Why were 70s shows so cheesy? They are almost unwatchable today

Why were 70s shows so cheesy? They are almost unwatchable today


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It's this weird middle-ground where the sensibilities are still kind of stylized & old-fashioned like '50s/'60s TV but it's trying to be more """serious""" and modern

It lasted into the '80s too. Watch the Bond movie "Octopussy" - the general "vibe" is a good example of what I consider to be the style of this era.

fuck off underage faggot

What would you prefer everything be niggerfied with trap beats and twerking?

Why is this video making the rounds lately? Was it posted on reddit or 9gag?

>hurr durr it's ridiculous and she can't sing


The Rockford Files is watchable.

>muh pace
>muh not full blown idiotic camp but not completely cereal either, so I don't know if I should like it "ironically" or "unironically"
>muh disco sucks
>muh everything is brown

I love the 70s. Fite me.

Because they actually had decent shit in cinemas.

Oh, I see the viral campaign to devalue the classic Wonder Woman has begun. Look, that rat stick fuck will never be Wonder Woman. Lynda Carter was Wonder Woman.

Why does the topic of WW get so heated?

tv was almost entirely trash until the sopranos

They have been at it for some time now

You will never see this in modern TV

I don't know if it's just me but Lynda Carter is beautiful. She didn't have the best figure but he wholesome face made up for any shortcoming.

they seem reasonable and logical. they aren't bluehairs with problem glasses screeching about how their feelings are objectively correct.

sorry they represent something to you that you don't like

They've never seen any of the comics? The comics are not somehow "media"?

This is neoliberalism par excellence - a media conglomerate employs rentaquote academics who probably live like graduate students, for fees which are, to the conglomerate, chicken feed, in order to get one of their products artifically devaluated in order to artificially enhance another of their products. DC "problematic" sez DC. Buy DC to advance feminism. Droll.

No, they seem neither reasonable or logical. You think in stereotypes, attributing irrationality to us and unwilling to acknowledge your own bias.

stop profaning Sup Forums with your pleb taste

That video is hilarious

>I don't know if it's just me but Lynda Carter is beautiful.

Of course it's not just you

>She didn't have the best figure

The only thing that can be argued TODAY is the lack of ass, but it was pretty much the ideal in the 70s and she would have something to work with if it was today.

Fun fact: she wore that "Kiss" costume before Gene Simmons wore it himself in Never Too Young to Die, which was featured in Best of the Worst


What did you mean by this?


This is a 3/10 in Israel

>tv was almost entirely trash until the sopranos

le tips fedora

I'm sincerely glad.

All I was thinking is Lynda Carter was one hell of a woman back then. That body of work.

like in West World

>They are almost unwatchable today

Tv Show with Lynda Carter

>They are almost unwatchable today


JESUS, Look this new generation

This will age much better

it was the transitional period from traditional values to modern degeneracy

t. pre-school kid


I want to ______ her _______


>hurr durr this mindless capeshit cgi fest will age well...

Is this an waifu thread?

Forgot some, brother....

I gotchu, senpai.

Jealous frumpy cunts

Lynda Carter sings and dances beautifully, this number was just a fluke

I want to make her dinner

The old incredible hulk is pretty good
It holds up pretty well
I used to watch it every week
It has sad moments

The series is solid, people who hate 70s TV will hate it anyway

But the pilot and the few feature lenght/2-parter episodes directed by Kenneth Johnson are kino

I think Wonder Woman, Hulk, Six Million Dollar Man and Bionic Woman are pretty much all on the same level, but Wonder Woman is more fun

>tfw you try watching the old Wonder Woman show because you enjoy the camp but you have to stop to jerk off to Lynda and can never make it through an episode

I admit to have struggled to understand some plots