How do we save Sup Forums?

How do we save Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Who de we get rid of first
>falseflagging redditors
>real Redditors
>Sup Forums cucks
>Twitter niggers
>capeshit faggots from Sup Forums
>porn spammers

Sup Forums by far

You don't when these two want it to be shit

You go back to redd it and forget about it.

It's much better now than when Star Wars TFA came out


I'll post this in every thread, as it is objective truth.

STEP 1: BAN every person who replies to cuck / cunny spam.

STEP2: There is no step 2.

Simple 3 Step Process

1. More Baneposting
2. More reward for receiving dubs
3. More Wheat vs Corn Debate threads

delete Sup Forums, implement karma system and make trips obligatory
post petitions for it on

If we are serious about this thread (and I doubt we are) it is the same as every other board:

1) Original content
2) Lurk moar
>I have no problem with baneposting

I hope you and your whore of a mother get cancer

>Lurk moar
None of the kids from the last few years ever did this.

>more reward for receiving dubs

like this?

As a very, very old person here, I debated the use of "moar." Beyond that, my advice stands, whether taken or not.

Original content.

>3a) you're here forever

hey reddit i'm going to let in you in on a secret it's not possible to ban someone

no, like this.


make me a mod

impeach swaglord
kill the mod/janitor that left up links to hardcore child porn that one time

More Raimi posts.

As another old guy who's be posting here for a decade, no one lurks these days

I see Sup Forums as a river of piss.
Sometimes I piss in it, sometimes I throw coins into it, and occasionally a coin or two floats by me.

i wish i could piss on your face

check em

I wish I was a wishing well

you can pee in my face user, but only if you're a girl. also check em.

It's still an inconvenience, not that I know from experience...



Sup Forums

hang the pedo janny named SANGE

what did (s)he mean by this?

I gravitate between /ck/ /k/ /fa/ Sup Forums /lit/ and Sup Forums but Sup Forums is my home board due to being a person who prefers watching/talking about movies - the problem is Sup Forums is the worst of these boards, and I don't think /film/ or /cel/ would cure this. Sup Forums suffers from an absence of lurk - the concept of lurk is dying, and Sup Forums is an example of this.

>Sup Forums
Kill yourself

>- the concept of lurk is dying
It's dead and buried. I fucking hate young people.

Required minimum number of lurking hours before new users are allowed to post.

You're forgetting the $cientologist that lurk/post on Sup Forums and camped on Sup Forums after chanology.

Badmouth them in threads where their Hollywood people are mentioned (like the ugly fat chick with dead eyes, Tara who's a $cilon) and they come out of the literal woodwork.

You'd then see a decrease in both child star threads, and feet worship threads in one go.

They just deleted several threads full of discussion and left up these remember reporting their actions to hiro is the only way to save Sup Forums

How to improve the quality of Sup Forums by 50%:

delete Sup Forums
delete /r9k/


These boards have the most awful posters who also like to spread out to other boards.

Without irony I blame Facebook, and so long as this place adheres to anonymity I'll support it.

How to improve the quality of Sup Forums by 50%:

multiply Sup Forums posting by 10x
delete Sup Forums


if you delete the boards the users won't leave, retard, they'll find other boards to shit up.

go back to redd it normal fag.

>They just deleted several threads full of discussion
You mean those Sup Forumsshit threads crying about degenerates and niggers?

Ban everyone who came to Sup Forums in 2008 or later. Every board's quality skyrockets. Hell, ban everyone that came after 2006.

then you'd have no posters left


This so much!!!

look at the way he types his posts out with the reddit spacings, he's not even hiding it

There was discussion in those threads. They are leaving up the videogame thread for the same reason

>they'll find other boards to shit up.

Oh you mean like they are doing right now?

Instead of containing these posters all these boards do is attract more of them who then spread out to other boards.
It's you who is reddit. Check out the Sup Forums subreddit and you will see that most of the submissions there are from Sup Forums and /r9k/.

>assblasted Sup Forumscuck REEEEEEing when told to fuck off

Range ban Australia.

Move Sup Forums threads to Sup Forums and ban those users from Sup Forums.

Auto filter any OP that contains "hey mister"

>It's you who is reddit
Actually it's you. If you started posting on Sup Forums after 2011 you are reddit. You might not browse it, but you are reddit simply because they made it possible for you to post here by lying to moot.

> delusional retard thinks he owns the board
deletes racist posts

Here, you dropped these.

It's the television board.

Every other board understands this and doesn't post their shit here. Why can't you Sup Forums fags understand it? Why can't you stay in your board? Why do you need to force your politics on everyone? You are like jehovah's witnesses but instead of ringing the bell you bust through the door.


> killing waifu threads

the problem would get worse if the boards were deleted.
problem as it is right now:
>Sup Forumstard makes a thread on Sup Forums bitching about a movie with a black person in it
>he's told to go back to Sup Forums and eventually mods pwn the thread
>goes back to Sup Forums until he gets bored of his echo chamber again
problem as it would exist without Sup Forums:
>alt-right pussies flood Sup Forums and turn it into Sup Forums 2.0
>Sup Forums is impossible to moderate and is deleted

>Every other board understands this and doesn't post their shit here
Considering your image I don't doubt you support the linked thread though. You meme parasites are very transparent

What the fuck is "Reddit spacing"?

You're supposed to put spaces between paragraphs. That makes it easier to read on the screen.

You mong.

>ignores the 30 what's a movie about threads that were posted in the last hour
>the the straight up TRUMP GENERAL XD that was up for a bit before being deleted
You're cancer too, Sup Forums. Quit fucking deflecting to Sup Forumsermin. You need to fuck off too.

