger Games"), Daisy Ridley ("Star Wars: The Force Awakens"), Alicia Vikander ("The Danish Girl"), Brie Larson ("Room") and Margot Robbie ("Suicide Squad") are among the A-list actresses aiming for the lead role in the female-driven adventure epic MARIAN, which reinvents the legend of Robin Hood through the eye's of the hero's lover Maid Marian.

>The script, written by Pete Barry, is at the center of a bidding war between high-profile producers such as Steven Spielberg, Jerry Bruckheimer, Shawn Levy, Simon Kinberg and Amy Pascal, among others, and is expected to be the precursos of a franchise in the same vein as GLADIATOR and BRAVEHEART.

>According to the script's logline, "When a conspiracy to conquer England leads to the assassination of Robin Hood before her very eyes, Marian must rise to power and lead her people into a war that will not only decide the fate of her kingdom, but will see her don the mantle of the man she loved, and reimagine the story of a legend we thought we knew."

Other urls found in this thread:

>MARIAN will face competition in the form of Lionsgate's upcoming gritty retelling of the legend, ROBIN HOOD: ORIGIN, written by Joby Harold ("King Arthur: Legend of the Sword") and directed by Otto Bathurst ("Peaky Blinders"), which is also expected to launch a franchise with spin-offs for the pivotal characters.

>The movie is a conventional retelling of the legend, with Robin Locksley returning to Nottingham after fighting in the Crusades and assembling the Merry Men to overthrow the corrupt Sheriff of Nottingham, and is being described as a "medieval JOHN WICK".

>The movie stars Taron Egerton ("Kingsman: The Secret Service") as Robin Hood, with Eve Hewson ("Bridge of Spies") as Maid Marian, Jamie Foxx ("Ray") as Little John, Jamie Dornan ("Fifty Shades of Grey") as Will Scarlet and Ben Mendehlson ("Rogue One: A Star Wars Story") as the Sheriff of Nottingham. It'll be released on March 23, 2018.

All hot garbage. Fuck hollywood

Shitting on an English legend by killing him and putting woman in the lead role. Feminist wankers.


there's one and only Marian.
Marian Pazdzioch, polish superhero

Already been done and done and was enjoyable without all the liberal finger wagging that the film will no doubt do.

Only Vikander and Larson are actresses. And Larson soiled herself by agreeing to do capeshit

Oy vey.

Cant they just ONCE come up with something original instead of another reboot remake sequel prequel spinoff sidequest bullshit?

Vikander is doing vidyashit.

Black guy was Cat from Dwarf, Sheriff was Baldrick from Blackadder. Kids TV Kino.

>medieval JOHN WICK
What the fuck does that even mean?


Great credits and theme too. Always watched it to the end.

Will never forget the giant King John Jelly Baby episode either.

Anachronistic superviolence and an upbeat action score

I fucking love elves!


nobody wants that, literally nobody

What a stupid fucking idea.
I hope Daisy gets it. If not her, then Vikander.

Gun-fu with arrows.

damn that semen demon


Of course they are up for a shit role. All of these bitches are shit and ugly
They are all shit. Vikander and Larson especially

Bono's daughter looks like THAT?!

>Jamie Foxx ("Ray") as Little John
a black man in 13th Century England?...seems a little forced

This sounds retarded. Why wouldnt they just use the new actress from the upcoming reboot if they wanted to do that?

Well, it at least warms my heart to see relative newcomers can get bidding wars with their scripts again. Pete Barry, according to IMDB, only has a short to his name.

Morgan Freeman was in Prince of Thieves, m8.

Blame Kevin Costner

It'd be a reasonable idea for a comedy: That's the only way you could justify killing off such an iconic character at the start of a film.

meme galore

Now these are plain faced bland robotic actresses. Give me Emma Watson or Rose Byrne


>upcoming gritty retelling of the legend, ROBIN HOOD: ORIGIN

ugh this pic just highlights how disgusting Robbie actually is

The first one sounds more horrible but medieval John Wick sounds bad.

