What is the best fat kino on TLC

My Big Fat Fabulous Life
My 600lb Life
Too Fat to Transistion

I think mbffl is the best

Other urls found in this thread:


dubs of truth

ty 4 confirm

Ive only seen my 600lb life, but its pretty fucking amazing


Would you hit it?

I think that nigger browses /fit/.


literally some of the greatest kino of all time

kek I hope there was some super dramatic music playing

it was

>stop filming and help me

while some stock bg played

I like all the make up and jewelry to go work out.


Fatty spotted.

I like how she is not even trying.
At least all the other fat people are pretending to give a shit.

>american """""""""television"""""""""

I like the one with all the depressing people.

She's not even trying, the fat chick behind her looks almost as fat as her and she's trying.



all fat people should be killed
they add nothing to society and cost too much

>tfw kinda skinny fat and was always very self-concious of my body
These threads make me feel good about being a smooth skelly


>Almost my daily intake
Fucking hell

When is Boogie getting a show on TLC?

I hope soon

Do Americans consider getting fat a competition now?

Are we going to get Americans bragging about being the fattest nation? USA USA USA

Shut up idiot

Stupid faggot who keeps making these threads spotted

My nigga got the whipped cream at the ready

triggered tumblr retard detected

that wasnt OP

but hi fattie glad this thread triggered you

This. Except for Gaben. Gaben adds to society.

Seems like he's really concerned with living

Reminder Boogie has a qt wife and you don't.

You are literally more repulsive to women than a morbidly obese planetoid that is literally rotting from the inside out.

We step on a nerve?

No? I guarantee I'm way more fit than you, that's why I have a gf. You self hating fatties and inside uggos just crack me up and I like to watch you suffer in the fact you will die alone and unloved because your soul is fat. Stay rekt, permie.

>qt wife

I don't know, He seems to redpilled for TV....

I don't think ((They)) would allow it.

For Boogie that's a 10, and the fact she exists makes her an 11/10 to all the /reddit9k/ losers who can't even get a girl to spit in their face without paying her. It's hilarious we got them to vote for Trump and now he's killing them and kicking them out. Later NEETs, thanks for the votes!



double cream instead of milk?
what the fug


its healfy innit


The recommended daily intake is 2500.

What in the fuck is wrong with their feet?


>Being this delusional
She's riding ebony sausage, bro.
He can't even physically have sex.

You'd have to use one of those fiber optic cameras just to find his penis.

they're transitioning into a dinosaur

How do people get fat? Just eat less ffs its not rocket science

They're so fat they literally cannot feed themselves.
Someone has to give them the food. Think about that.

Do you think he's okay with his wife fucking other men since he can't perform or does she lie to him and cheat behind his back? She looks to be young and young women need to get a nut off just the same as men

I think we all like a little thicc.

>How do people get fat?

10000 calorie a day bulk

It's just straight addiction. Food addiction is arguably the worst addiction you can have aswell, at the weight of the whales in these threads it's just as unhealthy it it's own way as serious alcoholism or amphetamine / opiate abuse

I wonder if he cries himself to sleep at night while he hears his black roommate fucking her hard against the wall in the next room.

Her screams of "OH YAH BABY FUCK ME HARDER!" covering the sounds of his sobbing as he munches down several family sized backs on M&Ms.

God i wish that were me.

>Food addiction is arguably the worst addiction you can have aswell


I honestly believe society should look at obesity in the same way it looks at alcoholism.

i hate fat people

if by qt you mean horrible and fat

I'm not a fatty but name 1 addiction that's worse than something that will cause you to be 700lbs and unable to even move around as a normal human. I love drugs but at least you can still fucking walk

Sup Forums addiction

just posted a new webm in there just 4U user :^)



Holy shit it has a ballsack kek

>white """""""""""""""people"""""""""""""""

pshh, a week of detox and you're back to functioning if you can cope with the feels. The path to recovery for a 600lb hambeast seems much worse

I'd rather be hooked on heroin than be obese

>Censoring the animalĀ“s genitals.


american tv

Where's the video of this with sound?

>censor an animal's junk
>not censoring the fat fucking cow on screen

tlc took it off their site and its been removed from youtube

I love that these threads are now a thing


these people should be executed, bullet to the back of the head

Stay mad skinny fag


yes I'm sure everybody has the exact same recommended caloric intake.

The problem with food addiction is that you can't just stop. You can stop drinking, drugs, smoking and any other shit that is bad for you, but if you stop eating you'll fucking die. It's what i imagine makes it such a bitch to deal with.


you don't have to 'stop eating' to stop being an obese piece of shit. you just have to stop eating like a whale. that isn't a huge problem.

you can't possibly be serious when you contend that food "addiction" is worse than heroin/alcohol/nicotine addiction.

This one will always be weird to me. If you only saw a pic of her face you'd think she was fat but not THAT fat - why does it all go to her legs instead of her waist?

i will never eat anything ever again
jesus christ

she's actually lost a loada weight and is fairly nice looking


whats the story behind that boogie stuff?
haven't heard anything about him in years.


I'm sure surgery must have been involved somehow but seriously, good for her. Her episode wasn't easy to be amuse by, even with that scrubbing scene which is still kinda funny. She seemed genuinely repulsed/fed up with herself as opposed to all this "I'M A QUEEN NO MATTA WHAT SIZE" bullshit, sounds like she kicked her own ass. She's obviously a camwhore though so that'll likely consume her life now.

i bet her whole body is ruined anyway though
her legs have to be deformed, right?

>you just have to stop eating like a whale
What part of addiction do you not get? It's the same thing as telling hardcore drug junkies to use less drugs: it doesn't work. They're relying on food in similar ways as people rely on drugs. Most of the people featured in My 600 lb Life, for instance, have a bunch of psychological issues like druggies, just that they turn to food, instead of drugs, but the basis are the same.

>the gay guy on the left who enjoys twerking way too much

That's the most reddit thing I've ever heard.

>Worst addiction
So you would suck a dick or fuck for food?

wtf is this animal? dog? pig?

Are you not aware that fat fetish porn is a thing? He's not wrong though. Even random whore sucking dicks for money to buy drugs have more dignity than some of the landwhales featured in this youtu.be/KKDPFzlAfbw

she certainly has stretch marks all over her body & flap skins everywhere (that's why she only shows her pretty face under an inch of makeup)
but that's def impressive

hank hill?

>11 seconds in
how could anyone have so little dignity?
If I were in that position, I'd rather kill myself than be a burden on the people who love me so much that they'd care for me in that condition.

Fuck, there's literally nothing they can do to stop her from falling. Whose retard idea was it to have her skiing, anyway?

Society really should, and I say that as a fatass (thats currently losing weight). If you're obese you are costing society money, and you are displaying a fundamental lack of discipline (which should be frowned upon, discipline is one of the most important traits a person can have)