Just watched this and really enjoyed it

Just watched this and really enjoyed it

Is it considered a bad film?

You guys hate it or what?

If you like it why should you care if its consider bad. Reddit i swear.

>movie ends
>immediate cut to horrible pop song
Ruined the entire movie.

I liked it

its mehhh
would you watch it twice?? even now you realize the black guys part was100% pure maguffin

the love story is forced, the meteor thing is retarded, the terraforming idea doesnt hold up

but the cgi is pretty

>Is it considered a bad film?

If you have to ask you know enough.

I would deffo watch it again with a girl

so never?


I liked it, but it's not kino. Anybody in a field like engineering or science knows that this ship would never be deployed without the ability for passengers to reenter hibernation in the case of a pod failure. Also, a major issue like a hull breach would have a fail safe. If something like this happened, the crews pods are going to be triggered to wake up. I like the movie, was entertained, but they left a lot of plot holes in for convenience.

It's 6/10. Mainly because the writing was poor and contrived.

They could have rotated positions in the one working pod and both arrived alive by the way, albeit old. But that wouldn't have been very "romantic".

Is it worth watching? I head the synopsis and sounded quite boring

How's the image and pacing?

Its pretty bad
There are so many dumb moments and plotholes for a movie that wasn't trying to be a 'turn off your brain bro' flick

Just fucking watch it

Don't want to lose 2 hours in some bullshit

It's a good movie.

What would you have done in his place ?

What else you got to do on a Saturday night, fat boy?

It looks great, the effecs are great. The sets are great.

But the script is terrible. The writing is exceptionally poor. And jlaw is an absolutely terrible actress.

/trek/ get out

this was a beautiful movie for beautiful people

Shut it off before the end. Was garbage.

Clubbing in a couple hours like any other Saturday

You don't even like films. Why are you here?

jizzed on scarlet Johannesburgs pod so she touches my decades old cum when she wakes up

I'm disconnecting the bartender and throwing it out of the fucking hatch the second I wake J Law up. Not trusting a goddamn android to not be a cock block.

she's qt in it

This isn't a Suicide Squad thread.

I do like films, that's why I try to avoid watching bad movies

Just because you like football you will watch the Malaysian league?

fuck I meant jlaw sorry


You know you're allowed to enjoy a movie even if it's considered bad, don't let any of the contrarians on here tell you otherwise

>le "pretending to be a loser with no social life" gimmick

He's not a loser. He's going clubbing w/ friends. And I own a car dealership. So take your pepe back to Sup Forums and vote trump again, you assfuck

You quoting the wrong person bru

I would wake up and rape all the good looking girl. Maybe try different scenarios each time to make them fall in love or just rape them violently.

I would also break the glass of the pods of all non white with a crowbar and inject bleach in their neck or do pic related.

Disappointing yes, bad - maybe.

Yea maybe, but I just wanted to talk about my sweet dealership.

>not tying up jlaw to be your sec slave from the start
>not throwing her out the air lock when you got bored

id rape everyone on that ship male and female

But if you only ever watched 'good' movies you don't really know what good means.
Everything in life needs contrast. I know that I learned more about filmmaking through watching The Room rather than watching Aguirre.

>"who to unfreeze, who to unfreeze..."
>goes to console, searches for "cunny"
>"473 matches"

you have autism, you would never be let near a space shuttle

The Room is better than Aguirre


I'd go full on Pandorum