1 month until he's 40

>1 month until he's 40
>no wife no kids
I wonder why

A man at that age without a family can be a problem.

A man at that age without a family can be a problem.

Isn't he a notorious oil derrick?

isn't he openly gay?

Because he's wealthy and famous and has as much pussy as he wants?

A man at that age without a family can be a problem.

>I wonder why
what are you implying?
nigga probably its like his character in Shame

he probably read schopenhauer

A man at that age without a family has a problem.

I wonder...

>getting married
>having kids

>no wedding tax

A family that man without problem has a age.

Why are 90's born guys so obsessed with getting married and having kids? Is it because you were raised on shit like how I met your mother?

Yeah, fuck that.

I'd be scared as fuck of getting married if I was a rich/famous peron.

September 27, 1998 NEVER FORGET

having kids is a waste of time and it ruins the girls vagina so have fun fucking some stretched out cunt for the rest of your life

this 2bh
only option is to marry someone also rich and famous that continues to work while you're together

>only 90's people want to settle down

I guess all those other generations just commissioned the state for baby delivery

I thought since he has such a huge dick he just goes around fucking women and partying

If you were in his position would you really want to start a family?

>why are heterosexual males concerned with finding a mate and fulfilling their biological imperative to pass on their genes
Yeah dood this is how i met your mothers fault

Don't know if wikipedia is a good enough source on this. But Alicia Vikander is his partner

>tfw Alicia will never fuck you in the ass with a big black strap-on making her big juicy boobs bounce and bounce and bouce while you have to swallow Michael's giant red cock

Oh I don't know, genetic imperative, only reason we are alive, preserving a legacy, not letting thousands of generations of successful reproduction in your family tree end with your beta life. Stuff like that.


January 31, 2019 YIPPEE


she is nearly flat and average looking


IProbably the reason most actors hook up with each other and don't really get partners outside the hollywood circle


>Alicia Vikander
Not surprising since she's the least white looking white actress

the brendan renaissance its upcoming.
hopefully he will still be alive

I heard he visits r9k in his spare time

Unlike the average wageslave they actually live meaningful lives making money doing what they love so they don't need to create someone to give them meaning.

Also I assume that as an actor you have to be flexible. He could still adopt (which is the more moral thing to do).

>having alimony.

IMDB forums doesn't even exist anymore.

>"I wouldn’t have to keep making shitty movies if you didn’t spend all my money!"

the wonders of being married

I should have worded it better. Why are they some obsessed with other people having kids? Every fucking day it's "why hasn't this person had kids yet?" Worry about yourself. It's not like we're running out of people. Not everyone must have children.

they should hire some hot maids
they'd do more for less money

Kill yourself retarded faggot

>He could still adopt (which is the more moral thing to do).
How so?

Brendan will always be a fucking loser.

>Why are 90's born guys so obsessed with getting married and having kids?
someone has to save the human race from the degenerative generations of the past

hi afton long time no see

Until she tricks you into impregnating her

Well from an evolutionary tribal perspective it makes sense for people to pressure those from their own group to have more children and to prevent those from an outsider group from having children.

Selfish gene theory.

>Alicia Vinkander
>big juicy boobs
nigga, you just went full retard. That being said I'd still drag my balls through 6 meters of broken glass just to lick her toes.

40s is the new 20s

I don't think the anonymous posters from here are a part of the same tribe as hollywood actors. Also bitching about it to other posters isn't going to have any influence on those actors.

But people born in the 90's are the worst people to ever exist. People shit on the boomers but they're nothing compared to the 90's born fags.

every successive generation being born is worse than the last what's your point?

>he didn't watch Lion

DiCaprio is older than him.

2000's kids aren't as bad as 90's fags

I tend to stay away from australian stuff.


i was part of that thread. Brendan had my post deleted. Also rip in peace IMDB boards. wonder what harry_sonic_mix will do now?

He has good taste in surfboards

More like Assbender


>>no wife no kids
Those small town cops kill them you dumb idiot. They used like arrows and shit.

He's a fucking Android


Get used to it, faggot.

Oh vey, I wonder why someone who is rich and famous and has unlimited access to free prime pussy doesn't feel like paying alimony and child support

Why is that fedoras always talk about "evolutionary" this and "biological" that. Jesus what a fucking nightmare

How do I get juicy arms and great shoulders like the Fass bros?

Wifebeating is the irish way of working out

On a healthy and medical factor that's even correct. Compare 40 yo for 30 years with 40 yo today, even without any kind of make up: a complete different world.

The Jews are the ones pushing a man needs a family, so you buy their diapers and baby food.
A man doesn't need a family.
If you have a baby you're supporting the Jews.
Wake up people!
With Jews you lose!

A man at that age without a family can be a problem

Fuck off shlomo

Spotted he baby boomer.

Consider suicide my dude

Get used to what? Your opinions will never reach those people.

>How do I get juicy arms
What the fuck faggot?

>so you buy their diapers
No, its so your kids serve as their employees.

All countries push "family" as important, watch any TV show or late night talk show.

think about what you're typing before you post user

Some of us don't like bitch twig arms faget

Stupid fuck. We aren't slaves to nature anymore. It's easy as fuck to decide "i don't want to have kids". There will be 10 billion people in the next 30-50 years. I find that fucking DISGUSTING. We don't need our biological instincts anymore, only nu-male cucks have kids these days so they can lock their wives in for the long run. (Wives still cheat with chad, who doesn't have kids)

yeah, also has a ton of arrests for domestic violence. i guess playing edwin epps wasn't much of a stretch for him.

Dude I ain't gay er nuttin'

But I'd gay marry Fassbender and then divorce him for the sweet sweet alimony.

>Actor Michael Fassbender has said he was “kind of scared” when his girlfriend Alicia Vikander got a part alongside him in their first movie together.

>The stars began their romance while filming The Light Between Oceans, which had its premiere at the Venice Film Festival. In the movie the pair play a married couple who are desperate to have a child after two miscarriages.
>Vikander herself said that playing a pregnant woman in the movie was "the biggest challenge" for her and admitted to insecurities about the role saying she was worried that audiences might not find her believable because she hasn't a family of her own.
Alicia is working on it.

>be rich
>get yelled at by fucking kids
why would anyone do this

Nope, Kierkegaard is more expexted.


Those who don't want kids will inevitably be replaced by those who do

If you're rich, why the fuck would you want to marry a woman? She can take everything from you at any given moment she wants and there is nothing you can do about it.

Learn from Brendan's mistakes.

Shame, because most men who have kids have inferior genes, e.g. nu-male betas settling for that washed-up stacy.

I think you missed the point user

He has a jungle fever

>Why are 90's born guys so obsessed

It's not 90's born guys, just Sup Forums userbase


As you can see , the place is a nest for angsty teen virginal edgelords.
They live their lives following internet charts and infographics, always looking at the easiest way for justifying their own faults and insatiate lust, and they don't even know how to mantain a relationship.
If any of these guys get the opportunity of reproducing, it will not only be a disgrace for the children, but for them, as they will learn that their life just ended right there.

idiots like you will make whites endangered in the future

Check out their kids. Big, steamy dump in the gene pool there, for DeNigro at least. Her autistic mutts were probably an improvement over what she would have had with a full blooded street 'groach.

"Someday a rain will come..."

Too busy slaying tail and living the kino life.

>plebfag can't even quote it right
>After a certain age, a man without a family starts to be a bad thing...

Malick didn't let him ride in the kino mobile yet, still gotta prove himself.

He looks suspiciously like he wants to fuck Ryan here

being so insecure