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QOTT: How many films have you seen in theaters so far this year? You do go to the movies, don't you?

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>QOTT: How many films have you seen in theaters so far this year? You do go to the movies, don't you?

I have somehow managed to watch 80 movies so far this year.

Reminder it doesn't count if you watched them illegally

Is anyone not only not interested in seeing Logan, but actually almost offended at the way it's marketing itself?

Look at these fucking trailers


the music choice makes me want to fucking vomit. Hurt? A song about wanting to kill yourself because you have nothing in your life but broken relationships and a drug addiction? Covered by Johnny Cash looking back on a life of regret for all of the mistakes he made and people he hurt?

how the fuck can a movie about people with super powers ever come close to that emotional intensity. it's all a facade.

and Amazing Grace. Jesus Christ, literally, don't get me started. A movie about people with claws that come out of their hands can't be about redemption and the human spirit. It's going to be about fighting other people with different super powers that are evil. That's all it's ever going to be about.

stop pretending that dressing up this lame stale bullshit in real art is going to make it meaningful in any sense of the word at all. Same goes for BvS religious symbolism. Fucking insane offensive adolescent crap. Stop pretending to be mature and actually grow up.

>How many films have you seen in theaters so far this year? You do go to the movies, don't you?
3 in theaters

Logan is emotionally intense though. He murdered hundreds of people and just now feeling the pain of all his scars. Charles Xavier also leveled a city of people including his friends and most X-Men because of a seizure.


I've seen 5 new releases (Silence, La La Land, Manchester by the sea, Paterson and Free Fire with q+a) and 7 'rep' films, 5 of which were on 35mm. Pretty good

Got some free tickets to see kong skull island on Tuesday but idk if I'll go or not, the cinema is a bit of a pain to get to

>He murdered hundreds of people and just now feeling the pain of all his scars
that's not a real, tangible thing though. you can't feel emotions because the source of them are from an inhuman, unrelatable thing. Super hero movies can't ever have a legitimate, heart breaking moment in them

Have you even seen it?

watched passengers with my family today, it was even worse than i remembered it being

i'm seeing it tonight, but it's not possible dramatically for it to be genuinely good

no super hero movie has done it yet; closest is the Incredibles because at its core it's just a movie about family, and their drama is regular family drama

drama about your super powers can't trigger genuine emotions

9 films in theaters this year

also to the retarded user shitting on logan some posts above me, fuck you

>How many films have you seen in theaters so far this year? You do go to the movies, don't you?

12, but 8 were in one weekend at a festival.

How's it going big guys.


I get what you mean. We are just getting more and more infantilized as a people. Soon all stories will be told in the form of superhero adaptions. There is a disgusting kinda fetishistic cult around it. And not only that but also everything "nostalgic"

Now they just make a "dark and bloody" version and pretend that it is anymore mature than the pg 13 one.

What an awful way to go into a film. You should at least attach your profile you want internet points.


logan is better than all of your favorites bitch


>short form
>video art

>I hateee cape SHIT (hehe see wat I did tharr) my favorites? oh just some juvenile jap crime flicks

I highly doubt that but i will not say anything about the quality of it before i see it. Maybe it's good, maybe it's just ok, maybe it's terrible.

I was speaking more generally about """nerd""" culture at large.

>like dude why are only big studio movies being made? *torrents another independent film depriving the makers of a sale*

0 so far


don't subtweet me bro



>How many films have you seen in theaters so far this year?

Who are you and why do you enjoy making terrible OPs?
>blatant desperate shilling
>previous thread faggotry

Stop making threads if you're a faggot

well I'm not a faggot so I guess I'll keep making threads

Logan is a good film, albeit obviously not a masterpiece like the imdbedditors might claim, however their opinions are easily ignorable. If you're the kind of person who is triggered by any mainstream cinema then you obviously won't like it, but if you have an interest in the artistic value of blockbusters then you should check it out.

You clearly are if you're making threads like that sequentially. Why though? To be known

He didn't even make the thread

>QOTT: How many films have you seen in theaters so far this year? You do go to the movies, don't you?

>using theaters instead of torrents

'"He''' shouldn't have answered then, considering the point is against the faggot doing them

Look away from the screen until tomorrow and you don't have to worry. It's just a thread on Sup Forums lmao.


