Blind items thread


Other urls found in this thread:


> when you didn't think mel could get any more based

also, drop the screenshot and just greentext it m8

>GRAMMY AWARDS: This could have turned out very badly. This Grammy winner from last night was talking to a voter and asked who he voted for in Album Of The Year. Apparently he did not know to whom he was speaking and said A Sailor’s Guide To Earth. That took the questioner so off guard that she started laughing. She had been ready to go off on the guy and in what can only be described as a tribute to Michael K, walked away and said that is some crazy Benjamin Buttons s**t.
>Solange/Sturgill Simpson (thinking he would say "Adele")

the knowles sisters truly are insufferable

>Commando again for this former cable actor turned movie actor who seems to make most of his money doing commercials. At one such commercial, things got out of hand after a makeup woman finished doing what she needed to be doing. As she backed away, the whole crew had a glimpse of the beast in full. Beneath the pants of course. The problem was that before filming, everyone had to wait for the tent to go down so to speak.

>ACADEMY AWARDS: This foreign born, permanent A list singer was happy to share with everyone yesterday that he was high AF on mushrooms. He was overheard at one point asking why the red carpet was now colored diamonds.


>This former actor/host is now pretty much a full-time political pundit. He is also being accused of being a child molester.

any clues on this?

They keep posting stuff about Kate Beckinsale that finds its source on Sup Forums lol


What a piece of shit slut

I've never seen a man looking at these magazines, so how do you explain this board?

I don't understand anything about this, not a single thing. Who are these people?



This man was blessed by god


Note the types of gossip.

>Dude, Jon Hamm is HUNG. And bangs a shitload of chicks. Plus Mel Gibson is lulzy.


>Omg did John Ritter get killed by his maid or by his jealous ex-wife? And did you hear Britney had a wedding in Mexico? Look at that dress!

youve never been in a waiting room in your life?

>ACADEMY AWARDS: His sexuality has always been a mystery, but this seemingly straight actor who was a nominee left an after party not with the costar who he has allegedly been hooking up with, but with a Filipino pre-op transsexual. I wonder if his girlfriend/mother of his children knows? (She does…)
>Ryan Gosling (Emma Stone) (Eva Mendes)

Dennis Miller?

>Goose never asked you to be his wingman on a night mongering the streets of Bangkok for Thai ladyboys, between shoots on Only God Forgives

Why live?

Literally 97% of blind items are how insert actor here is gay.


Confirmed for /ourguy/

To be honest, most actors are gay.

I noticed this too. It's so weird. Does the guy from CDAN lurk on Sup Forums?


The Goose grows more powerful with each passing day




ladyboys are patrician tho.

Does anyone have the one about Mel where he says "I bet it's bigger than your dad's" to those college girls

Sure they are.

he wants to be the most powerful


any rumors about roon roons?

Has this site said things which were later proven to be true? Like did they talk about Prince having AIDs before he died? Or Heath Ledger having a drug problem?

>Like did they talk about Prince having AIDs before he died?
They predicted Prince's death a few days beforehand.

>tfw not a hollywood producer in a position to advance VJ's career

Heath got murdered, police can't prosecute due immunity


>teen choice awards

He probably got a taste for them when he worked only god forgives in thailand

The blind couldn't even get the award show right. If any of this was true, it would be for the People's Choice Awards in January where she presented. Fox was already promoting Rocky Horror, so VJ would have no need to try to get a position on Teen Choice Awards.


Me in the middle.

It's not real morons

Is this an episode of Blue Turtlin'?

Aahahahahahahahah what a load of horseshit

What a forward young man.

wait what is this shit? can someone explain blind items?

To avoid legal trouble from saying "Selena Gomez is a coke fiend!" you strip out some details when printing it. People can then guess.

These snapshots are from a site called AGC Blind Items that collects from a whole buncha different sources, as well as linking to guesses or confirmations of the gossip.

this shit is too unbelievable. it actually sounds like conspiracy theory shit people want to believe because they want to believe celebrities are fucked up.

confirmations? if the stories are confirmed, wouldn't they be in mainstream news, not this shit ive never heard of before?

The site's red underlined links are typically "confirmation" about the person that surfaces afterwards. Usually a paparazzi spread or legit article or something.


Got some proof for that?

There were rumors that Charlie Sheen "liked to party". Usually, these blind items are just the tip of the iceberg.

someone posted a screencap some time ago, you're going to have to dig for it.

It was some kind of public announcement fomr the website.




Did you see all the badass training he did for the movie?

Keanu's T levels were probably through the roof.

hammer time

Who could it be?

literally Kristen Stewart or Chloe

First guess was Lena Dunham, but would you consider her A-List?


It's Sophie Turner.

sophie turner is not an american citizin



They had one that Bradley Cooper's model beard had fulfilled her deal with him but he was trying to get her to stay on for another year but she was done.

Couple days later their break up was in the tabloids.

I don't think Kristen Stewart would be doing TV


Literally 97% of actors are gay.

that girl is a twat. and theres this as well


Blind items are literally the only good content Sup Forums has left

How will they be ruined?

97% of blinds are
>this celebrity is gay
>this celebrity was caught doing drugs
>this celebrity was embarrassingly drunk
>this celebrity is fucking their co-star/cheating on their spouse
>this celebrity is on the casting couch or is escorting
>this celebrity was shitty to fans

There are a few gems, but overall it's pretty banal and just outing celebrities for doing what everyone assumed they were doing anyway

Bill Maher





>How will they be ruined?
-People editing in plausible fake ones.
-Mods aggressively banning
-Too many people calling the items bullshit

Should've gone the Spacey route and just spent his time fucking underage twinks 2bh


So a reverse Caitlyn Jenner?


It's just for fun bro. Not meant to be taken seirously


>-Too many people calling the items bullshit

If the focus goes from " haha that wacky Jared" to a monotonous chorus of "Faaake. Blind items are all bullshit", the threads will be ruined and die.


Who was Olivia sucking here?

chris "the pinecone" pine

Why do they call him Pinecone?


not even close to being Olivia Munn are you face blind?