Childhood is when you idolize Jack Sparrow

>Childhood is when you idolize Jack Sparrow
>Adulthood is when you realize Barbossa is the best character.

but barbossa was always my fav character since when I was 7 years old

>watching pie rat shit

>Not watching blockbuster kino

Barbossa was always the best. He's like the most iconic fulfillment of the "pirate captain" trope ever.

Jack is fun, but he's not really a believable character.

tfw you realize davy jones did nothing wrong

How young are you? I know this is a blue board but, Christ...

If you didn't realize this in the first film you should have you head examined.

nice facebook meme, normie

Barbossa is the most pirateish pirate.


>not idolizing the best character

He had shit characterization though
>oh, look, I'm a nice guy who plays by the rules and is willing to give a pirate a day of advantage because he helped me
>oh, look, I'm a dirty hobo who would betray anyone and fuck up everything if it meant improving my own life
>oh, look, I feel guilty about what I did and still love Elizabeth despite barely paying attention to her in the previous movie, I'll kill myself so I can save her and atone for my crimes
Or rather than saying that he has shitty characterization, the moments that changed his personality all took place offscreen, like how he went from a nice guy to an human wreck between the first and second movies due to something that happened while chasing Jack that is literally mentioned one time and never again.

>Godhood is when you realize Davy Jones is truly the best

That cg still holds up.



>name my band

Why is Jones's actor the only one who needs to use make up?

That pretty much sums up the franchise as a whole.

A bit like how the story arc where Barbossa comes back from the dead happens off-screen, or indeed the whole cursed treasure situation itself.

A bit of backstory is okay and Barbossa's resurrection didn't really change his character.
But Norrington pulls a 180° in characterization every movie and they never bother showing it just because "lel who cares about a secondary character".

He's the only one where they needed to get things like lip sync and blinking right.

If you look closely, the black makeup surrounds his mouth and eyes, but the lips and eyelids remain the natural color.

I'd guess it's either because he's the only one that talks in that scene and it's needed for that or since it's somehow used to make a higher fidelity rendering on his face since he's a main character.

It kind of makes sense
>Gives pirate a break
>Gets fucked because of it
>Realizes how badly he fucked up and regrets doing in, trying anything that will get him back to his original glory
>Fucks up even more and hurts the one woman he ever loved and tries to save her, sacrificing himself in then
He's a lot more human than most of the main characters desu

This guy knows

And that's why I'd have loved if they actually showed him going through those changes.

>Childhood is when you idolize pirate scum
>Adulthood is when you realize it's just good business

In the end, wasn't he basically just a pirate on a really large scale?

>the best
>turned into a squid because "muh waifu broke my heart"
>had literally one job (taking the souls of the dead to wherever the fuck they were supposed to go) and instead of that chose to dick around while keeping all the dead guys slaved to his ship
>became best boy Becket's slave

>Childhood is when you realize fuck orlando bloom's character

>Adult hood is when you realize the movies are better without him

>senile hood is when your realize orlando bloom now plays two character in a shitty telenovela way

> rotten score

The movies already ran pretty long, and he was only ever a secondary character.

No, because he didn't steal from his country's ships or went against his country's government. He just sold slaves and did a shitton of shady shit.

They do the whole
>have massive plot-altering/defining events happen offscreen and then have the characters tell each other about it
meme way too much in these films. Another time is the story of Jack being marooned after the first mutiny led by Barbossa or how Barbossa lost the Pearl and his leg to Blackbeard (not like anyone gives a shit about 4).

There's also the whole story of how Jack and Norrington met where Jack refused to work as a slaver. I think 5 is supposed to go into Jack's backstory a bit though, so who knows.

In a way, I don't mind them doing it but sometimes I feel like the story they do actually show is way more boring than the ones told of in the backstory.

The last one didn't even show up in the movies because the scene were Jack tells Beckett that people aren't cargo was deleted.
And it's a shame because it kind of improves Jack's character by showing that there are thing that even he won't do.

My absolute nigga.
Rewatched the movies recently, they should have made 3 just about Jones and the Dutchman and maybe the EITC.
All that shit with the pirate NATO releasing a literal goddess was beyond retarded. It added at least half an hour of cringe and bad jokes that just fucked up the pacing and plot of a possible good finale.

>there are thing that even he won't do
Jack is a bit like Riddick in that he's described as this incredibly dangerous/evil criminal by other characters, but never actually does anything particularly bad on screen.

