Can we all agree this is now the definitive X-Men trilogy?

Can we all agree this is now the definitive X-Men trilogy?

you unironically liked xmen2?


No. It's a quadrology.

X1, X2, First Class and Logan.

I enjoyed all the X-Men movies

You mean, the best xmen movie?


The perfected six-part saga

Riddle me this, reddit

If their claws were adamantium why did they have to use the bullet?

First Class > Days of Future Past

Regardless, no X-Men movie (aside from Logan, which has its own issues) has ever been an actual good movie. They all have major problems, but they all (even Last Stand & Apocalypse) have a few great scenes too.

The franchise is fucked up, they wasted McAvoy and Fassbender by handing it back to Singer.

and wouldn't wolverine just recover but with normal skull instead of adamantium and no memory?

>The Boreverine
Remove pls

>mfw no Dan Stevens cameo

Jesus Christ, there are 9 X-men movies, including the shitty 3, Origins, and Apocalpyse. When is capeshit gonna end?

Wasn't expecting to see Robin Williams in such a violent film.

Why don't people in the real world just use their finger to stab themselves in the brain to commit suicide? The bones in the finger and the head are the same kind of bone, right?

even wolverine origin?

yea it was alright. nice popcorn flick for a rainy saturday afternoon

>mfw Lone Gunman's death

What a shitty ending to a tiresome movie. I was still into it despite it repeating the same instance 3 times over, but once they got to Eden I was checked out. Classic case of blueballs.

>mfw people walking out of the theater asking what X-23 was quoting at the end

Do people even watch the movies they pay to sit through?

What do people see in DoFP? It was so much worse than First Class.

> good
> very good
> ok / meh
> bad
first class
> great
the wolverine
> very good
> strongly great
> great

>Apocalypse, great
>X-Men 2, good

The fuck is wrong with you?

>he hasn't seen The Wolverine: Director's Cut

because a adamantium bullet has more force applied to it

Apocalpyse was shit, sure.
But X-2 was GOAT when it came out: niggers were literally clapping in the theater when the trailers finished and the movie started. I think I came a little bit in my pants at the end. It's only lackluster in retrospect.

This is the only correct answer, this 4 X-men movies are the only good ones, X1, X2, First Class and Logan the rest is shit.
I can give the bonus of some scenes in X3 and and ToFP, but I can count them with one hand.


So did Professor X have a seizure while using Cerebro and exterminated the mutants on accident?

>people like First Class
Wow, Sup Forums has such shitty taste. Great actors but it's easily the worst Xmen film.

Hell, it IS the worst

>The Kids go off and form their own haven
>X-24 recovers
>X-24, with no marketable skills and no memory becomes a cage fighter
>decades pass
>muties still rejected by public
>Young girl on a road trip needs wolverine's help getting up north
>end up at the haven for mutants "Eden"
>join the new team of mutants
>X-men Series has gone full circle

She was too weak to break through the skull.

First Class atleast have a sort of "grounded" look with their costume. It is also convincing that they made it look practical until the costumed ending came.

No. Only in age of apocalypse wolverine is basically immortal and recovers from a beheading. But his powers were essentially super charged.

correct order is best order

The Wolverine was just like any other The Transporter movie, but with mutant on it.

Why does everyone seems to hate Origins? It is because of Deadpool? The movie itself is probably one of the best in the series, imho.

First Class stuffed all priors into the trash.

>Why does everyone seem to hate Origins?

If it had just been a real Deadpool vs Wolverine fight at the end, people would unironically like it.

Days of Future Past is good but the entire movie exists simply to retcon the bad movies

I think the true X-Men trilogy is 1, 2, and Logan, that's all you need

>easily the worst

I pity you if you genuinely think that.

stop ignoring apocalypse

I agree but with reluctance on Logan. At the beginning of Logan I was amazed, I was taken aback by the initial excellence but the sensation was short lived as several flaws presented themselves and persisted. I'm especially tired of excessive violence that lacks purpose or is even comical in a movie I'm taking seriously because when I do it cannot not matter and regardless of purpose consequently matters.

Some of the initial quality is retained throughout the move still and of such a potency was it.

It needs a fan edit. I might make an edit for myself when blu-ray is out.

This three are perfect the way they are presented. First Class has that bad acting job on the psychic sidekick, Origins is awful. X3 and Apocalypse went full retard. The Wolverine has a bad final act.

Logan > Deadpool > First Class > DoFP > Apocalypse > X3 > Origins

Didn't see X1 or 2. Problem with X-Men movies is that there's nothing really memorable, First Class and DoFP are good but not kino enough, Apocalypse feels like those generic mid-2000s action movies, I haven't seen X3 in years and Origins is too edgy.

Deadpool handles it's subject matter better than most comic book movies and Logan is just kino.

Thinking of seeing Legion.

sorry its not edgy enough for you

i unironically haven't seen one since X2 and that was only because my parents dragged me to it

how do you fucks keep throwing enough money at them to keep making these movies? how are the plots at all different enough for you to say "man i can't wait for the next one"

>a bloo bloo why was the movie violent

fuck off, pussy.

No. He had one six years prior to the events of the film that killed many mutants in the area including 7 Xmen. The British doctor used used his research to put chemicals into the food products around the world that prevented mutant children from being born.

Logan and X2 are the only legitimately good X-Men movies. The Magneto scenes in FC and Apocalypse are great, but the rest of those movies are not, and everything else is mediocre to awful.

Which trilogy is better?

The Original Trilogy
>X2: X-Men United
>X-Men: The Last Stand

The First Class Trilogy
>X-Men: First Class
>X-Men: Days of Future Past
>X-Men: Apocalypse

The Wolverine Trilogy
>X-Men Origins: Wolverine
>The Wolverine

Original, because it's the only one with more than one good or decent movie.

You talking shit about the transporter?


t. American

the violence serves a thematic purpose you dolt

it's almost as if the movie is about a guy whose powers serve absolutely no purpose besides killing people trying to find absolution by creating something meaningful in his last days

t. pussified yurocuck

They need to reboot all this mess, to be honest.

Except fingers aren't razor fucking sharp and a foot long, you retard.

X-men timelines/movie canon is fucking horrible. It's as bad as marvel universe resets. Such shit writing and the x-men movies tend to ignore the rest of the marvel reality because money, deals and IP rights.

I agree.

The trilogy in OP is the best.

It's the best 3 movies for starters. And they flow quite well narratively with a variety of tones.

There's 10 if you include Deadpool

Yeah and that's a good thing.

Because we like them? What the fuck do you think?

Days of Future Past would have been perfect if there was some actual balance between the future and the past. Instead, we got an extremely one-sided focus on the past (and, by extent, the unwarranted obsession with Mystique). Don't get me wrong, the movie was good, but why was so much time spent on the barebones 70's timeline when the future had better action scenes, settings and villains? The Sentinels of the future were probably the most sinister mooks I have ever seen in a comic book movie. The way they slaughtered people so easily made everybody in the theater uncomfortable.

Why did Singer decide to put all the focus on bone-claw Wolverine, a crippled Professor X, and Beast trying to stop Magneto for the fiftieth fucking time?

Singer is a fucking hack

>DoFP instead of First Class
you fucking pleb

Why did the fuck up the third movies of each trilogy so hard? Was it intentional or just a coincidence

The sentinels made it better than first class desu. Only problem I had with dofp was Lawrence

DoFP was superior to First Class is pretty much every way

How amazing would Days of Future Past have been if we actually got to see more of the Sentinels, Storm, Bishop and the other mutants from the future? But Singer, for some reason, really wanted the movie to be about how Mystique isn't as bad a person as people think.