Get me an actress for my Oscar bait mov-

>Get me an actress for my Oscar bait mov-
>She's waiting outside sir

>Ex Machina
>Tomb Raider
>Anna Karenina
Yeah all that oscar bait...

>cast her as lara croft

>historical fiction drama for moms

They all sound so mediocre they could be Oscar bait.

>This is a 10/10 in Burgerland

Try harder next time


i like her

little titties
likes to show them off

I don't mind DFCs, but she's a fucking cylinder, no hips, no butt, nothing, and her face is like she hit against a wall

>ex machina
the levels of stupidity in this place never fail to astound me

She really hasn't done anything oscarbait beside Danish Girl though that movie shes doing with Eva green has potential to be one.

She's too busy trying to not lose Fassbender to go after an oscar, she's gonna have to get a baby bump soon or he'll jump ship to some other mocha queen.

i wanna fug her if you know what i mean

It's literally loosely based on a comic, numale. It's easily the most capeshit out of all those films.

based on a comic does not equal capeshit

blade and 300 are based on comics but they clearly are not capeshit

capeshit is bland MCU garbage

never has this pic been more relevant

Her skin also keeps getting darker.

>not capeshit
>not capeshit
LMAO ok rebbitor

Sorry we aren't all into middle school boys I guess

so capeshit means any movie I don't like?

Like saorise, stone, lawrence just oscarbait and capeshit

Blade is definitely capeshit.

No, it's a trashy vampire flick that happens to be based on a comic

Avengers Age of Ultron is capeshit

Saoirse hasn't done capeshit.

>Her parents are from small villages in the north and south of Sweden
>Her ancestry is Swedish and one quarter Finnish
Literally and figuratively HOW?

What exactly makes Avengers Age of Ultron capeshit and not Blade? Blade is based on a comic book series and is centered around a hero with ridiculous capeshit powers. If Blade isn't capeshit neither is Ironman.

She looks like a Holocaust survivor.

Wouldn't Alicia Vikander be great as Stephanie in the new Short Circuit 3 movie?

Her nose really bugs me. It's like a normal nose and then a little nose on top of that.

i'm sure that also pleases fassbender

you're fucking retarded please shut the fuck up

Nice come back 10/10 rekt

Because Blade isn't cape and it's not shit

Avengers 2 is full of cape-wearing characters and it's also a bland, boring, pointless, steaming pile of shit

The fact that they're both based on comics is irrelevant. Is 300 capeshit? Or V for Vendetta? Or Hellboy?


Hellboy is capeshit, the other two are not.