> Every other board understands this and doesn't post their shit here

They obviously do, you don't whine about it because it doesn't hurt your feewings

>That guy over there farted so I should be allowed to drop my pants and shit on the carpet.

All those threads were deleted. Your post also said
>>Every other board understands this and doesn't post their shit here
Which is a clear fucking lie and everyone knows this. Fucking meme parasite

My recommendation is to create /bane/, but make a sticky on Sup Forums stating that a new board had been created to dump all of their memes and get threads. Reverse psychology suggests that they will stay on Sup Forums and shit post til they can't anymore. While the Sup Forumsedditers are having a blast on their shit post vacation, the patricians can have discussion about how which hired gun sucked the least or whatever.

>capeshit whining
>Star Wars shit whining
>girl being in a movie whining
>shitty show that has a general not being made to use general
>capeshit company wars
>celeb said this on social media whining
>gender / race of cast whining
>interracial porn
>"movies women will never understand"
>SJW falseflagging
>waifu thread
>"Me on the left"
>Sup Forums
>pedo thread
>it aint me starts playing
>"is it kino?"
>Who will play [unrelated to film & television] in the inevitable biopic?
>eceleb trash
>[unrelated to film & television] black person doing anything
>What’s his endgame
>celebrity's personal lives drama
>persecution complex whining
>Does anyone know some films about [unrelated to film & television]
>Late night talk show host is... *Sup Forums leans forward in anticipation*.... a cuck! *Sup Forums erupts in applause*
>wtf I hate [unrelated to film & television] now!
>thinly veiled Trump shilling
>Jewish Hollywood Girls
>"What did [unrelated to film & television] mean by this?"
>unflattering pic of celebrity
>screencap + forced meme from shitty movie
>Billy Batts
>Really makes you think
>(Disengage safety protocols)
>quote from Spider-Man movie altered to include Sup Forums humor
>screencap of RT score of blockbuster
>"Thanks for correcting the record!"
>Dan Schnieder posting
>Recommend Trumpkino
>Watch it
>daily Amy Schumer life update
>daily John Oliver life update
>Daily Show host life update
>daily Lena Dunham life update
>white male
>stronk womyn
>Why do women pretend to
>crab legs
>Mary Sue
>blocks your path
>white genocide
>hmmhhm nootka

These threads happen once in a while. Nowhere near the frequency of Sup Forums threads.

>>he's told to go back to Sup Forums and eventually mods pwn the thread

Yeah eventually like after 200 replies.

>>alt-right pussies flood Sup Forums and turn it into Sup Forums 2.0

I think this is just an empty threat. Maybe they would shit up the board for one day but then they would get bored and leave.

I'm impressed you went to that much effort, friend.

They should never be allowed, period

Political agendas and commentary are, and always have been, a part of art.

Stop being such a fragile faggot. I understand hating on straight up r/thedonald threads, but you niggers sperg out anytime anyone links anything to politics.

TLDR: Fuck off brainlet

>retard doesn't understand anonymous posting
And so what if they were deleted? They were still made. Every time I check the catalog, there's at least 5 shitty Sup Forumsbait threads going at once. Every. Fucking. Time. Quit ignoring the main problem with the board and crying about some shitty irrelevant minority.

They want to shut down threads that contradict their narrative because they have no argument, but they know they'll look like the censoring cunts they are if they admit that it's the political views that bother them. So they act like it's everything BUT the politics that are the problem, to the point where they'll try to convince people that discussion of a television station is not related to television.
You already know this, and so does most of Sup Forums, but they seem to think they're fooling people so they keep doing it. It's pretty funny, and one of the main reasons I come to Sup Forums now.

what did they mean by this?

Leave to where?

Maybe we just don't like autistic Sup Forums posters that can't keep their political discussions on Sup Forums.

I guess the real question is, why do you feel the need to post about political topics on Sup Forums?

Does this board have no janitors.? I apply all the time for janitor and never get picked. We have fucking gay porn and tranny pics on the front page. The janitors are shit.

>It's you who is reddit.
>Check out the Sup Forums subreddit

> we

Who, Sup Forumsmblr? You whiny faggots don't represent the board

>Quit ignoring the main problem with the board
That isn't the main problem. People like you aka the ones who spam this shit and save images from meme parasite threads like are the main problem on Sup Forums and have been since the baneposting opened the gates in 2014.
Go ahead and try to claim "Sup Forums culture" I will curbstomp you back to fucking Sup Forums

neither do you whiny alt-right faggots

>Every other board understands this
How new are you faggot?

Where are the people who complain about threads like this made by Sup Forums?? Why are they not complaining about off-topic?

Go full botnet and ban anyone who has clicked on reddit in the last year.

go back to re ddit cuck sucker.

Here's another one you can post when these cancerous Sup Forums capeshit tourist try to pretend otherwise

Fuck off newfag


These faggots are worse than the bronies, they need to die

Well lads? You can answer pro Sup Forumsack posts with anti Sup Forums replies, but can't explain why you're not in there complaining?

Because nobody's in there autistically screeching and arguing that it belongs on Sup Forums is my guess. What do your faggot eyes see?

>Sup Forumstards now whining about being unfairly oppressed and discriminated against
the ironing

Stopped reading right there hothead

>reddit spacing
*takes a closer look at your post*
wait a sec....

*raises paw*
u-um.... what exactly is wrong with r-r-reddit again guys???
*lowers paw*

(((Alt-Right))) Doesn't exist.

Please. Don't make fun of them and their safe spaced.




>neither do you whiny right-wing faggots


Bring back snacks
Bring back luggage lad
Ban Arrested Development threads
That will sort them out.

heres another one!

>that autism