She runs Westworld

>She runs Westworld.



She gets turned into swiss cheese in the finale

>Being so beta that you knowingly and willingly assist a female android that you have complete control over to rise to power so that she may go to war with you and your kind

I know that many of you are beta, but it should be some small comfort to know that you'll never be THIS beta

that level of betadom is reserved for the gooks

No, she's a board member. Faggot.

Easy there sweetie

He saw that somebody else had already altered her. Somebody really high up in the company. There was really no good option there.

A don't mind a quadroon female in a position of power, but they should have picked someone much older. Still have her fuck a robot and all. I just can't see a 35 year old company woman running high level operations at a zillion dollar company. This wasn't a zuckerburgenstein situation either. She didn't create or steal and claim anything that I'm aware of.

>She's playing the goddess Valkyrie in Thor Ragnarok

Her acting was so distractingly atrocious. She just wilted in scenes with Hopkins. Awful casting!

she could... you know... inherited the stocks from her father or some shit???

i was thinking for a while that she's probably much older but has future billionaire surgery to look young. they killed her off though so i guess not.

That's fucking shit. I hate this diversity shit, I want an authentic Valkyrie as she was first envisaged.

Well, let's not waste any time thinking about the Negro races.

>tfw no qt black entrepreneur gf

Um, no? Ed Harris does.

I want to see a cut of all the medical examination scenes back to back, so we can see just how much time was wasted on this plotline.

My only problem with it is that if Aztec/Mayan/Sub-Saharan African gods were played by whites people would freak the fuck out.

>what's that we need to fill up the black actor quota?
>fine let's get the first person we see
>there, her
>but she's ugly and can't even act!
>isn't that the case for all them?