Name a comfier movie

Name a comfier movie

>Pro-tip: you can't



Princess bride.

Not even gonna argue. Its super comfy.



Downloaded a 190 gigs of lotr. I just finished two towers. Gonna do rotk tomorrow. Shit is so fucking comfy.

The scene where Bilbo does the scary face is absolutely NOT comfy.

>movie starts
>beautiful landscapes and music
>get comfy
>suddenly a jumpscare
what the FUCK


Best of the trilogy

Fellowship transcends conventional comfy levels

I actually close my eyes when I know that moment is coming. I usually watch lotr when I'm going through alcohol withdrawals, so it's pretty intense. I also have to skip over all the scenes with Shelob, because I have mild spider hallucinations already.




Fellowship of the Ring is the best of the trilogy, acting, production design, set pieces, music, one of my favourite movies.


all is lost
literally comfy kino


Man, what made the early 2000s so comfy?

you're childhood

I found that movie unintentionally hilarious at times.

Because it was still sort of the 90s back then.
The 90s were the height of Western civilisation, we're currently in the great slow decline.


You were a child and now you're an adult with a childs mind

thank you based user. agreed

How bad is disney gonna fuck up dead men tell no tales boys

Looks like it's gonna be a shitty reboot of the first one whilst answering the questions of what happened to the Pearl in 4


>currently in the great slow decline

This is very true. Fuck.


At least we got to experience the high point of the west and weren't born mid decline.


>Jenny getting fucking beaten by her father around the beginning

That movie is shiny, not comfy.

>The 90s were the height of Western civilisation
Bro the height of Western civilization was 1955 - 1970. That's when the wave finally crested and rolled back.


I was tempted to go earlier, but I wouldn't like to live without computers games.
That's why I picked the 90s.
In all honesty, the west has been in decline since WW2, when western governments all decided that racial replacement of whites was the road to peace.
When governments decided that instead of fixing an economy or tolerating a brief decline they'd needlessly prop their currency up with immigrants.

robinson crusoe 1960s tv show
