What did Steven Spielberg mean by this?

What did Steven Spielberg mean by this?

My friend's mom is a child psychologist and a child therapist.

She actually thinks this movie will be harmful to young children. The plot basically revolves around the boss baby telling kids that their parents are starting to love pets more than them.

For some reason she thinks that's a bad idea to put in the minds of children, that there's not enough love to go around.

I gotta admit, it's a weird premise



>I need more cash for that 4th mansion

I actually thought that as a kid.
I saw a lot of couples with pets instead of kids and I thought I had to compete with pets so my parents wouldn't get rid of me.

Jews like to plant seeds of distrust in childrens' minds early as to cause them to rebel and listen to media instead of their parents.

That's because you're retarded and pets are objectively more noble creatures than you desu.

I don't think it has anything to do with him. I saw the trailer and he had none of Trump's mannerisms. He felt more like a 20s mobster.

Fuck that hack

t. retarded cat owner and his brain parasites

DUDE DRUMPF LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



>Child abusing, alcoholic, racist homophobe
>Also boss baby

You gotta love the left.

>posts on Sup Forums
>doesnt know about Jewish tricks

They are so fucking blatant these days dude its outrageous

t. Retarded cuck who competes with animals for human affection.

You're a bigger parasite than t.gondii

>character is nothing like Trump
>no references to him or his mannerisms or anything
>based on a children's book that predates Trump's bid for presidency

What the fuck is your problem?

simpsons did it

let's be real, this is a libcucks fantasy hitjob on Trump

they are doing everything they can do to undermine the good work he is doing

they literally can't make any movies or commentary anymore without FUCK TRUMP or FUCK WHITE PEOPLE as the main theme

Work on your subtlety.

Work on seeing reality.

>let's be real, this is a libcucks fantasy hitjob on Trump

Just like Sloane #NASTY

Divide and conquer.
(((they))) want to divide families up and turn kids against their parents, effectively creating a generation of sociopaths with no loyalty to anything but money/the system.

>good work he is doing
Like spelling out "hereby"?

he subconsciously thinks trump is a fucking baby


see this a lot, and its never used right

>Movie in production before Trump even announced his candidacy
>Clearly nothing to do with Trump
>Sup Forumsbeards still think it's an anti-trump jewish conspiracy

Are they admitting that they think Trump is a baby or something?

hi shill

hi neckbeard

It looks like the purest form of KINO

>Even people on the right automatically associate an angry baby with Trump

Wew sure is triggered Sup Forumstards in here

Yeah, and still nobody takes you seriously. Must be infuriating.

>being this desperate for attention

play some video games or something dude
get high

Reminder that this movie was greenlit before Trump announced his candidacy.

The fat manchild next to me in the theater screamed STEWIE!!! when they showed this trailer

Is this any good? me and the missus liked 'nine lives', is it similar