So Sup Forums who wins?

So Sup Forums who wins?

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The tiger

Shere Khan is a Tiglet and would get wrecked by Mufasa

Lions are smaller but more aggressive.

Tigers are stronger, but go in for quick, lethal strikes and try to leave where a lion will swing blindly like a drunk guy fighting outside of a bar.

Shere Khan is supposed to be lame and blind in one eye. So there's that.

Mufasa would p fuck him up bad.

Tigers are bigger than lions m9

>there is an entire wikipedia article on this shit with different thesis and comparisons from everything to skull size to roar

Mufasa is dead, so shere khan

Also Shere Khan is a bengal tiger, which are smaller.

How about we just settle it once and for all by pitting tigers and lions together in a gladiatorial match at the zoo or some shit?

No, faggot

It was made by an Indian autist

No one realized that's not mufasa?

Lions have manes, though

No they aren't you retard

What if you let people bet on it and used the profits to fund animal welfare?

True. But lions live in prides and fight all the time. Tigers are solitary and give each other plenty of space. They have no idea how to fight another big cat.

It's a pretty fun read though.

Kinda sad they can't get along, they're both cats ;_;

They're smaller than Siberian tigers. Maybe only slightly bigger than a large lion.

I'd say Mufasa.

For some reason, I just don't think Shere Khan would be able to handle those hyenas as easily as Mufasa did.

Shere khan was literally the king of the jungle

Simba was stronger than Mufasa

Bengals max out at 300kg+ lions max out at 250kg+

Bengals are alot bigger

Hyenas were portrayed as pussies compare that to wolves

India's wildlife is a lot different than Africa's. Tigers are dealing with small stuff like tapirs, monkeys, the only threat to them are elephants and humans. Plenty of lush greens and food around. Africa's much more treacherous. Tigers pretty much just walk around in the jungle doing whatever the fuck they want with no problems, while lions compete with giant packs of hyenas over food sources, have to find water, have to deal with other prides, etc.

>Kinda sad they can't get along, they're both cats ;_;
Are you fucking retarded?

If Shere Khan isn't a particularly large Bengal (he's supposed to be kind of a runt) and Mufasa is basically one of the biggest lions, it's at least an even fight.

Everyone hear is forgetting that Tigers attack the neck, both when hunting and when fighting rivals. If they try to bite a lion's neck get a mouthful of fur

You leave him alone!

They will try a couple times then go for the stomach.

Fuck you faggot, he shouldn't be so retarded.

This is no decisive factor, herbivoros who only fight leaves in their whole life would destroy both tigers and lions. A tiger who only hunts monkeys and tapirs still bigger and stronger than a lion


Why do you say that

>africa is much more treacherous.

You clearly have no idea of the perils of the indian jungle. Tigers hunt anything and everything and on thier own while a lion sits back letting its bitches do the work

Its a decisive victorg for khan

part of the reason moogle was able to defeat shakir was because that tiger was already afflicted with certain gimps iirc

They did that back in the 20s.

The result was the lion won.

Tigers are stronger, yet it went for the lions neck. It couldn't get through his main. The lion cleaned up after the tigers attacks failed.

In the book he was limp but that doesn't apply to the animated version

Tiger takes it 7/10 times. There are several more instances of tigers mauling lions to death

In the tiger vsion Wikipedia article the tigers scratch the lions to death.

The new Jungle Book movie was more accurate. The 70's animated version is just a musical afaic.

More importantly who would win ManBearPig Vs Scuzzlebutt

>functional fitness athletes
>rely on themselves and only themselves
>can jump 15 feet in the air
>can climb up virtually anything
>Razerblades for claws
>incredible stealth

>more like bodybuilders, eat, sleep, hunt for food once in a while, repeat
>rely on a pack to stay alive
>cannot jump as high as a tiger
>cannot climb nearly as good
>claws aren't as sharp
>newbie stealth gains

Sorry. 1 on 1. a Tiger is walking away the winner.

Animated Shere Khan was a pansy poof.

Well that just turns it into rape in favor of shere khan

You forgot tigers are

>stronger bite force


Shere Khan was basically Lex Luthor though

citation needed

lions are pretty damn retarded. pic related is a story of a lion killing a tiger, bear, and a cow then got killed by a fucking horse. dude's fucking imbecile.

Why Mufasa? Should be Scar or Simba.

simba was a pussy

Scar said that he is weak, and it is a fight

The moment near the end of the movie with simba jumping towards Scar when he was hanging on a clif was supposed to show that he was stroger than Mufasa, Simba survived the same situation that got Mufasa killed

Mufasa was exhausted from being ran over by the stampede and climbing the wall tho

Who would win, Saitama or the entire Justice League?
Keep in mind, his mother's name is not Martha.

Not that guy but you're welcome

ends doesn't justify the means
it would not generate a profit big enough to be significant either

Wasn't Shere Khan a total bitch in the original story? Didn't he hunt mancubs because he wasn't good enough to hunt anything worthwhile?

How does this make the lion retarded?
He fucking defeated 3 powerful beasts beforehand, and might have already suffered fractures, internal bleeding or even damage to sensory organs.

Bear beats both, unless it's a Siberian Tiger then it comes down to who goes first

I know your point was the lion's idiocy but I was amused/disgusted by them throwing a fucking cow with her baby into the arena. Shouldn't they have kept them for last to see if that would provide a fairer fight? Now I'm just intrigued by that horse. Where did you get this from?

Man, and horses are total pussies.
Literally the average NEET in this thread could fight a horse and win if he's coming at it from the front or side.

>horses are total pussies
>The only animal suicidaly insane enough to agree to do steeple chases is a a pussy
Kill yourself

They really are pussies. I did a lot of work on my grandma's farm growing up.
They would spend the whole day crying and moaning over the smallest cuts or bruises.

Sounds like you had gay horses to me mate

that's like every horse, man
they're really fragile animals. their rib cages are ridiculously brittle

You've never dealt with stallions have you? Total cunts, they don't give a fuck about their shitty bone density

That's a farm horse, a wild horse will fuck you up.

>Where did you get this from?
i got it from a random forum but i forgot the name. some forums literally have threads that are nearly 800 pages of people arguing over who's better/would in in a fight lion or tiger. they get like pictures, videos, stories. shit that happened 4200 ago when that random lion did that and that who gives a shit tiger killed this. threads that last 7 or 8 years. it's crazy. lion vs tiger stuff is bigger than Messi vs Ronaldo for some people.

My grandpa literally has recordings of his unit arguing with some natives during his military service about tiger vs lion. Fucking ridiculous shit.

>The next Death Battle is Venom Vs. Bane
>Not even joking

>source, anonymous tiger expert

i have worked with tigers, you have no idea what they are capable of

How do you think they maintain their territory retard?

Lions are just big ass cats that can get killed by giraffes and can't pierce through buffalos hides, the only reason they're that high on the food chain is their pack strategy.

Tigers are cold-blooded hunters and killers, much heavier and live in the fucking jungle

Lions = Normies
Tigers = Edgelords

lowlife autistic scum