This looks fucking terrible

This looks fucking terrible


>"...your GHOST ;)"

Threw up desu

What the actual fuck did I just watch.

>They took a decent story and turned it into a generic revenge plot

Free will is a myth.
Religion is a joke.
We are all pawns controlled by something greater: Memes.
The DNA of the soul.

>They took a foreign intellectual property known widely for high brow quality in terms of plot, subtext, and writing
>They used it to make a generic Hollywood action movie with a generic plot
>They had a big name actress star in it to promote it
>They shelled out for amazing props and cgi departments

I want the people who fucked this up in spite of being greenlit for a huge budget out of the industry. When you have the budget, the intellectual property, the technical departments, and the starpower to get something made and draw in an audience there is no excuse to do this except for laziness and incompetence.

I don't get why they didn't just use the same plot from the original if you're going to use the name just go all out on the remake.

Because writing, directing, and possibly their lead actress were lazy. Alternately they wanted to, but got vetoed by studio execs.

I guess but I wish if they weren't going to do a straight copycat adaptation they would have gone and done something creative with it.

Why is she calling her Mira?

Also I didn't realize Taken guy was in this


America was a mistake

more and more I realize how the good guys lost WW2

How the fuck do you screw up this bad? Who the fuck approved this? Who the fuck asked for this?

Does ANYONE think this looks good?

It's probably either the director or a studio exec. I imagine it going like this:

>Writer: Okay, so we've got a script for this Ghost in the Shell movie
>Dick: Oh yeah, that action franchise from Japan right?
>Writer: ...yeah, kind of. It's really more of a post-cyberpunk noir kind of film.
>Dick: I'm going to stop you right there. Audiences don't really come to see... whatever that is. I'm going to need you to retool it as an action film.
>Writer: But we've got a rough script and a budget a-
>Dick: Yeah, but the studio doesn't want to take a risk on something like that, just do a generic action film

The Hollywood machine has the capacity to fuck up anything.

I'm still not sure if we didn't nuke the japs enough or nuked them too much.


they "localized" her name

doesn't make me hopeful for that Gunnm movie

oh fuck I have that same shirt I bought when I went on a trip to argentina when I was like 7 years old

>there is no excuse to do this except for laziness and incompetence.

We're way past laziness or incompetence.

This is just downright malevolence.

>check the Wikipedia page because I don't even know who's producing and directing it
>they're all literally who's or people tied to constant failure
Why did anyone expect anything?

Of course the evil corporation
With the evil chairman
That does evil things and laughs humorlessly at their evil doings
But somehow spares the protagonist that later comes back to destroy them

I seriously thought hollywood would grow out of this phase by now. It's exhausting isn't it? If there is a refugee reading this, please don't look for the guys who wrote the script for that movie and blow them to smithereens
i beg pls don't that'll be terrible - boo hoo hoo america will never recover from it and there would finally be peace in the middle east

fans of the og ghost in the shell. In this remake, anybody else think the puppet master is tricking her into thinking she had a past and thats supposed to be some kind of plot twist?

Ugh, I really hope it will be at least 5/10 watchable.

This waking up part looks like shit though.


>This is just downright malevolence.
Gee, who could be responsible for this....

It will be on par with the Robocop and True Recall remakes. Nothing more than a bizarre cinematic misguided and foolish curiosity.

What I don't get is how someone can completely miss the mark on what made GitS memorable and a cult hit.


They is the key to all this

>I want the people who fucked this up in spite of being greenlit for a huge budget out of the industry.
Come on now we all know there is a breaking point where the bigger the budget the worse the film will be.
Bigger budget means more money is needed to be made off it
The way to make money is to appeal to as many people as possible
It's pretty basic Hollywood stuff desu

If you think this is bad then just wait for the Netflix adaptation of Death Note.


Then they should have taken the risk of doing it right instead of going straight to mediocrity.

>yfw there's a leaked pic of "Mira" standing at Motoko's grave

This will never happen as long there are number crunchers at big studios and capeshit keeps making hand over fist

Both are horrid and neither is correct.

GIF Discarded.

Going by SAC season 2 didn't she lose her body when she was a kid because of a plain crash?

The episode this was revealed is the episode the director of this crap focused on. How did they fuck it up so bad.

I blame Marvel fags for this!

That Motoko looks awful.

She cannot act. How the fuck does a director watch that acting and think "this is alright!" Do they just not want to upset her feelings by telling her to do a better job?

Hollywood has become such trash you could literally crowdsource a script at random and get far better results.

We're in the Dark Ages right now.

He's a director who eats his studio's shit and accepts whatever they tell him to do because he wants a shot at doing real movies after "paying his dues". Do you really think he's going to tell an A-list actress that she can't act?

Yeah, fuck it going to re-watch GitS to clean my mind of this bullshit.

>There was an accident
>Do you remember
>Grease fire, McDonalds
>McDonalds, you ordered too much food
>We couldn't save your order

>Kike on a Shell

the city looks cool though right

>cgi fest

Robocop with a female lead.


Post the lazy eye

>inb4 ''human Mira'' parts are the fake memories that the hacker gave to her

It's because it's an anime and they're trying to keep it sort of anime. You don't realize how stupid and autistic it is until your """waifu""" becomes 3D.

how badly will this shit flop?

saw the trailer today before Logan and everybody was either silent or groaning, zero hype.

