What's next for her career?

What's next for her career?

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it's a shame she never did any acting without those big ridiculous tits

would you date her Sup Forums ?

any films with a redemption arc?

further decline into irrelevance

Reminder when you watch others fuck you are the cuck.

Pornography destroys your interior psychic world and replace it with a prebuilt disgusting one.
All that "no-fap" is bullshit, the real problem is fapping to porn, not the masturbation. If you feel the need to fap 10 times a day, then do it, but with your own fantasies.

Just try to remind your childhood and your pre-adolescent period, at that time you didn't need porn to get turned on. Now, if you're accustomed to porn, it will be very hard to simply masturbate without it.

The thing is that your creative power, comes mainly from your libido. Your sexual fantasies can be easily converted to a powerfull energy to create, think, or do other things. Sex takes an important part of your psyche, and is at the origin of a lot of its contents. By imposing its own degrading images and not letting you create your personal ones, watching porn will slowly degrade you're ability to create, because you will be used to have a pre-made material.

It's catastrophic because it impoverished your brain, you became lazy because all the images are available, and also you became more and more perverted because to be turned on, you always need more powerfull and chocking images.

Porn is bad for your psyche, and bad for your creative power. You should try to progressively reduce your consumption, and try to masturbate without it more and more until you're totally disinfected.

Pornography's Effect on the Brain - Part 1
Pornography's Effect on the Brain - Part 2
Pornography's Effects on Adult and Child
Your Brain on Porn

Meh they were alright for fake tits.

And she can deepthroat.

getting bombed by an Israeli missile (when I say missile I mean my dick)

>fix your tits AFTER you quit porn
what the fuck

Not fucking bad at all. Anymore like this?

Something about that tight little sand negress body makes my dick want to explode

Ok this is a genuine question: What if you only masturbate to a girl masturbating by herself? aka solo porn ?

how did she fix her tits?

Honestly probably yes

I hate her kinds of girls and everything, but there's just something about her that makes me want to fuck her day and night

Wait what?


currently unavailable my dude, alternative link? i've seen your posts before but never followed your links

I'd pay good money or good boy points to see her stripped and stones.


You really don't want to know what her tits looked like before she had the surgery. To described them as runny pancakes would be flattery.

>porn is bad for you maymay

lel no-fap faggos are a cult

I'd do coke with her all day long

She quit porn? And fixed her tits?

i've seen her in a bikini before
they're pretty unimpressive
but her tits are just so goofy man

She got another boob job and the doctor fixed the nipples somehow as seen here

Before and after?!?!

>being this autistic

I jack off to crazy fetish shit and yet still get a boner by just kissing a girl

>mfw I write incredibly dirty and degenerate sex stories on my laptop, then masturbate to them later
>mfw I have multiple 50+ page sagas of people constantly violating each other
W-what does this mean?

Holy fuck why would she quit porn and THEN do this?

I also need an answer to this, because I only fap to solo as well.

That scene in the library is undoubtedly her GOAT scene

she still does webcam shit but i'm pretty sure she is committed to not doing actual porn ever again

anyone else thinks Sup Forums gargabe is much worse than this thread?


How is this Sup Forums - Television & Film related, anti Sup Forums posters?


They really do look better. What the fuck.

More and more evidence come out to show that porn and fapping is degenerate. Have you made the transition yet Sup Forums? Are you strong enough?

>We found that the volume of the so-called striatum, a brain region that has been associated with reward processing and motivated behavior was smaller the more pornography consumption the participants reported

>High testosterone levels for people who can abstain from porn for 7 days

>Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a derivative or by-product of testosterone. Testosterone converts to DHT with the aid of the enzyme Type II 5-alpha-reductace, which is held in the hair follicle's oil glands. While the entire genetic process of male pattern baldness is not completely understood, scientists do know that DHT shrinks hair follicles, and that when DHT is suppressed, hair follicles continue to thrive.

In short, porn will
>shrink your brain
>kill your motivation
>lower your testosterone levels
>make you bald
Not to talk about the fact that people who watch porn for prolonged periods of time will grow tired of watching the same and develop new fetishes like pony fucking

not frankentits anymore

>that anti-porn copypasta

>More and more evidence
By conservative thinktanks and biased clinical trial "research"


what the hell
hey do porn now you fucking kebab slut

she's trying to flip her 15 minutes as a pornstar into 15 minutes as a sports personality. shes insufferable on social media, twatter especially. she blows up guys she deems "out of her league" and then does the same shit trying to jump on nog athletes and piggy back off their name/fame.

I liked her frankentits as well

She is a film star, you moron.

>porn and fapping is degenerate

no fap is a cult

About to make some threads actually
Should I start with king nigger wiretap threads or ice caps?

she has a really cute face

>she has a really cute face

We make her do porn again

Never got into Mia. Where do I start?


There you go bud

Prostitutes are not film stars, Mr Borjesson. Your mom isn't an actress no matter what she tells herself while thug#342 is pounding away

me 3

Only solo or what?

Holy fuck, they look great. About time she fixed those Trainwreck titties.

Pity she didn't do it before she quit porn.

If you can't see the artistic meaning of pornographic material I feel extremely bad for you.

She appeared in several pornographic films. Thus she is on topic.

>she still does webcam shit but i'm pretty sure she is committed to not doing actual porn ever again

she released her 3rd DVD not long ago. She just "quits" until the next series of scenes.
Not to mention she just fixed her biggest physical issue. She'll be back.

imagine being el bananero in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Mia, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me."



she gives great head and she is very beautiful. I laugh at the idiots that can't see her beauty. and seriously tho she gives excellent head. love how she services big white cocks in particular. you can just see her extra emphasis on his pleasure with lots of cockworshipping tongue action. truly kino performances

She'll be back once she runs out of easy cash/attention, don't worry guys. I know her kind.

This is neo/tv/, this is Sup Forums, this is the porn riddled mind of Quentin

i dont know but i like her body of work


she did it because the blowjob is usually before she takes her bra with her franken tits off

Link to your work senpai?

Yes I noticed that she enjoys having sex with white guys much more than with blacks. She's just much more animated with them.

I love her voice. Sort of gravelly, yet soft and feminine. Fucking sexy as fuck, MY FUCKING DICK.

>What's next for her career?
throat cancer and penile insertions

kek deal with it faggot

guy that rants about genocide and niggers gets triggered over porno


this is Sup Forums, this is /stormfront/, this is the retarded meth addled mind of drumpfkins

Me I hope.

>Masturbating to your own work

how the hell is this on youtube she basically shows her asshole

>higher test if you don't watch porn
>byproduct of test makes you go bald
It's literally the other way around dumbshit.

This is actually Sup Forums confirmed by irc
This is reddit confirmed by filename
This is Sup Forums confirmed by going on about Sup Forums and not know this is _

Once again I am proven correct about which posters promote these threads(not Sup Forums posters)

can someone fucking answer this

My mind is just blown.

Watching solo porn cant be cuckoldry so its fine right? xd

I'm too embarrassed, user. It's full of bukakke and golden showers and wincest and whatnot. I'll write it in the heat of the moment and get super horned up, then furiously spank it and forget about it for a few days, then continue writing later.

>mfw I re-read it later and there's actually passable character/plot development

How much of my little girl picture collection should I post to prove I was on Sup Forums before you ever got bored of your echochamber and decided to try and redpill us?

What if you think for yourself for once in your life you sad cunt

>reddit boogyman

there are literally hundreds of easy to find videos of her naked and/or getting fucked

I'm not into golden showers but I like bukkake and I'm a TURBO wincest nut.