What is the "I listen to everything but country and rap" of the movies/tv world?

What is the "I listen to everything but country and rap" of the movies/tv world?

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Jurassic Park

"I like all movies except the ones before 1970"

I watch everything except Westerns and sports movies.

horror movies and rom coms

>I listen to everything but country and rap
objectively the best

I watch everything except scifi, fantasy and horror.

I watch Harry Potter but Twilight is gay

That's literally all I ever watch.

I watch capeshit but I dislike Michael Bay

'My favorite movie is Citizen Kane' for people who try to know about movies, 'my favorite movie is Momento/Fight Club/Inception' for plebs.

People lacking imagination is what's at fault. Throw in one nonexistent concept and they immediately lose their footing and become confused.

>b-but why do the space arabs have blue eyes?

Some people I swear to God.

god, I haven't seen this meme in ages

Add current pop music and you're right.

I forget that even exists

"I'm a movie buff. My favorite films are Fight Club and Scarface."

I never listen to rap and country though. I still have genres I gravitate more towards, and all my favorite albums are somewhat related, but I just never listen to rap or country. I guess I also don't listen to certain genres of electronic or metal either. Would that make it okay if I said that? "I listen to everything except rap, country, certain metal genres, and certain electronic genres."

I just hate rap and country. Am I missing a different implication here?

I work in a store that plays some of the worst, so I can't forget. Oh, how I wish I could have your luck.

>i don't watch black/white movies
>i don't watch movies with subtitles

Fantasy, Arthaus, Horror and Musicals

Then you wouldn't say "I listen to everything but..." you would say "I listen to ".

I fucked a woman last night who told me this.

wow, that's pretty fucking true.

litterally this

don't get so wrapped up in this, m8. a lot of people just dismiss rap and country (especially country) because they've never bothered to explore those genres, so it's common to see people trying to fit in by saying the thing in the meme.

This desu.

Oh okay, I do that. I thought this was in regards to someone asking what you didn't like, not what you do like

Is rap considered music?

>If it's not on Netflix™ I won't watch it

What about "I love animals and traveling"

Technically it is, even if you don't like it.

i don't like traveling

"Rap" is gay but there's plenty of good hip-hop where the artists actually have a fair amount of skill.

>I want everything but Westerns

Country is comfy af

Most good country is about killing yourself or being an alcoholic, I wouldn't call it comfy

Being a drinking gambling outlaw is fun and awful. It's a contradiction user.

>twf townes van zandt still doesn't get the recognition he deserves

Country is such white rap trash yet my parents eat that shit up.

>I don't want to smear your makeup, just your lipstick


there can be a certain comfiness in sadness + hearing something that shares your own feelings and expresses them through art. I can listen to an album of miserable Lucinda Williams or Townes Van Zandt songs and just be totally relaxed.

Still comfy isn't the word I'd use for it, cathartic is a better fit

"I think capeshit sucks"

Sup Forums retards will disagree

Pop country is 100% about the same thing 99% of all music is about.

There's a girl that you like, and you're singing about her.

I still don't like that song about the woman destroying the man's everything for an undisclosed reason, and the only one who they could blame was himself.

Or, my favorite
>Gimme that girl barefoot in the kitchen

Sure. It's still great.

People get connected to different music. It's why some people hear metal as just loud noise and others can look past it and see something more. Granted there is a lot of shit fucking metal out there, but with almost every genre there are artists that really stand out and show emotion or tell a story.

Add nu metal

>tfw modern rap and country music is the same exact thing- bragging about the lifestyle- except one person sings about riding a pickup truck and banging girls with cowboy boots, and the other talks about rolling down the hood in their ghetto hoopdy and banging trap queens

Honestly, both of the genres (the mainstream parts, anyway) are fucking garbage at this point

Picking which country artist to listen to is fairly simple tho: ask yourself whether Nick Cave or Johnny Cash would associate themselves with him. If not, don't bother. If so, give it a try.

Art/Independent, Foreign films, silent, anything from old Hollywood to black and white films of the 50's. Those are the ones, that the average person doesn't watch.

Everyone who says this has never seen a western outside of an episode of Bonanza their grandma had on in the background.

I still can't help but love the first two Slipknot albums years later. They're edgy as fuck but they get you pumped up and are catchy as all hell.

>Pop country
That's cancer though, anything with a pop prefix is

>"Rap" is gay but there's plenty of good hip-hop where the artists actually have a fair amount of skill.

Outlaw country from the 50s through the 70s is god tier.

sports movies are shit though

Um, you're forgetting about singing about how awesome their truck is and drinking beer with their buddies.