I hope that one theory about Scarjo being some kind of clone of Major turns out to be true. It's pure cringe otherwise.

It's still cringe, but less so because they aren't COMPLETELY ruining the original

>generic revenge story
why do they go through all the trouble of doing all the legwork of making movies like this and then suddenly run completely dry when it comes to the actual story that they are trying to tell

>Lucy 2


>mira your body was damaged

For all the morons complaining about the deviation form the source material, the choices for casting and changes in the storyline are simple; for this movie to be popular, normies must also have an interest in going to it. Scarlett Johansson is well known and plenty of normies will go to a movie just to see her in it.

Imagine if there was a Japanese woman cast as the main character. No one would give a shit and it would be passed off as low-budget Japanese shit film making to anyone who watches the trailer. This is basic business.

So it's going to be robocop rebooted: feminist edition.
Hollywood strikes again.

No, this isn't laziness or malevolence its fear, the producers were too afraid the audience wouldn't get it &/or they feared being labeled pretentious like BVS.

>>they're all literally who's or people tied to constant failure
No Snow White & the Huntsman was genuinely good.

The Hanka corporation & Section 9 may be separate from each other, Major goes to work for Section 9 out of a desire for justice/revenge on the terrorist who destroyed her human body.
And this isn't nearly as big a divergence from the source as you think, over the course of the franchise we had multiple corrupt organizations/companies, they just used the one who built major in place of one of those so the corruption would hit closer to home for the main character.

>Does ANYONE think this looks good?
Yes very much so but that is heavily dependent on weather or not the primary cast of Section 9 are bad guys also (I don't want them to be)

I don't even care that much for GitS, the 95 anime movie was good and everything else I got bored of after a few episodes, that being said I'm so done with hollywood and endless super hero movies and shitty adaptations of cult classics from different mediums. I don't even have good taste in movies either but even a pleb like myself is sickened by how much garbage hollywood is spewing out.

Some of my family will probably end up wasting money seeing this movie, whenever we're together next I feel obligated to show them the 95 movie just to show them how fucking awful modern hollywood adaptations are.

>What I don't get is how someone can completely miss the mark on what made GitS memorable and a cult hit.
The incredible animation & art.
The philosophizing was only a small part of the movie not the central.

Wow you must be real smart my newfriend. Hows your homework goin?

My biggest question regarding this is why is this Ghost in the Shell?
It's not like Ghost in the Shell is some super popular property in the West. If you were going to make a cookie cutter sci fi action film why not avoid paying for the rights and just make a generic AAA movie with Scarlett Johansson?

Am I glad NGE never got a live-action adaptation.

Now we only need to find a way to make them cancel the Akira-production.

Someone on the project wanted to make it right. The ball got rolling on it. Someone came in and "reviewed" the project once the money came in. Whatever was originally planned was probably axed in favor of the generic bullshit approach favored by Hollywood.

GITS came out before NGE. Give it time.

This is going to be almost as good as Aeon Flux!


Why cant the people who do bad things do it to the bad people? How is a bus full of people going to their 9-5 going to fix the world?

gits mango was released before NGE's, not the animu though.

This, or the usual "Buy an existing franchise because it's low risk and there's an extant fanbase that will presumably watch the adaptation"

Movie came out before the series, Nov 95. NGE finished airing in 96.

They have to do the 3D remake of Princess Mononoke fist.
It will be produced by the Despicable Me guys

>giving hollywood this much credit

>They turn the forest spirits into the next Minions

I just hope the forest spirits become goofy lovable minion type characters with much more screen time this time around.

why did they make her a fat robot

I think this all the time
I lose sleep on this

Wait that is a real behind the scenes image?


Is it me but doesn't it seem like she wasn't the best actress for the part?


>Cowboy Bebop live action
>Spike is play by Ryan Reynolds

The camera work in this show love it.

Mira isn't Motoko. She's someone else who got in an accident and they plopped her in a copy of Motoko's body and fucked with her head to try an replicate Motoko. To get another supercop, or to get someone else who can netmerge with an AI, who knows. But later she even visits the grave of Motoko Kusanagi.
It's a Stealth Sequel.
That's why togusa is old as fuck.
Just what the fuck does that make this Batou though, who knows.

>Mira is not even Japanese
>They hid this to drum controversy over the ethnicity of their lead actress

>high brow quality in terms of plot, subtext, and writing
lmaoing at ur life

I just came by to say



How many more fucking times do we have to spell it out for you fucking naive cunts. Compare EVERYTHING a jew touches to an actual artist. Youll find it to be subverted, degraded and completely drained of any life it once had.


>this movie

>what we should get: sicario vs i, robot
>what we will get: lucy vs rush hour

>Truly, truly, you are the ghost in the shell.

Wow, a little on the nose.

Such a lust for revenge...

>The wait "MIRA" has a robotic body so it must have been done against her will
>Batou has robotic eyes so it must be the result of an accident, nobody would want eyes like that

Oh Hollywood you are so fucking dumb, Jesus Christ!

You'd really think they'd be familiar with the concept of transhumanism.

>Japanese robot people are now white
>Arthurian legendary characters are now niggers
what the fuck is going on

Anno would never let that happen, I'm sure. NGE is an artistic treasure, GITS is a generic anime series.