What was the point of this character in Batman V Superman?

What was the point of this character in Batman V Superman?

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>everyone thought she was going to be Batgirl

remind me, who is she?

>implying Snyder would actually have amazing ideas to put in this movie
Instead what did we get? Man of Steel 2 with boring political scenes and 10 minutes of great stuff.

some girl who works at a lab that Amy goes to for advice on the bullet I think

DCEU's Felicity Smoak

She also reveals that the chair bomberman sat in was lead shielded

Political questions are more interesting than quips

Snyder's fetish whore that got in the movie in exchange for sex

>friends with director
>friends with Refn
>rumored to be Batgirl
>Refn making Batgirl

She's Batgirl , undercover in this scene to spy on Lois

she gets shot in the face twice in the extended director's cut

no. they fucking werent. we watched like 4 different scenes of lois investigating a bullet with random black general guy.

we see lex luthor awkwardly molest some unnamed senator with candy and then just have handed to him everythign he needs to make doomsday in his first scene.

is badpolitik

the blonde hair is definitely a wig

wow so this is the good cinematography everyone praise about this movie?


Can see her as Batgirl

otherwise Im gonna go with best Emma as Barbs.

damn she is...attractive

why is she having a side role in every other film now a days?

it's top kino

She examined the bullet for lois
plot development >>> fan-service

I like your style. Do you have a tumblr/deviantart/blog or something?

Excellent choice.

>judging a film's cinematography from a 7 second clip
don't you have a capeshit thread to shitpost in? Oh wait...

>picking fake redhead with no tits

best thing about nocturnal animals in my humble opinion.

why is she always so underused, bros?

Why is she dressed like The Guy from Spy Kids 3D?


she's always a side kick or an extra.

When will Jemna get the spotlight desu?


>Jenna Malone will never fondle your corpse

thanks bub. starting writing for episodes for a yt reaction/commentary meme painting series in like an hour. start shooting maybe on wednesday. fill free to sub m8



to be awesome?

Jena Malone is always aweseom :3

Could you do one of the goose laughing plz?

I'm both disgusted and aroused.

>channel does not exist

wew lad

definitely gonna do a goose and a rare refn. laughing from the oskars?


If it was really man of steel 2, Superman would have had more than 50 fucking lines.

>50 fucking lines.

whoa 50? ultimate Cut was 20, the fuck?

The camera loves Jena Malone.

She would have been a good Harley/Batgirl/Oracle/Catwoman

>lesbian rape

Why are there no good porns that involve this? It's always some shitty "forced" scene that winds up with someone pulling a dildo out and becomes a regular porno

Snyder doesn't like to pander to retards.

some people thought she was going to play Robin

But Felicity is DC's Felicity Smoak.

to give feminists someone to relate to

giving me a bonner

cute doggo

>Which are you? Food or sex?
What did she mean by this?

Anyone else think her role in Bastard Out of Carolina fucked her head up for life?

To give me a fetish for hip childless jewesses who work in media

because if the rape-ee didn't get into it at some point, she'd just push the raper off.

>swn rape you