Didn't even get any nominations

>didn't even get any nominations


(((They))) don't like Christianity

Hacksaw Ridge was nominated for best director, best actor, and best picture.

and won none of those.

did you even watch the film you fucking retard? there was not a trace of pro-christian dogma to be found.

as to OP, the film was beautifully shot and had some good performances, but had some serious problems with pacing and storywise was no oscar material. maybe it deserved a best cinematography nom, but not much else.

did you watch the film you fucking retard?

The whole movie was about suffering in silence for the sake of Christ. It was super Christian.

Let me guess, you're not Catholic, you're a protestant, so if a movie doesn't have in your face hamfisted messages like "God's not dead", you can't tell its a Christian film.

For sure this
Not sure why it didn't get any noms really
Epic movie
And I have no real religious beliefs

It should be nominated for sound editing. Remember the scene when garfield talks and his lips don't move?

>there was not a trace of pro-christian dogma to be found.

If christians like to suffer in silence than not getting nominated should be just fine.

it did get a nomination for cinematography

it was the only one it got

It was nominated for that and that alone

My bad
Some of the fitting was pretty bad actually now that I think about it but I think I am gonna pick up the book and give it a read now


you're the autistic kid in history class that has to relate every battle to an anime fight in naruto

To be fair, it basically had no release.

I was pretty hyped to see it, but not even the weirdo theater near me was showing this during the times when I lookeed.

Like, now that I'm looking on BoxOfficeMojo, it had 7 days where it might have been watchable, yet I (as a hikiNEET who watched tons of TV) saw ZERO commercials for it during that period or the time before.


>spotlight wins best picture
>Silence gets nothing

It was a scorses film that didn't paint all catholics as pedophiles.

So of course the kikes in hollywood didn't nominate it or recognize how stunningly beautiful the film was.

>actually makes a point about history
>hurr u must like anime or sumfin

Why he wasn't nominated?

It was the best performance of the movie.

They snub Scorsese almost every year

nominated for Best Director 8 times, which ties him with Billy Wilder for the 2nd most all-time.

Poor box office is poison for Oscars.

Not him, but was it really PRO-Christian?
Andrew Garfield's character came off as an arrogant idiot towards the end.


oh snap!

Havent even seen silence yet but I can confidently say there is no way Hack Sawridge is better.