Why the fuck are they still remaking robin hood?. Didn't they have enough with the stupid Ridley Scott Robin hood?.

Hopefully some terrorists will detonate a nuke in hollywood and deliver us from this shit.

>Anything men can do, women can do better!

Just stop. Don't take an established story and replace the male hero with a woman. Write something original. Stop pandering to stupid people. Anyone who isn't an idiot sees this shit for the lazy, manipulative trash it is.

>precursos of a franchise in the same vein as GLADIATOR and BRAVEHEART.

But neither of those are franchises. WTF?.

>female hero and male supporting character encounter bad guys
>male character gets ready to fight
>suddenly, female hero charges in and kicks everyones ass
>shot of male character's face as he cocks his head to the side in a bewildered fashion

>is being described as a "medieval JOHN WICK".
If this is accurate, FUCKING HYPE

>"When a conspiracy to conquer England leads to the assassination of Robin Hood before her very eyes, Marian must rise to power and lead her people into a war that will not only decide the fate of her kingdom, but will see her don the mantle of the man she loved, and reimagine the story of a legend we thought we knew."
Sounds awful

OP means a franchise with the same tone and scope as those movies.

Ridley, Vikander and Larson are considered A list?

they star in $100m+ franchises, and two of them are oscar winners

Ridley's disgusting, Robbie is an untalented ironing board, and Larson is a niggerlover.

So between Lawrence and Vikander who is a better choice, i know nothing of Vikander.

>The movie is a conventional retelling of the legend, with Robin Locksley returning to Nottingham after fighting in the Crusades and assembling the Merry Men to overthrow the corrupt Sheriff of Nottingham, and is being described as a "medieval JOHN WICK".

2/10 3/10 2/10 1/10 4/10

Acting wise
1/10 1/10 2/10 1/10 5/10

keep up grandpa

There is no way in hell Margot Robbie is the hottest of the girls she is a skinny generic blonde bimbo.

Kid nobody knows who they are irl
That means nothing when its star wars and jew trophies

It's basically russiam roulette all of them are shit tier battling for relevancy.

>It can be done well, see:

I can't even tell who 90% of the names in the second post are

Fair enough, I don't think i've ever seen any of Vikanders or Larsons movies though

>robin hood gets assassinated
all guuuurl power memes aside, this sounds like it would be good. Does friar tuck become her comedic relief?

>Lawrence and Robbie are considered A-List

>movies depicting things that don't exist
>they better be god dam believable
at what age did you drag your inner child out back and shoot him dead.

I'm not even into robbie at all but do you see the competition? I think they are all so plain its hard to seperate them even. I don't even think robbie is that attractice but I'd rather bang her I guess at least in Wolf of Wall Street

>i, a racist conspiracy theorising basement-dweller, am qualified to decide who is and isn't relevant in hollywood

>Not calling black Little John: Lil' John

Opportunity missed

Lawerence is definitely 'famous' while Robbie is mainstream now. The other 3 are debatable. Ridley is only Star Wars and the other two could be reality tv stars for all I know about them

I think Lawrence is the hottest, she's not a knockout but she does it for me over Robbie.

And again i have no idea who Vikander is.

>When a conspiracy to conquer England leads to the assassination of Robin Hood before her very eyes, Marian must rise to power and lead her people into a war that will not only decide the fate of her kingdom, but will see her don the mantle of the man she loved, and reimagine the story of a legend we thought we knew."
>and is expected to be the precursos of a franchise in the same vein as GLADIATOR and BRAVEHEART.

Please choose Daisy Ridley so the movie is double shit.

All you are missing is Saoirse and you have the essential oscarbait and capeshit core of shit meme actresses.

>just turn your brain off lmao

unlike you i actually have standards.
unlike you i will not accept film to be reduced to the lowest common denominator
i will not be reduced to watching "flicks" like this bullshit

i watch films to gain knowledge
i watch films to promote inner strength
i watch films to find truth
i watch films for power
i watch films for honor

only a fool watches "flicks" for "entertainment"

please choose lawrence so she keeps getting type casted in le epic female archer movies

If you think they matter like the daisyfag tfa babby you are you are mistaken and laughably so. They are all talentless. At least daisy is the youngest.