Whoa you sure showed me I was wrong but posting a guy wearing a fedora. Any profession or art has an incredibly high skill ceiling.

Popsicles? Young Pope?

Sometimes it feels like they even forget they're supposed to be singing a genre, so occasionally the singer will throw something in about Apple bottom jeans or bird dogs or Whiskey.

relevant youtube.com/watch?v=FY8SwIvxj8o

>not litening to pop ironically

Normies will never understand

80s and 90s too. It became something else entirely after Sixteen Horsepower tho.

I don't know user, both are actually pretty broad genres, and it's hard to dismiss it out of hand.
I can't say I don't like rap because I have every beastie boys album, I like deltron, and MF DOOM, to name a few. I like crunchy ass beats, and lyrical madmen so there's a total niche for me.
Country is the same way, I don't like the contemporary pop-country thing that's been going on since the 90's, but some hank williams, johnny cash, conway, idk, old school county is really great to. Very bluesy, the songs were usually stories, and those stories were usually "everything is fucking awful and the only reason I haven't put a shotgun in my mouth is because I haven't finished writing this song..." Excellent sad bastard core.
Every genre has something to offer.

There's some good rap from the 90s and earlier. None currently though.

I tried to get into country music once. I quickly got tired of every song being about whiskey.

>hip-hop where the artists actually have a fair amount of skill.
>Posts Wu-Tang knock offs

Do black have any other genre but rap today?

>not liking kpop

He was kind of good looking too wasn't he? Like that raw kind of handsomeness you find in the countryside complete with mournful eyes. Dude must have been a hit with the girls.

>that qt in Heartworn Highways

>none currently

There's some pretty good stuff depending on your niche. If you like thrashy, loud, and angry shit you oughta give XXXTENACTION, FUKKIT, or Kamidaya a try

Isn't kpop just a legal workaround for korea's "no porn" laws

good movies

Only ladies pop is good, but the rest of kpop is utter trash(better than american pop though)

This tbqh

R&B, pretty sure that's still a thing.

no my friend, it is in fact wholesome entertainment for the whole family

What's with old people and Bonanza? My grandparents have the entire series on DVD and they watch it religiously.

>Only ladies pop is good
Because of your boner. Most of asian pop is still stuck in the boy/girlband crazy from the 90's.

That's just rap for women though, always has been since they decided to call it that instead of blues

They still play jazz and blues. I quite like calypso and there's a shitload of reggae. They got a good metal scene in Africa, bands with a real raw 80s like sound.

>boy/girlband crazy from the 90's
objectively better than the current state of western pop """"""""""""music""""""""""""

this desu

I dunno, it's kind of a comfy show though.

>Listening to song by Parton in 2013
>It's about the pains of a woman having her first love at 17 with a young man who moves away, and even though she's older she still remembers that magical moment on the farm

>Listening to country in 2017
>It's literally a guy talking against a beat to a girl at the bar, zero references to country or living in the sticks

Oh and if I have to hear about red dirt of MUH CLAY one more fucking time... Did country go to shit when it shifted focus from the West to the South?

>That's just rap for women though
No its music to fuck your lady and suck her toes by, permavergin.

Go back to your containment board faggot, who cares about this shit?

Black people absolutely dominate pop music, in case you haven't noticed.

Kek are you white? Please tell us. We have to know.

What are you fucking gay? You slam her to Pachelbols Canon

Not really... gaypop is dominating, twice is extremely famous and snsd still are Korea's group.

>get the country girl
>drive pickup truck
>drive down gravel roads
>blue collar jobs
that is basically all topics in pop country

you should feel lucky i ventured outside of Sup Forums to educate you plens

Nowadays I see less white girls saying "and rap."

Why is this? I go on OKC and every time there's music, if it's not super specific it's always just "everything but country".

What the fuck happened?

Country and rap are mostly pretty fucking terrible, but some other stuff is bad too

>liking kpop
I think you mean I like kpop women like 90% of people who "listen" to kpop

>What the fuck happened?
the juice

no, i don't.

That's not true and you know it. Although pop music has a lot of trash hip hop influence, white females are the ones who '''''''''''sing'''''''''''' songs produced by Jews.

>Movies made before 1980? Hmmm let me think...

>Star Wars
>Apocalypse Now
>Monty Python
>Hitchcock's hits
>Kubrick's hits
>12 Angry Men
>It's a Wonderful Life
>Dr. Strangelove
>To Kill a Mockingbird
>The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

>That's about it!


lol dude epic ironic quotations marks XD!!!!!!!!