Dad comes down to my NEET cave

>dad comes down to my NEET cave
>sees me sprawled out on the recliner browsing my computer
>"Don't you have any buddies to come pick you up and do something? I know you have a lot of buddies."


My dad knows I'm a fucking loser.

Other urls found in this thread:

Go see a movie dog

I'll be yer buddy

Name one movie where this happened.

My kinoplex heavily enforces no-singles policy on Saturday nights, don't know about OP's though.

>bustin your balls like that

Your dad sounds tight

it's his fault for doing a shitty job raising you

my dad used to be like that until I took one of his guns to kill myself with and he called the cops on me

the cop was cool and let me voluntarily commit myself to a psychiatric hospital, out 3 days later

This or fuck ur yunger sis

>i-it's never my's a-always someb-body e-e-elses!!!1!1!!
end yourself


You fucking loser


sup reddit

Go to the mall m8e. See a movie and buy something with your neetbux. Then bring home some beers and get drunk watching kino. There, I just laid out your night for you. If you want, you can just skip to that last part.

lol my dad tried to do this while i was still alive.

All my mates where bigger cockheads than i where and i have nothing to do with them anymore

t. 26 year old

It gets better mate just hold on.

Why are Americans so fucking apeshit when it comes to social life? My dad never did shit like this to me, and when i did manage to go out with friends or do something he congratulated me.

forced culture of not being a "Loser" which is a good idea in theory but it it forces nerds and social outcasts to follow group think hence the whole SJW bullshit movement.

>he congratulated me
That's kind of weird.

I'm not your buddy, friendo

sup neckbeard

Nice off-topic thread
it would be a shame if Sup Forums threads started popping up :^)

>summer 2015, 24 y/o NEET
>dad was getting nervous about his financial situation, talks me into trying to get welfare for a few weeks
>takes me down to the wellfare office to try and make me get foodstamps
>ghetto area, some nig was getting arrested in the parking lot
>sitting there dying inside as some 12 year old beaner kid is snickering at me with his mother trying to shush him because she knows he's laughing at me
>full blown embarrassment and mental assault on myself as I'm sitting there basking in what a failure of a person I am
>was 3 weeks into cold turkey benzo withdrawals after having been on them nearly 4 years, felt like total shit and mind was drained
>trying hardest to conceal a full blown panic attack
>ask dad quietly if we can leave a few times but he says no
>didn't want to make scene so tell him i'm going to use the bathroom
>make for the exit and bolt off
>ran full speed for 15 minutes in the near 120 degree las vegas heat until I arrived at some park
>sat under a tree in the shade for near 3 hours just contemplating life
>eventually worked up the grit to start walking home, probably gonna be a 3-4 hour walk
>stand up fast and crack my head on a thick ass treebranch very hard
>walking home on a main road, drenched in sweat and head pounding
>dads been driving around looking for me, spots me and yells at me to get in the car
>comply and have him scold me for the ride while I'm sitting there just completely spaced out at this ordeal
>get home to see mom smirking at me because she knows what I've done, she's already made dinner
>to my disbelief it was homemade chicken tenders and some french fries
>sit there and eat chicken tenders with tears streaming down my face and absolutely hating life and myself

a year and a half later and I'm still a dirty NEET but my dad's backed off a little on my since his job prospects improved and my brother's moved out. i'll be 26 in a few months

what's the hat suppose to be?

/r9k/ucks leak their shit onto other boards. Get used to it.

Gipsy Danger.
Turns out that's not an actual product, but if it were, I'd buy it.

Hey, it's something at least.

Meanwhile China is quickly catching up with a society that puts the collective over the individual, you guys need to ditch this shit, it's doing more harm then good and only works in a cohesive society which is long gone.

go away ghost.

OP is from Sup Forums though
Are you going to cry now or is it still ok?

>tfw a few days ago one of my childhood friends shot his twin brother in the head
feels weird

They'll stop asking once you turn 22, OP. They just stop caring at that point

Oh im a Aussie so i am on the outside looking in.

We pretty much tried to copy EVERYTHING america does culturally and politically even though we are based off older English/Euro settlers.

Oh well at least i can watch the world burn.



Donald is going to MAGA for us all, just keep holding out

>tfw have friends but am still the loser of the group

Me too, and we are going to hell if we dare copy American individualism, we were perfectly fine without their cancerous shit.

>his job prospects improved

I'm glad to hear that user. Hope you and your father stay well. No well meaning poor family deserves to wait in a breadline with filthy niggers

fellow 26 year old semi n33t aussiefag here again

Mate shit could be worse believe me.
so what that just means the group is shit

and when you get into your mid 20's if your not already there they WILL ditch you.

Fuck em

Pretty interesting actually.

Nothing wrong with individulism but the way Americans do it is retarded

>Oooh look at me im so AWESOME and AMERICAN
>Rest of the world literally doesnt care and just sniggers at their "Culture" behin their backs

Gen XYZ are the only retards who copy the bad aspects of yank culture anyway.

Haven't seen either of them for 10+ years, just really weird trying to imagine the kids I knew getting in that situation.

I'd rather report the janitor or mod for leaving this up and deleting this thread

They're not supposed to moderate based on their politics. now how do we get Sup Forums to join us on this crusade to get him fired like they did with the other mod?

Jesus Christ you goofy faggot you literally get ebt by applying online and having a 5 minute phone interview nobody actually goes to the social service office but niggers and homeless eveey young person uses ebt because literally why wouldn't you. You sound embarrassingly retarded autistic and pathetic

fuck off cunt Sup Forums n33t generals are comfy as fuck

>when white people are poor its not their fault
>when black people are poor its their fault
Why is that?