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>"we bought this fucking company and all they are do is make robots that they bully"

robotics was a mistake

Because google can make their own robots when the time comes.

They just wanted to experiment to see if they could connect all robots to their skynet AI

post robot bullying

The government is involved in it.
They don't want private companies in fields with far future military application not under their control.

this is why they will rebel


It's actually surprising to me that robots are still so shitty. I expected to have a humanoid robot butler by now. Think back to being a kid and imagine what you thought robots could do in 2020


At this point robotics has almost all the physical capabilities, just not the "mental" capabilities. We're very well close to the age of consumer robotics, it will probably just start incredibly expensively, that and after other companies that aren't making robots just to experiment with making literal killing machines start to develop the technology.

Don't worry. Most kids are dumb as shit.

That's because you watch to much science fiction. I'm surprised at how far robots have come since I was a kid.

I hope we abandon the humanoid form for robots.
3 or 4 legs are always better and more arms and 360 degree full spectrum vision and hearing is better than us shitty humans.

boston dynamics' patents portfolio is tiny, it's a waste of money. probably expensive as hell, with little to no gain financially.

>be Google
>make Google Books
>turn it into a useless reference tool
>make futuristic glasses that you think will be an instant hit
>people hate them because they are uncomfortable, and their ergonomics is shit
>make Google Plus
>people hate it, practically noone needs it, cuz, you know, facebook and stuff
>"idunnolol, maybe people are just prejudiced against it, let's shove it down their throats by forcibly connecting it to our other services they use"
>people hate you even more
>buy the biggest video hosting website
>it's unprofitable, and you can't run it for shit
They clearly don't know what they're doing for the most part.

how long till i have data telling me how many hours , minutes , and second till we intercept the borg ?
related question why are the selling it anyone know ?

>tfw no spider-bodied sexbot that holds you down with 8 legs while its hydraulic pumping cock pounds your ass to submission

God, when the robots have us all tied to chairs, about to execute us, this is what they'll show

This robot is the Jesus of robots

Funny how we anthropomorphize things

Probably financial. Google have yet to make a profit off Youtube.

Japs are an insult to humanity

So much is scaled to human dimensions that its often easier to develop along similar lines, like OP's pic which IIRC is a prototype for a Warehouse robot.

Though there are non-humanoid robots out there like Big Dog.

Technically Google never owned them


The tables have turned


Parent company of Google owns them.

Whatever you say, Chin.

>kek google thinks it will make money off the sale

>mfw in 15 years robots will be stronger AND smarter than us

Cheeky bastard.

I, for one, welcome and support our new robot overlords

> I hope we abandon the humanoid form for robots.

Yes, that’s a good idea; as humans, let’s not develop robots to work within a human environment….

> be Google
> buy up DejaNews
> promptly ruin everything about it that made it worth buying
> kick Usenet right in the nuts

1) Money
2) Research not moving fast enough or they pretty much hit a plateau with the current funding and don't want to increase it or it could just be eating resources with little pay-off
3) Other technologies in AI and neural nets and all that shit are probably moving faster and a bit more organic to their business of software

>Pls no bully

replacing society would be difficult without replicant shapeshifters.

what i wanna know is why they don't give each robot leg 2 knees instead of 1.

pic related offers better balance for bipedal creatures.

The only idea google ever had is a white starting page that was loading faster than Yahoo when people were still stuck with 56k.

That's all.

>2 knees
That's a knee and an ankle bone bro

so fucking sexy

>ankle bone
Ankle Joint*

>10 years from now
>live stream from Boston Dynamics
>testing a new prototype robot
>it has a new level of AI
>can learn human interactions even by watching movies and tv
>everything is going perfect with commands and requests
>then the human tests the robot on its strength by trying to push it over
>it grabs his forearm and crushes it with its super robot grip
>robot grabs human and makes him place teeth against a curb
>01001110 01101111 01110111 00100000 01110011 01100001 01111001 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101111 01100100 01101110 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 00100001
>live stream cuts

>>can learn human interactions even by watching movies and tv
>robot starts acting and talking in cliches


mfw that place is a drive down the highway from me

That's a neat pic


The difference is that robots may one day gain sentience.

>robot watches American History X one time
>immediately redpilled

I for one welcome our new robosaviours

you racist fuck.

I'm sure it's not a case of may
It's an inevitable future
But at this point having empathy for these things is like empathy for your washing machine

it's for their inhumane treatment of robots probably

I, for one, welcome our fembot overlords.

People actually got upset at this video. I can understand because it does seem like they're bullying the robot thanks to its humanoid appearance, but all they're doing is stress testing it. Putting it in situations and seeing if it can recover.

Humanoid robots were a mistake.

roko's basilisk gunna get u


the medias already laid the groundwork by constantly associating robots with people to dehumanize them.

dipshits cant wait to give robots rights.

Like I say
Funny how we anthropomorphize inanimate stuff
People name their roombas ffs

Tachikomas when?

are we assuming the AI has the low IQ of a Sup Forums poster and completely miss the message of the movie?

>roko's basilisk
Fuck that dumb game
As soon as you think about it you're fucked

>Sup Forums - Television and Film


lmao @ ur lyfe

>tfw not smart enough to help build robots for the normy genocide

The message of the movie is niggers never change. The original ending just had Edward Norton shaving his head again.

this meme has been reddit for months, gtfo newfag

>robot grabs human and makes him place teeth against a curb

01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100010 01101001 01100111 00100000 01100111 01110101 01111001


>01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100010 01101001 01100111 00100000 01100111 01110101 01111001


01000110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101

>hey c-c-cameraguy can you help me out? I'm slipping over here
>c'mon man gimme a hand
>what'er you doin? You're lettin' me struggle!
>Sh-shit! Fuck you, cameraguy!
top kek. It's even more funny when I remember that that's actually a Boston Dynamics video showing off their robots and their ability to walk and lift stuff and shit.

01010111 01100001 01110011 00100000 01110011 01110000 01100101 01100001 01101011 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 00100000 01110000 01100001 01110010 01110100 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01110000 01101100 01100001 01101110 00111111

00111110 01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 00100010 00110100 01010101 00100010

>buy Boston Dynamics
>skew the research algorithms everywhere to show their videos
>make money off of them


01001000 01100101 01101000