>The Great Wall
>John Wick 2
>Hell or High Water
>Hacksaw Ridge
>Resident Evil
>La La Land
>Assassins Creed
Silence releases here in 2 weeks, I'll probably watch that in the theater too


Not the case, anyway

A few reviews of recent watches:

Stargate [1994]
I watched this as a kid, and remember it to be a fun, pretty straight forward action blockbuster. And I wanted some ancient Egypt stuff because I've just finished PowerSlave. But boy, this is no regular blockbuster. They figure the Stargate stuff in like 10 minutes, and then it's just casual low key jokes and just a slice of life. James Spader is completely unfit to play the main role in what's supposed to be a blockbuster. Great stuff that makes you kinda drunk in the head. Arrival meets Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, but it's a lot better then Arrival and also better then Mad Max. Chill and comfy.

The Edge of Seventeen [2016]
My favourite kind of movies, I'm literally not able to pass judgment. I know it's probably far from perfect, but I love it. RECOMMENDED!

Gattaca [1997]
I wasn't blown away by it like when I was a kid, but still a pleasant watch. Great bromance. Jude Law is beautiful.

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter [2016]
Fuck. This series was going better as it was progressing, like nothing ever before. But it fucking crashed hard right here. So exhausting, editing and camerawork from hell. Dumb, boring, irritating, you hate every character, if you feel anything towards him in the first place. But it started out great, I almost died from laughing so hard at the first few action scenes just because they were shot so extremely aggressive, loud and obnoxious. Unfortunately, later on it's just shit, shit, shit.

God, your writing is atrocious!

Ghost in the Shell [1995]
I knew that this will be boring stuff made for Camus-loving non-European high schoolers and other lamers who frequent /cyber/ and lainchan. Mamoru Oshii is a humourless, heavy-handed, dense fuck who ruined the source material. I'm always, always very against the notion that source material should be followed in any way, and it shouldn't be here. But you just watch this dry shit and remembering the great, funny, visceral manga, and just can not think to yourself, "oh this dumb Jap faggot made another existentialist shit". At least it's better then Angel's Egg. Great actions scenes, nice drawings somewhat spoiled by digital animation. READ THE MANGA LOL

The Handmaiden [2016]
More cardboard characters by Chan-wook Park. Maybe it's because I can't perceive Koreans as real people. It's okay, flows kinda nicely after the first part, but it's really overrated. It's like TV stuff but with extra lesbian sex. Fugly lesbians. It's really long, and while you don't feel it, which is really great, the time could've been used a lot better.

Polytechnique [2009]
Absolute fucking shit without a single redeeming quality. My hopes for the new Blade Runner are now completely shattered, after seeing this horrible dreck. Fuck you Denis Villeneuve, you piece of shit. Special shit mention to black and white cinematography which served absolutely no purpose. This Canadian mongoloid should be ashamed that he made this bad student movie when he was like 40 and this was his 4th feature film.

Johnny Mnemonic [1995]
I'm afraid my message will be dismissed because all my reviews are kinda polarized, but this is the second greatest movie i've ever seen after Altered States. I don't want to write anything more, but this just keeps getting better by the minute, and everything fits so perfectly together. RECOMMENDED EVEN IF YOU'RE GONNA SEE ONE MOVIE BEFORE DEATH

Cyberjack [1995]
I had high hopes for this movie, but it's really sad. I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. It's a really pathetic Die Hard rip-off with a sad, sad Dudikoff, and the science fiction element is almost not present. You know it from the first scene, which is one of the most pathetic car chases I've ever seen, that this is really sub-par even for Dudikoff. The only stuff that redeems this movie for a total of like 2 minutes is those almost non-existant sci-fi elements, like adding science fictiony sounds to the most regular stock 90s cars, which don't have license plates, but bar-codes. Brion James is ridiculous, great, and also sad. See this if you want to feel down.

Starship Eros [1980]
Porn. Feminist Regime Starship Eros crew of two and it's captain are completely comfortable with their overt sexuality and they use men as fuck toys. That sounds really hot, and you'd expect some femdom stuff. But it's just endless uninspired dicksucking. Some bean flicking. They have a robot servant, he gets erections on command and while the captain allows him to cum because she wants the sweet juice, he says she doesn't allow him to be programmed to feel pleasure. These words are the only moment this boring movie is sexy, or could be because in the manner of old porn he has a bad C3PO mask on, and everything is ruined because of that. There's some foreshadowing of BDSM but then that turns out to be more boring vanilla stuff.