Pretty much. I rewatched all four a week or so ago. The kid in me still wants Jack to 'win', but Barbossa is the best.

Yeah I remember seeing it as a deleted scene. It's a shame since it definitely would have added much more to the character rather than just have him be some drunkard lunatic who'd suffered multiple sun strokes.

I actually kind of like that about these films. You really have to pay attention sometimes to grasp some of the details and apply them to the greater continuity. The series as a whole doesn't fall to long bouts of exposition.

I think they kind of touched on that in the first one by revealing the rum stockpile on the island. Jack's legend preceded him and he was wily enough to use it to his advantage. He's actually a pretty bad pirate, his real skill is negotiating and bargaining.

Barbossa is my definitive pirate character

Jack was the best in the first film though.

wtf I hate the British empire now

I like that Jeffery Rush.

That's very true. It reminds me a bit of John Wick with the whole "being written as a sequel" idea--being thrown into a huge world with absolutely no context.

Some might call it lazy filmmaking but I definitely think it's way better and smarter than showing every piece since it almost artificially increases the scope of the universe as the viewer's imagination has to fill in the gaps.

I just made a Pirates thread without seeing this and now I feel bad. Anyway, I just rewatched At World's End for the first time since I was a kid. Hated it then, really enjoyed it now. I plan on watching On Stranger Tides soon but I'm not expecting much.

>comes back to life no explanation
The first movie is a standalone movie the rest are worthless like the Matrix (((sequels)))

The niggress brought him back.


Calypso resurrected him because he died without passing on his piece of eight so she couldn't break free from her imprisonment

She is niggress voodoo godess.

>I plan on watching On Stranger Tides soon but I'm not expecting much.
Just turn it off once they leave London pretty much

If you plan on seeing kino navy battles, you're SOL

She actually lucked out with that one.
Even if she brougth him back if the one-eyed dude died and fell into the ocean or dissapeared then she would be fucked.

She's literally a goddess made out of a million crabs

One thing I never got is why is Barbossa a pirate lord if he was Jack's first mate

Maybe he became a pirate lord after the mutiny.
My headcanon is that one of the pirate lords had a piece of the aztec gold Barbossa and his crew were after and he killed him to take it back.


Arcadia goh HA SHIN!

But weren't they all together when they imprisoned Calypso?

No one gives a shit, reach full adulthood.

Were they? I don't remember and probably the generation of Pirate Lords who imprisoned Calypso existed many years before the current one.
I mean, do we even know how old Davy Jones is? We know he was around 13 years before the movies because he gave Jack the Black Pearl and it doesn't sound like he just showed up a few decades ago.

wasnt the stipulations to be a pirate lord that you just had to have a piece of eight at some point
I dont fucking know

The first Pirates movie is on par with LOTR and Star Wars as adventure movies.

nah that was a bunch of pirates a long time ago. they pass their shit on to other pirates and they become pirate lords like what the chinaman did to Elizabeth. I'd imagine it would be possible to kill a pirate lord and take his place as a pirate lord too.

That makes more sense
Still a bit weird a pirate lord being first mate of another one, I guss this is why he did mutiny

fuck i never even thought of that.

maybe barbosa had his own ship at one point and agreed to sail under jack after hearing of the legendary exploits being committed by an impossibly fast ship?

not really weird when barbosa was captain of the pearl for so long

I find it weirder how Jack became a Pirate Lord considering he was a legit pirate captain for like 2 years and then spent the rest 11 years trying to take his ship back.

nepotism. jack is keith richards son and richards is the guitar slinging rock n roll pirate code keeper

He was given it in one of the prequel books as restitution for the previous pirate lord of the caspian (who went rogue) sinking his ship.

Barbossa was a captain before he was Jack's first mate.

>I feel... cold...
Why was Davy Jones' death so shit compared to Barbossa's death?

>not liking both
are you retarded OP?

Could've been done alot better. A fine actor, but his characterization was too cartoony. I'm referring to the first film only because the rest are crap in comparison

>tfw hyped for the new movie but worried in the back of my head that it will be as bad as the last movie
Also it's apparently going to be the final film

Because Barbossa's death was a pretty personal thing, with the captain he betrayed taking his life after a decade of chasing him, and because his tragic side was executed better.
In comparison, Davy Jones is just "muh Calypso" and gets killed by someone who is a literal who as far as he cares.

>I'm referring to the first film only because the rest are crap in comparison

if you are arguing about the best character of Pirates of the Caribbean, then you will always be a child.