Now that the dust has settled, how was this flick? Is it actually worth a watch?

Now that the dust has settled, how was this flick? Is it actually worth a watch?

Imagine a bad SNL skit stretched out to two hours


It's ok. I didn't hate it when I watched it.

just make sure you get at least one buddy and a big bottle of whatever booze fits you best. Take a shot everytime a joke was unfunny or felt forced.

This might be the most accurate way to describe it.

Man Kristen Wiig is so hot I'd have sexual intercourse with her NOT just for human reproduction.

It has some good jokes and some horrible ones. It's not in your face SJW bullshit, just a mediocre comedy. Meh. Not worth the hate or praise it got from either side of the spectrum.

I hated this movie, but I got rock hard when she started trying to dance with Chris Hemsworth.

it was pretty bad the box office and critics prove that. i mean seriously did we really need a reboot of a good series ?

>It's not in your face SJW bullshit
The part where the FBI agents are arguing over penis size is what I would describe as "in your face SJW bullshit".

NO. Worst movie of 2016 by a fucking mile despite what the """critics""" say.

I'm not even anti-feminist but it deserved to win every razzie in the book.

Painfully unfunny to the point of considering suicide.

Okay, I admit I only watched it once and don't remember anything about it. Overall it's not in your face SJW bullshit.

It's not the worst.

A solid 4/10

It had a lot more of it than you remember.

Literally every male character in the film is a stereotype that feels like it was dreamed up by an SJW. The only one who isn't depicted as being a horrible person is Chris Hemsworth and that's because they decided to make him the stupid hot guy instead.

The villain is literally just an SJW's interpretation of all the guys who have bashed the movie on the internet.

I remember enough to know that you are over-interpreting.

>The villain is literally just an SJW's interpretation of all the guys who have bashed the movie on the internet.

Did you even watch the movie?

No, I'm really not. You either don't remember enough of it to know, or you don't actually comprehend anything when you watch a movie. It's ok, lots of normies do that.

Did you?

It wasn't as terrible as everyone was making out but it wasn't good. I chuckled like twice. Once at black lady saying "room of nightmares" and once at Thor getting a sandwich thrown at him.

The main problem was that EVERY SINGLE FUCKING CHARACTER was a fucking cartoon. Every one was a quirky quip master that had some eccentric spin whatever dumb role they were. The first ghostbusters had normal people doing normal people shit and the Ghostbusters were even more tame than even side characters in this reboot. The villians are supposed to be the ones that interact with everyone like they're out of place.

Yeah I did. I remember it to know you are either full of shit or projecting your own insecurities on to a character. The character wasn't some sexist douche bag.

The flick, not the leads

He was a short pudgy guy who hates going out in public and literally tries to use the Ghostbusters logo to kill the female stars at the end until they turn it around on him by shooting him right in the patriarchy.

Look, you just don't comprehend anything when you watch movies. You turn your brain off, look at the colors, and wait for the movie to end. It's ok. Normies all over the world do this. You're no different.

Yes it was. 2016 was a awful year for movies in general but Ghostbusters topped the book in just about every category imaginable except maybe cinematography.

I can't even laugh ironically at it because it desperately wants to be self-aware of it's own stupidity AND yet expects the audience to go along with it at the same time. Newsflash: you can't have it both ways in the writing of comedy.

They've openly said that it represented people who preemptively shit on the movie.

Also, they didn't have to make the main villain sexist because they already made almost every other male character in the movie sexist.

but they did anyway

>Look, you just don't comprehend anything when you watch movies

At least I know what metaphor actually are.

I don't know. Was the main villain really sexist?

I remember most of the movie, but it has been a while.

Too bad the writers couldn't come up with an effective quip to save their lives.

>Hey look! I'm fat and I only have ONE wonton in my soup, that's funny right?!

>He's sexist because he tries to kill the heros who are girl.

You are trying way to hard to make this into something it's not.

I never said the character himself was sexist. I'm saying he was a sexist metaphor. Damn, what I did just say about not being able to comprehend shit?

Could it have been saved if Feig wasn't an utter doormat that let them improve every scene?

I'm saying you are bad at mataphor and this metaphor doesn't work.

Explain your reasoning then. All you keep saying is "you're wrong". I've explained it and you can't even come up with a comeback to it. All you can say is, "Nope. Wrong."

You're obviously an SJW who's just in denial.

The entire movie felt ad-libbed to the point that I wonder whether there was ever even a script to begin with.


How this movie ever got "Fresh" score is a fucking mystery to me.

If Feig's to be believed, that's because they threw the script out the window the moment the camera started rolling

I think the only funny part was Kate McKinnon asking where Wiig got the tiniest bowtie in the world, and her dancing to "Rhythm of the Night" but that's just because I love The Last Dragon

Didn't you hear? 72% is now considered "Fresh"

Your explanation is that he represent these people because he was a short pudgy guy who hates going out in public. That image isn't the known representation of a sexist person. If the character had been a frat boy douche maybe.

Your second point was that he turned into their logo and tried to kill them. Their logo doesn't really represent feminism. He was trying to kill the whole world not just women.

>They shoot them in the the patriarchy.

No they shoot him in his non existence balls. Because that just the kind of shitty comedy this movie had.

And Sony LET him? On a $140 million+ investment (before marketing)? No wonder they're fucking dead in the water as a studio.

They were dumb enough to think that his style would work as well for a high budget movie as it did for low budget ones.

It's a good movie to get high or hammered to. It's funnier to laugh at than it is to laugh to.

How the fuck did this guy even graduate film school? Even an amateur knows you can't just ad lib your way though an entire plot-heavy franchise movie, especially one with extensive CGI post-production work required.

Better question is what special brand of hash were the critics smoking when they reviewed this movie.

It gets worse.

There was an extremely expensive scene that cost multiple millions to shoot because it required closing of a section of the city for a couple of days.

They shot it. test audiences found it extremely unfunny, everyone realise the scene was terrible and it got cut. They ended up sticking parts of it in the credits I believe (the dance number)

They authorized multiple millions on a scene in a comedy that not only could have been done far cheaper, but was plainly obvious that it was terrible before they even filmed it.

I believe it was basically all down to Amy Pascal who was responsible for so many of the terrible Sony Pictures decisions down the years.

No. I didn't even fall into the goobergate shit when everyone on Sup Forums was bitching about this. But its objectively bad. I watched it with my girlfriend, neither of us even chuckled once and she actually likes Kirsten Wiig.


I felt sorry for Wiig.
In all her scenes with McKinnon, I felt like she was resisting the urge to bolt out of the nearest fire escape.

lol so much airbrushing in this poster trying to make these chicks look fuckable

the funniest moment this movie produced is this image.

The strain Virtue Signalling

Unironically one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I found literally nothing enjoyable in it. All that manufactured media controversy and THIS is what it was all for?

You could say it's backlash against movies generally having only stereotypical women characters. Doesn't make much sense to do this in a ghostbusters movie, tho.

It was shit. I grinned here and there but mostly at how shit the jokes were. Hemsworth though was legitimately funny