
>ah you can't make it?
>it's OK
>i-i actually forgot about movie night
>ha ha
>s-see you later

What do you watch?

What are some movies about rejects that were laughed out of /ck/ when they got blown the fuck out of Sup Forums?

How can normalfags even btfo anyone?

relevant real life experience

>tell friends about having a movie night because i don't like going out and socialising
>they say yeah cool we'll do it the next weekend
>hyped as fuck, i get the 3 of them to tell me their 3 favourite movies and i'll pick one of each
>films i picked from them were zoolander, superbad and pineapple express
>got into prep 5 days before it was even scheduled
>got my dad to bring the tv from the living room to my room a day before
>dad even said i could take 16 beers with me, 4 for each person
>he even brought me blu-rays for each movie i wanted to watch
>said he'd order pizza too
>the day comes, i'm up early messaging them on facebook
>send them all the info they need about it and about the beers and pizza stuff
>1 friend replies with 'i'll see you there man'
>other 2 say they'll be there but a bit later
>ask dad to order pizza in an hour or so
>wait it out in my room playing games on the big tv (something i didn't get to do)
>pizza comes, nobody has got back to me
>30 mins later dad comes in with beers
>asks when they'll be here, i say soon
>another hour passes, no one
>they haven't been on fb in about an hour
>i try ringing but nobody is picking up
>just carry on playing games expecting them to come at any moment
>dad comes in after another hour or so, asks what's up
>at this point i know they're probably not turning up, but keep saying they've messaged me and they're coming to my dad
>he says how about we watch one of these movies together until they get here
>we put it in and begin watching whilst eating cold pizza and he opens me a beer
>end up watching all 3 movies with my dad

Please tell me this didnt happen.

I have a similar story, except they did come over and they were all bored to tears. I cringe thinking back about it. Never ever ever ever have an event at your own house. Never.

>"Movie Night"
>No crab legs
>No Falcon Chow
>No Popcorn straight from the popcorn mines


wow sounds like you have some pretty shitty friends


>Double down
>Meet the Feebles
>Malibu Express

yeah but it was autistic of me to ever think it was a good idea

bro dad right here. fuck them cunts.

Do people actually plan movie nights?

In uni I had a bunch of friends that would hang out at my house almost everyday. It was just a given that we would watch at least one movie. it got to the point where they would just show up and watch by themselves when I told them i had to study/write a paper. Like do you actually have to plan things with your friends? There is no such thing as just chilling?

It's autistic to want to hang out with your friends? Like I said your friends are either shitty people or boring people themselves.

If all those pizzas are the same size, I could unironically eat all that through a long movie, except maybe all the gummy bears.

What website did you take that screen shot from?

>Already ate a cupcake
You fatass

It's autistic to have friends over?
Just because you're a shit host doesn't mean anyone should never ever have friends over, you double niggling.

>with ex and friends
>best in show
>ghost in the shell
>blade runner

You have a great dad user I hope you know that

Your friends think you are annoying/unenjoyable to hang out with that's why they didn't come

I imagine you are the one who is always calling people to make plans instead of people calling you

>Have a group of friends
>Males and females
>Invite them to my dorm for movie night
>They all show up and bring beanbags and chairs
>Hit it off with a girl my female friend brought
>Fuck her after everyone leaves

It's literally that easy, loser.

i spent a lot of my time alone during this time, and still do. this was my first time trying to organise something. my friends knew i didn't enjoy going out partying due to my anxiety issues and i never bothered to make plans and we just talked on fb and stuff when we moved from secondary school to different colleges. i didn't call anyone making plans then and i sure don't now either

>It's literally that easy, loser.


>Your friends think you are annoying/unenjoyable to hang out with that's why they didn't come
If someone I didn't like hanging out with was organizing a movie night, I wouldn't keep telling them I'm coming over, even up to like a a few hours beforehand. I'd at the very least make up a shitty excuse, or hell, not even reply at all

>They all show up and bring beanbags
guess how I know youve never left ur house


>I've never been to uni and think I know it all


Kek this has to be the most pathetic lie I've seen in a while
And I frequent /x/
We all know you don't have friends

>literally graduated 2 years ago

>Being this jealous

You losers seriously never seen a beanbag chair?

They've never seen a vagina, user.

What are you fucking normies even doing here? I don't even have friends to get turned down by.

bump for this question I asked earlier

what's the pink drink called

strawberry daiquiri sobe

its obviously 4plebs, pleb.

sobe. dunno the flavor.

they stopped using glass bottles and changed all their shit so don't even bother. this pic is from early 2000's when sobe was actually good

>high school
>want to invite crush over
>too beta to just invite crush over
>start a movie night with a bunch of fucking dweebs
>go out with mum and buy a whole trolley full of stuff
>so much food
>first person to arrive is this annoying fat girl I hate
>Sit awkwardly
>Next is my crush
>Start eating because its getting late
>An hour passes
>Texting people desperately
>Nobody else is coming
>Fat girl says she might leave
>Think that if fat girl leaves it will make qt crush leave too
>spend the night with this retarded 3rd wheel because my autist brain just doesn't want this to get worse
>Fat girl gets picked up first
>crush is with me alone
>I do nothing
>She goes home

sherlock over here what next youre gonna tell us waters wet

back to rddit

my weight

what happened to her? is she married? did you ever have a shot?

Jesus man. That's like life altering embarrassment.
You should do a writing exercise and flesh every detail of that night out for your health.
Probably subconsciously altered your behavior.

user please tell me you drink beers with your dad often and do things. I dont see mine often and when I do there is much of a connection. But occassionally we have our moments. One day we was drinking at some family event and he shook my hand as I told him I used to call my black friends 'niggers' at school.

But back to your story fuck those 'friends'. Luckily for me I have a very tight friend group and i dont know what I would do without them. But from your story it seems you have a great father. Cherise that
