I figured out why the ax in Prometheus has that weird curved handle

I figured out why the ax in Prometheus has that weird curved handle.

Mind = Blown

Cant wait for the new versions of this meme when the movie comes out.



Hahaha I get it wheat LOL XD

So the axe was for wheat all along?

really activates your almonds



>ironically trying to act like a 9gagger who likes the wheat meme
>not realizing we are several layers of satire and irony deep already and you just look like a butthurt faggot
when Sup Forums is a giant wheat field, only then do you have my permission to kill yourself



You're a faggot


t. reddit

>bumping this worthless thread with that worthless post

this is one of the best memes Sup Forums had in a long time. love how ridiculous it and the movie appear.

Couldn't agree more

Found the redditor

Wots dis?


Welcome reddit

can somebody explain the wheat meme

This is actually true
Take note of the people that push this quote unquote "meme"
every single one rocks 148 trillion and using the reddit approved NAMEposting name

eh, it's not really worth explainin'



In the trailer the people who discover the alien ship are settlers who are farming a new world with wheat. The entire meme is based on a throwaway line used to explain why a group other than super marine space soldiers are discovering it

Yes, it is incredibly autistic.

