Transgender Drama ‘3 Generations’ Gets Release Date

I download this movie moths ago

It was trash

that's the old version

>"3 Generations" and why casting cisgendered actors to play trans folk characters is not okay

>3 Generations

kek isn't this About Ray?

3 Generations was the title used during filming.

Is this a new cut?


Ah, okay.

It seems like the film has been going through distribution hell. Was that because of how upset the film made the transgender community?

the version shown at TIFF wasn't that good

Elle no ;___;

I see Elle is finally going after the little golden man statue

why does she always get typecast as a boy

she also has Mary Shelley and The Beguiled coming out this year

elle yes

just crop the bottom half and she wouldnt look like a tranny


whos the star?

optimus penis (female)?

pic related are the stars

I want her to use my throat as a cock warmer

>Elle doing a Mary Shelly biopic

Im down

"A Storm in the Stars" was a better title tho



What kind of creature is that?

What is that penis-like shape between her thighs? Is it a penis?

God elle is so fucking physically perfect

Mary Elle

Now I have a trans fetish

So, if you prefer to identify as the gender opposite your own, does that mean you have internalized sexism?

A neon demon

>all those old jews in the background