What did Sup Forums think of this flick?

What did Sup Forums think of this flick?

What's it about?

James McAvoy is great. Probably because he is Scottish, and not cuckold english.

bretty good desu

It was just ok

and yet he's dropped his scotch accent for an english one to get work.

your status = blown the fuck out.

James McAvoy is great as always, but I thought the movie was pretty stupid.

above average
pretty depressing overall

Scotland is full of cucks. You're the Sweden of the UK

every normie I know hated this film for some reason.

I personally enjoy a good anti-hero protagonist tho

ending was disappointing, was good until then.

What aspect of it? The tranny stuff? The suicide?

>pissweak triggered fancy boys

The mid-film tone change is masterful

Not the same guy you're replying to, but I thought the tranny stuff was exceptionally stupid. The way they tried to misdirect the audience with those fantasy sequences, then play it like some big plot twist when you find out McAvoy was crossdressing all along, and then it barely even matters to the plot of the film. It was just very poorly handled by the filmmakers

v good film

I love me some underage blowjobs
and I love me some McAvoy

yeah it was over the top, not a good twist, didn't feel related at all.

Idk senpai, I'd say learning that he's so unhinged he crossdresses and fucks fat old men is fairly integral. It's meant to be ITT and uncomfortable as fuck cos that's what the whole movie is. It accomplishes a completely unlikeable and disgusting protagonist when usually they just become anti-heroes.

one of mcavoy's best performances, and overall a good movie. i saw it after seeing it was listed as a comedy on imdb and it turned out to be very depressing, so wasn't sure what to feel about that.

what's interesting is how recognizable irvine welsh's adaptations are. half an hour in and i figured it was one of his novels.

the best movie i ever saw , unironically my favorite movie

I haven't seen the movie in a while, but by the point the "twist" came, they had already done so much to establish him as a pathetic, unlikeable protagonist that I just didn't really care that he was ALSO a crossdressing gay hooker. It was just one more piece of shit on a massive pile of shit.

It would've been fine if the director hadn't tried to play it like a "Fight Club"-style mind-blowing reveal. I think the whole style of the film is what I disliked about it - for some reason the director couldn't stop trying to make everything seem "cool" and flashy, when the source material is just pure grime, sleaze and misery. The tone of the film was all over the place