SNL General

Host: Octavia Spencer
Musical Guest: Father John Misty

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Can't wait to see SNL back at it! My wife and her son just got back from their day trip so we can all enjoy it together.

nth for I want to marry Vanessa Bayer.


why am I not surprised that the first reply is somebody begging for a stream?

Why is the Japanese flag flying out of his butt?

He ate too much sushi, and now he's overdosing.

inb4 butthurt trump fags

I am ready to complain

>caring THIS much about my good life
Pretty sad buddy, hope your little posting spiel phases out when you grow up. :)

do they still talk about sex

The host and the guest are both nobodies. This is going to suck much more than usual.

>taking a picture of your screen
learn how to screenshot nigga

>google musical guest
>numale bearded ""artist""
Oh goody

You can have her. Melissa Villasenor is all mine.

>Melissa Villasenor

Is she retarded? At first I thought that she was just trying to be funny but then I noticed that she talks like that all of the time.

I'm so weirded out by you SJW's constant projection.

You push for "safe spaces" then start screaming about others wanting them when they turn that phrase on you in a mocking manner. You get offended constantly and demand people take hurt feeling seriously i.e."PC is just forced politeness" but then shit a brick about others being over sensitive babies that just have hurt "fee fees" when your horrible, totalitarian ideology is vaguely criticized.

Do you people feel no shame at all?


Trips confirm that Melissa VIllasenor is retarded.

>this will trigger trump


>she's got no legs

>Mooney in the opening

This episode is doomed


Octavia Spencer is great overall, but she is the best actor in the world when it comes to rolling her eyes....tonight she will get to do that in a comedic context.

goddamn is SNL overdoing it with this political shit

Not even during the Bush or Clinton years was it this bad

Boy howdy, Kate sure is earning her check this season.

I hope there's a sketch about her shitting in a pie.

aren't a bunch of Dems about to get buttfucked for talking to Russia?

isn't Obama going to prison for illegal wire tapping?

They always do the political stuff. A lot of it is just useless complaining anyway.

well damn


Holy fuck, it's Oprah!

There you go

they are getting higher ratings so they are going to triple down on it

Oh great. It's the fat chick from Hidden Figures.


Welp. That was worth it,

Haha poo poo pie. xD

read the news dipshit

You're gonna hate this episode, then.

hahahahahahahhahahahaha coprophagia

Oh Sup Forums get ready for father john misty

He's a pretentious blowhard

inb4 singing monologue

lol black people don't know how to make pie

I did it says Obama is going to prison for wiretapping and Dems buttfucked for talking to Russia


what's the context?

The Help

All of the democrat meetings with Kisilyak are in his capacity as an ambassador and on the record, and the wiretap thing is complete bullsh-

Oh, right! You're retarded! Sorry, I should have known from the way you're an obvious Sup Forums shitposter.

>Not even during the Bush or Clinton years was it this bad

Oldfag here. It most certainly was.

Did that black bitch make people eat shit pie in the Niggers in Space movie?

Hold your breath till that happens pls

No. In "the Help" she did.

Please read articles that aren't written by Breitbart or are tweets by Trump

Octavia is age 44. I guess that's about right. She's talented though.

Obama is going to get buttfucked in prison and there is no amount of safe spaces that can help you

Someone just post a fucking stream. Holy shit.

I Love You, Honeybear is a fucking great album though

Hidden fence light confirmed for Oscar

Thanks ;)


republicans btfo! how will they ever recover?

Is that Jon Hamm?

who the literal fuck is father john misty though

The AV Club got mentioned again! the joke here that no one has done this yet? Because thats really stupid.

SNL needs more pretentious musicians and fewer shitty pop stars and rappers

>This sketch

Whitey ReTHUGlicans BTFO!

That seemed more like a parody of oscarbait movies.


>mfw it ends up being GWB

it's amazing paul ryan was able to stand so often during trump's speech, considering he has no spine

the medical advancements in this country are truly outstanding

SNL needs more real music. Rock and roll. Not crap rappers and pop and hipster shit.

The joke is that no republican has the balls to stand up to an orange faggot. It's hilarious.

It's a fucking great joke, really.

Lots of republicans are happy to be cucks to trump

Rock and Roll is hipster now though

SNL needs more hipster rock an roll

butthurt trumpfags

He's a liberal shithead (probably why he's on SNL) but I like some of his songs

The police pepper sprayed an old trump supporter today.



>Republicans don't want to stand up to the head of their party and that's bad
>meanwhile Dems will eat Hillary's shit if she told them to and are dangerous protesting retards and that's good

Shes aging horribly for a black woman.

I agree, but I also accept the fact that rock is a dying genre


>that song
Why do millennials have the need to swear in every other word they speak or sing?

>b-but Hillary tho!

Listen, this is the last time I'm replying to an inbred hick like you. If you wanna talk politics, go to Sup Forums, but don't ruin another fucking thread.

The fuck is this Mail Chimp thing? I don't want to give them even an internet search since their ads are so dumb and 'mystery box'.

Because ours is a diseased, unraveling generation and one might as well have some fun riding the tiger

He was a nazi. He deserved it.

swearing in songs far predates millenials

Real talk, I just realized that I find Octavia very sexy....seriously.

I think it's because I see her as actory more than black



it wasn't the police it was libs