Thirst [2009]
Start out pretty comfy, but it's just fucking shit. Ok-bin Kim is kawaii, and that's the only thing which keeps you going. But it shouldn't because that's pathetic. Chan-wook Park should be stopped.


Poor me!

You're an embryo.
The reviews are bad and the opinions worse.

Is this your account?


Can anyone here recommend me a movie as tonally weird and 'off' as the 2006 The Wicker Man remake? I don't know if I've ever seen such an odd film and I'd like to know if there is anything else like it. Probably the most enjoyable 'bad movie' I've ever seen.

That guy throwing a fit over the OP makes me laugh ever time. Hope he continues to do so.

Threadly reminder Edward Yang is a meme is not a bad meme

>Now they just make a "dark and bloody" version and pretend that it is anymore mature than the pg 13 one.
exactly, it's fucking sick

I don't want internet points. im being anonymous on purpose

i just want manchildren to stop pretending they're men

Then why did you write an essay going for the low hanging fruit? You're obviously trying to impress someone. Sadly it's invalid because you made these "arguments" before you watched it.

Science Crazed!

I made my arguments based on the trailer, and how I'm turned off by the appeal of the movie

He is right. You're being an autistic spaz.


>how the fuck can a movie about people with super powers ever come close to that emotional intensity.
>A movie about people with claws that come out of their hands can't be about redemption and the human spirit.

So you think am I, fine. The other choice is the one most of you take of being satisfied with such pathetic shilling and the aping of other garbage generals.
On the spirit of caring about the quality of this one, more people should be bothered too.

And I thought before machill's threads were too shill-like. Then this faggot comes along.

>complains about a normal OP
>doesn't complain about threads with a rabbit Nazi or Emma Stone meme pic
Makes me think

This isn't a normal OP. But, yes, those are stupid too and done by the same deranged mind. However, people shit on him all the time and he's widely known as a shitposter.

>/lbg/ is defending capeshit


Deal with it hater

Don't surprised. There's new lows every day here

Watch more film you embryo

I like Best Emma or Judy threads

I'm not surprised


Bravo to your taste, sir! That's quite the selection.

>I'm not surprised
Lol you don't who me, buddy, you can't be surprised or not surprised

I'm a proud Muslim (former atheist)

Rate me /lbg/

Another angle

to my cisgender friends


Oh shi-

I'm a cute:)

>watch man ray instead
I hate people like you. You'll interject at any available opportunity only to state how much of an enlightened cinephile you are (you aren't) and how you know the actual important filmmakers
man ray is nobody compared to vertov


Re-watched Thief in the Director's Cut version and found it pretty dull this time, after liking the Theatrical Cut. Not sure if it was Mann making everything blue or what, but it was mostly uninvolving for me. Also, why did Frank blow up the bar where spent so much time?

post profile

because Mann can't make a film for shit

post profile

His later films are great, from Ali on.

And also just watched Eastern Promises which was rather enjoyable.

Stop shitposting

And you sound serious, which may be even worse

>/lbg/eddit hates capekino but loves Mann

post profile

I've uploaded some episodes of Police Story, a late 1970s anthology series that Michael Mann wrote four episodes of. The two-part River of Promises is Mann's best writing work for tv that I've seen (still need to watch is four Starsky and Hutch episodes).


S04E07.Thanksgiving (this one has Fred Williamson and James Woods)


S05E03.River.of.Promises.Part.1 and 2

I don't get what you're trying to do. First day?

Why is American cinema better than everyone else's?


>Arthur Hiller
lol whatever buddy

You didn't deserve this beautiful number, I did ;(

Answer: money, really. In its many ways and senses.


Not even the best Julie Andrews and James Garner pair up.


Because Americans are superior to everyone. Your number proves it.

Dumb lolbuddy poster


is that supposed to be good?

it isn't

>embryo doesn't know who paddy Chayefsky is

is the mention of his name supposed to redeem that awful clip?

Do please explain how it was awful.