>if I move the goalposts and argue a strawman, that will retroactively make me seem like less of an ignorant moron
Daisy Ridley is a bad actress. She is also A-list. Get over it kid

>no melf gf

Nobody has seen star wars because of her nor will how old are you

>and is expected to be the precursor of a franchise

stopped reading here
fuck off, DROPPED

>Nobody has seen star wars because of her nor will how old are you
nah its pretty much just you. normies don't care about any of the shit that gets bitched out here.

>movies depicting things that don't exist
Medieval England didn't exists?.

christ you're an idiot

>assassination of Robin Hood before her very eyes, Marian must rise to power and lead her people into a war

Please not fucking JLaw

You don't know what A list means moron

>watch sherlock holmes
>omfg they didnt get his hair right

Right, this movie is going to tank. Seriously though, does anybody give a fuck about Robin Hood? They obviously didn't learn from Tartzan.

I don't want to see this at all.

None of these actresses have the work ethic, looks or gravitas to make for an action heroine either.

It's been like 4-5 times total where I've seen an female action hero and not batted an eye:
>Uma Thurman, Kill Bill (She is 5'11, can act and pulls off angry and the the action excellent)
>Linda Hamilton, Terminator (tough as nails, ripped, psycho momabear)
>Carrie-Ann Moss, Matrix (It just worked, I dunno why)
>Jessica Biel, Blade 3/Total Recall (fit as fuck, good coordination, can actually perform fight choreography)
>Emily Blunt, Edge of Tomorrow

Margot Robbie is the best choice there and I fucking hate Margot Robbie.

to think there was a time when any production would've latched on the second jlaw showed any interest
and now she's reduced to being considered alongside daisy ridley and margot robbie

Ripley - Alien.

Good thing your judgement is the standard

>female leader
Into the trash it goes.
She has nice eyes but I dislike girls that use their eyes as a crutch so they eye fuck the camera every moment they get. Okay we get it, your eyes are fucking pale.

It'd be good if they focused on her using politics and diplomacy, possibly leveraging any sons they might have had, capitalising on her husband's reputation to build and lead an army against her enemies, like actual influencial medieval women (of which there were many) did.

But sounds like they're just going to make her le STRONK INDEPENDANT WYMYN archetype and have her kick the Sheriff of Nottingham in the balls whilst knocking men twice her size to the ground with a single punch.

Watch her other shit fail

Blunt is a meme like Chastain and Adams too

You just described The Phantom Menace act 1.

Sup Forums insults don't actually mean things in real life, you fucking fedirgin.

>Jamie Foxx ("Ray") as Little John
Gross do not want

>It'll be released on March 23, 2018
They're going to get everything done within a year?
Not seeing it.

Yes, she didn't do much action though. This is described as medieval john wick with female protagonist lmao.

It should be because im being objective.

Yes marketability/fame is important for a female lead, but women aren't held to the same standards as men at all in action and it's bullshit (imagine paul giamatti after 2 month vaction as navy seal).

Most of them don't even fucking try, remember Jlaw in X-men? Scarjo now in GITS? That terminator re-reboot with fat Khaleesi? The cashiers around the local grocery stores are more fit than she was in that movie.

Meanwhile guys have to gym for a year with roids and do real combat training/shooting/grappling and shit. No wonder it's a bit more believable then.

She did fine in Sicario too, she wasn't some badass. She was just a competent fed who get her shit pushed in when shit got real.

I'll bet you 50 bucks they'll make a big dick joke about his name.


I think you need to rewatch that movie's first act m8.


>She was just a competent fed who get her shit pushed in when shit got real.
and that was the point

movie will flop
movie will flop
movie will flop
there weren't fridges in medieval england

>yet another meme movie

who gives a fuck

No one deserves that punishment, pal.

that manlet is going to be robin hood? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

She acts the same non emoting way