When did house of cards get so boring?

When did house of cards get so boring?

After the train

when it was more about frank against his boring wife versus frank vs the world

it was never good
thats the joke
fucking netflix shill team

Just woke up, Does he have any proof or is he just saying this for funzies?

Netflix has never had a single good show

Prove me wrong

No but honestly, it is probably the only good show currently airing.

When they made it about bland contemporary American bullshit instead of prime British theatrical machiavellian ham.


Why would he say shit like that without presenting hard evidence 10 seconds later?

What does your intuition tell you, user?

i feel like you would just say "____ isn't good, try again" no matter what happens to be posted

funzies, as always

I guarantee you that if you go on Sup Forums right now you will see people unironically believing it, which is why he says it.

What a terrible post, try again.

Because his fanbase are stupid enough to believe it, regardless of evidence. These are the same people that think Alex Jones is a pillar of truth and rationality, user.

>"____ isn't good, try again"

I wouldn't even say it isn't good, you and me both would know it isn't. I'd say try again though

Why does our president get his sources from tabloids instead of his officials?

because he's dumb?

This might shock you, but in case you haven't been paying attention for the last few months (or even the last few decades), he's a retard.

based trump

My feeling is it'll be like Sweden, everyone will point and laugh and then something will happen (even if it's not exactly what Trump said) and then it won't be as funny anymore.

if he's retarded, how did he turn a small loan of a million to a billion while so many liberals turn their loans into more college debt

Officials from the then Obama administration haven't even denied there were wiretappings, just denied that it was Obama who ordered them. Shits about to get real

Apparently he was wiretapped, but so is everyone. Even Merkel was wire tapped.

Proving that Obama gave the order will be the difficult part.

oh, so you've seen his tax returns?

There are people unironically believing that Trump is a russian spy, does it really surprise you that people believe what they want without evidence ?

You are not superior.

Between this and claiming he won the popular vote, his inauguration day crowds were record breaking, his tantrum over ivanka getting btfo and "what happened in Sweden yesterday" I think he might be an actual retard. Like 70 IQ.

>Proving that Obama gave the order will be the difficult part.

It won't be that Obama gave the order, it'll be that the wiretap was requested by an agency which Obama was the executive for, or something to that effect. It'll be legal, but look shady as fuck to an (objective- if such a thing exists anymore) outsider looking in.

I stopped watching after S2 I think

lmao what does that have to do with what he said? Why do you care about his tax returns? Is it because actors and comedians told you that it was important and that you should sign a petition? Go cry some more.

>believing that there was colluding between Trump and the Russians = OMG THE LIBSHITS THINK THE GOD EMPEROR IS A SPY

trumptards everyone

This is just "dumb controversy of the week" tier.

It's pretty shitty that people / the media care so much about the Trump's autism and the Russian autism instead of real issues.

don't mind me just passing by

also report Sup Forums garbage

look at this dumb cuck

>he's a billionaire!
>so you've seen proof?

lmao brainlet, read a book

>"what happened in Sweden yesterday"

Not three days later there were riots in Rinkeby.

There were also riots several times in 2016.

Does he even know what McCarthyism is?

Trump is literally retarded.

fuck off

so you are a retard? a tax return only shows one year of income and expenses.

you also can't tax equity retard

>make accusations against trump for months
>no evidence required
>he points out that obama administration tapped his building
>suddenly MSM wants proof


This is literally 1984 tier shit, and yet Dems are fucking defending this or trying to pretend it's not a big deal, meanwhile they're frothing and foaming because sessions had a meeting with some Russian diplomat?

When did the Democrat party get so fucking corrupt and scummy? Remember when they actually cared about civil liberties post-9/11, remember when supposedly civil libertarian communities like plebbit gave a shit about wiretapping and government surveillance after the Snowden leaks? Now they encourage this shit. Fuck 'em. Hope Trump burns them all

candidates have to file a report of their finances to the FEC retard

did you somehow miss the s?


holy shit, what a retard.

i can't wait until "muh" is recognized as the new "le"

The deep state is real

>only intelligent people are rich

Let's go back to talking about tv again.

Will Scharchenigger ever recover?

>Becomes president by spending the least money, and against all odds and holders power
>lol he must be a retard

Did Trump tweet about wiretaps just to get attention on his twitter before burning Arnold?

gotta have money to spend money

And yet you tards with all your crooked Hillary slushfunds and jewish/hollywood/media/banking establishment support still lost to him. You must have an IQ of 60

He read it on Breitbart.

Seriously, if you bother checking you'll notice Trump always tweeting his revelations about things that were just published on Breitbart a few hours prior.

>Campaign manager quit after it was revealed he had helped Russians
>Trump's constantly sucking Putin's cock
>Secretary of State is also a stock owner on a gas company with multi-million oil contracts with a foreign govt being affected by sanctions

trumptards everyone

>Dems are fucking defending this or trying to pretend it's not a big deal
>Now they encourage this shit.
Where are you getting that from? I'm a democrat and I think it's fucked up if it's true

To Ameritards actually give a shit about The Apprentice? It's pretty much a D-list show in Bongland, and over here they use actual businesspeople instead of half-witted celebrities.

>I'm a democrat

>spout populist bullshit
>become president

That's not intelligence you retard. A politician should be trying to convince the public of their perspective, that climate change exists, globalization is inevitable, universal basic income will be a necessity, etc.

All Trump and Hillary did was appeal to the masses. When candidates do that, democracy becomes mob rule and intellectuals cease to matter.

>Trump's constantly sucking Putin's cock
That's a funny way of saying he's not going to war over Syria and all the neocons are throwing a fit about it.

>universal basic income will be a necessity

Why is it ALWAYS the pasty virgin left wing NEETs who advocate for UBI?

Trump is president, he is the establishment now. And what ever happened to "lock her up"? I guess that was just a prank too :^)

this is not "m-muh 1984" you fucking retard, if the tap was approved it was because there was obviously enough proof that Trump was working with the Russians. If the wiretap is illegal, then no judge in the whole of north america is going to allow to use the illegally acquired evidence

Now watch the Drumpftards defend the Russian bank linked server inside of Trump tower that prompted the "wiretap" as either "fake news" or "t-thats nothing that's simply drumpf and putin hosting a minecraft servers"

its absolutely amazing how easily conned they are

>Does he have sources, or is he just making shit up that supports his narrative

Gee, take a wild guess...

Why does Trump want the US to bend over for Russia

I don't get it

>Hillary sold 20% of our uranium production to Russia
>Hillary takes money from Muslims for influence, Clinton Foundation ends after she loses
>Obama made fun of Romney for his Cold War Policy during 2012
>Obama let Russia steamroll Crimea
>A ton of Democrats including Obama talked to Russians in the past

There isn't even proof Trump himself talked to Russians, but if talking to Russians is a crime, investigate the whole White House

>Why is it ALWAYS the pasty virgin left wing NEETs who advocate for UBI?

What kind of people do you think study political science, economics, or STEM? White pasty virgins are usually what academics in the west are.