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What's he looking at?

*record scratch*
*freeze frame*

That's me.

You're probably wondering how I got myself into this mess.

Well..let's just say it's a...long story.

*tape rewind*

George Clooney's character

oh i'm sorry, were you trying to start something or being funny?

a ;loaded gun being pointed at him

> tfw to smrt too stop myself from bean cucked


This is genuinely one of my favorite films.

What else are the Coens doing right now? Last I heard about was a TV series called The Ballad of Buster Scruggs or something. Any movies in the pipeline?

Fargo>NCFOM>Inside Llewyn Davis>Burn after reading>A Serious Man>Everything else

The single stupidest film I have ever seen.

tfw to inteligent to get burn after reading

tfw lernt nothing after watching it

But user
that's the point

I rewatched True for the third time the other day and I gotta say, I don't think it gets nearly enough love. It was just a really good western, and there's nothing wrong with that, imo

One of the funniest moment in any Coen film was when Clooney's dildo chair was revealed

I know user I never said it was bad just stupid.

Osbourne...osbourne cox?

Is it Osborn, Ozborn, Osbourn, Ozbourn, Osbourne, Ozbourne, Osborne or Ozborne?

Time for a serious one now, sorry Clooney

What happened to Clooney at the end of this movie? He just walks away?

Yea he gets away

He fled to Argentina

iirc he was fleeing to a non extradition country (venezuela?) but was stopped at the airport

guy relayed to peter parker's boss that he was being detained and he said why, just let him go

so he probably continued on to venezuela in hiding, thinking he might be wanted for murder due to OP


i like this movie a lot but i don't read too much into it for any profound takeaway

one of my favorite Coen brother's moments is the Mike Yaganita subplot in Fargo. so strange on the surface

i found this interesting:


He thinks it's a schwinn

"No one is playing the BLAME game, Larry."

kek everytime

What's a schwinn?


"Well let's not play he-said-she-said either"
she's so good at playing a cunt in that movie

this scene was really well done. I watched it frame by frame

Frame by frame isn't a speed. You watch every movie frame by frame

He doesn't mind. They helped him write his own upcoming movie.

What a dull and pointless post.

I bet you enjoy the movies of Wes Anderson

I don't understand what happened in this scene. Clooney shot him right? It just looks weird.

When I first saw this I was just flipping through channels and this scene was playing. I knew nothing about the movie at this time. All I knew was that I was watching an amazing scene.

They are reportedly writing a ScarFave remake.

yes, and the funny part is clooney was a ranger his whole life, carried around a loaded pistol and didn't discharged it once until the least dangerous person in the world surprised him, hiding in the closet no less


I meant Scarface

Thanks for posting literally the only funny bit I kept laughing about sporadically throughout the rest of the movie
And had people looking at me over their shoulders.