Why is Arnold White such an edgelord?

Why is Arnold White such an edgelord?


So far, he's one of the few people I've seen who has been able to articulate the flaws in this film well, but he gave it a 'rotten' rating RT. He knows damn well how good the movie is (even thought some parts leave a bit to be desired), he just likes to get a rise out of people. Even with the third act, the movie is still an 8/10 at least.

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I watched it and honestly didn't think it was a good film.

dude gay blacks lmao

This ((movie)) has no redeeming features aside from the sensationalism of gay black men being a focal point.

It's brokeback mountain with a race swap and the removal of good cinematography, script and acting.

Fuck off, nigger. Armond "honorary" White does it again

I hope this is a joke, Brokeback Mountain? That's like saying Independence day is the same this Alien with a planet swap and removal of good cinematography, script and acting

He articulates his points very well OP. You can't really say he's wrong when he's giving his opinion and it's a well educated one.

did you even read what I said?

>So far, he's one of the few people I've seen who has been able to articulate the flaws in this film well

But even with those flaws, a rotten rating is like sayng the movie is

It's an Oscar bait movie, it's bad by default.
I mean, not only are the characters gay, but they had to be black too. What are the odds?
Might as well have the main characters scream in front of the camera OOGA BOOGA GIBS ME THE OSCAR TEEHEE~

The second Trayvon grabbed the chair and smashed the kid the movie was over.
Cheap cop-out that the director knew would resonate with white people and suburban blacks. Not even kidding.

Why do I reply to such retarded bait as this? Hard to say.
Crawl back to Sup Forums

The middle kid was literally cast perfectly

I'd give the movie 6/10, but I honestly liked the third part the most.

Originally downloaded the movie without knowing what was it about, thought it was another cool flick about negroes like Beasts of No Nation for example

moonlight was the best film to win an oscar in the past 20 years


The movie is just a virtue signal from liberals. Everyone knows homosexual and mental health issues are more dominant in the white race.


It's very good almost excellent, but no, your bold statement isn't correct

>tfw the difference between real and ironic or post-ironic shitposting can't be detected anymore

Watch more films

Yes (well mental health issues at least), and everyone also knows that homosexuality is much more repressed and shunned in low income black neighborhoods than low to middle class white ones.

Also that's not an example of virute-signalling

Post better arguments

Armond is right and if the lead characters were any other race nobody would care about this "film." The movie doesn't deserve praise just because it features soulless gay niggers.

But most Oscar movies aren't even good

What is a 'Oscar movie'? That's a stupid, limited branding.
And even taking into consideration, it's not true in the slightest.


Damn, I wish I had noticed it.
It's like that thing with the gorilla.

He's a fucking retard who loves garbage like Hidden Figures and acts pretentious in order to hide his horrific taste.

Armond is a gay nigger but he's our /gaynigger/

>In the Netherlands, where gay marriage has been legal since 2001, gay men remain three times more likely to suffer from a mood disorder than straight men, and 10 times more likely to engage in “suicidal self-harm.” In Sweden, which has had civil unions since 1995 and full marriage since 2009, men married to men have triple the suicide rate of men married to women.

What did they mean by this


Don't say that, they'll call you a Sup Forumstard.

Why try to throw that guy under the bus? You're the one Sup Forums babby already crying, he's just a simple pleb.

A movie that won an oscar for best picture
exactly what the poster said

I wish we could have a Moonlight viewing stream.

I want to watch it with Sup Forums...

Any film will be more than that. And a winner is an even more limited group.
He seemed like a subscriber to the easy buzzword of oscarbait, not anything more refined.

I unironically watch and jerk off to gay black porn as a bisexual white male. I gave this movie a 7/10.


>moonlight was the best film to win an oscar in the past 20 years

That's always shit. Nobody watches anything, just shitpost with the film on the background

>armond white
>dumb enough to use numerical ratings for movies

His expression can easily be understood beyond that.
And it doesn't matter, it's stupid anyway you take it.

16 minutes into the movie, when do i get to see some chocolate ass get pounded

>Sup Forums has been complete shit for over 7 years now

I remember when we'd watch shit like MST3K on synchtube. Those were the days.

When you say 7 years, I think it means 2004 or 05. Kill me

24 minutes into it. About to fall to sleep. When does the action start? Why haven't they started rioting yet?

this film is not for you

I don't know why you're '''watching''' it. Obviously you aren't interested, nor has the capacity to watch something like this with your Sup Forums brain.

easiest bait of my life lol. Kids these days


I'm confused, when the little black boy asked if his mother does drugs, why didn't the black man reply "Hell yeah, nigga."

white women prefer blacks. does that make you uncomfortable???

Would you have preferred a funny pun? Haha those puns always get me too man.

Armond knows the movie is literally just WE WAZ BROKEBACK N SHEEIT

why do you assume i am white

Fags are just more likely to an hero because they're more than likely crazy

They're not making some abject point that gay men around the wrong aren't treated like shit, they're just focusing on one black faggot, Jesus Christ.

>they're more than likely crazy
gonna need some sources.