Why is this so fucking good?

Why is this so fucking good?

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because its a man who makes $100k a day not cooking fish talking about how working hard is all that matters in life.

Jiro is kind of a dick

Does he really make that much?



Do the math.

he has all the right to be one

Why are there suddenly all these threads about this popping up again?

He has a net worth of 9 million, he has been working for his whole life. It's actually quite poor, I know local electricians as old as he is but richer.

15 mins in: i get it, he likes sushi. dragged file to trash and went to jack in the box (sourdough jack with no tomato)

>i know people who work harder at a more important job who barely made more than a meme lord


Because it encourages us to do something with our lives and to perfect our craft.


negro they go into how much a seat/reservation will cost, from there its simple extrapolation to calculate the fact he makes 100k a fucking day.

Hes absurdly rich considering all he does is not cook fish.

Japan is different than the US. The most wealthy person in japan behind the royal family is a voice actor. Only in the US do people get extremely wealthy from doing almost nothing.

had friends who would try to make me watch this. always got bored and walked out on it. they had some weird boner with this film though. when netflix lost all the decent content years ago, documentaries were the only things left for people to watch. probably the only reason jiro got popular.

>Do the math.
Isn't it only like $200 to eat at his restaurant? And they must only do a limited amount of service each day... and not many customers... doesn't add up

>an 85-year-old sushi master and owner of Sukiyabashi Jiro, a Michelin three-star restaurant, on his continuing quest to perfect the art of sushi. Sukiyabashi Jiro is a 10-seat, sushi-only restaurant located in a Tokyo subway station. Jiro Ono serves a tasting menu of roughly 20 courses, for a total of 30,000 Japanese yen ($281 USD).

10 seats at a time = 2810$
1 minute per course = 20 minutes per seat
30 seats an hour = 8430$/h
Let's call it 8h serving/day then 67,440$/day

Safe to say he makes at least 40k/day which isn't too impressive given he's a Michelin 3 star restaurant.

only in the US is it really possible to accumulate so much capital that it starts generating it's own capital.

Only possible if you're either born absurdly rich or you manage to have the absurdly rich buy something from you for a few billion, that is.

Is being a chef really the dumbest art form?

>be a musician
>make music
>it's recorded forever after being made once

>be an painter
>make a painting
>it's recorded via permanent physical form

>be a chef
>make an ornate dish
>it's eaten and pooped out

Yeah that too. But I was mostly talking about how people can spend like a year writing a program and then sell it for 200 million dollars to a mega corporation. That happens quite frequently it seems.

I know you're high balling the figures but I'm laughing thinking of Jiro acting like the soup nazi, feeding people their courses as efficiently as possible, and once they're done he kicks them the fuck out and immediately seats someone else

your opinion is shit

its $281 minimum, about 15 minutes per seat, and no reason to assume less than 12 hour serving day. So $100k give or take.

And all the nigger does is not cook fish.

>my body is broken by 40

What did they mean by this?

it happens about as frequently as people win the lottery. To say, just often enough to keep people doing it even though 99.999% of them won't get shit from it.

Cooking is pretty low skill. I mean if you're a chef at a restaurant, you only have to learn how to cook the dishes that the place serves. Most places don't sell more than 50 things. So memorize those 50 things and that's all. Musicians and painters basically live a life style that required them to be submerged in their art if they want to be skillful at all. I'm not talking about pop (jew) music or rap (nog) music.

>le mystical asian expert old man

but nig and nog music is the only music that will pay a living wage.

Kind of like culinary """"""art"""""" 2 days after I experience it :^)

He's a hack cook and a shitty dad. Fresh fish and hot rice is all you need for good sushi. Anyone can do it if you just buy fresh shit.

Add a secret sauce marinade and boom you're on jiro's level with 1/10th the years spent washing rice like a slave.

Everyone with a savings account also fits under that category retard

Are you fucking retarded user?

But you won't make 100k a day.

>tfw you make sushi in your home and it's better than anything else you've been served at a restaurant but you don't have the ingredients to make multiple kinds of roles so you just eat the same roll over and over again and it gets monotonous
The hardest thing about sushi is getting the ingredients. Fuck "chefs"

Oh right, the people getting between 10 and 20 dollars a year from interest! They're totally on the same level as people who could never spend more money than they earn passively.

I wouldn't be too surprised if those numbers came close to the real thing though, people probably line up outside for it. This is quite common in Tokyo, there are some exclusive sushi places that open at like 5 am and people start lining up at 1-2 am so they can get in, it's crazy. And they're not even Michelin places, they're just your local traditional sushi place. Also it's worth noting that Jiro is located in a Tokyo subway station, i.e. quite the shitload of passerbys.

I'll try to find the video of the sushi place I was talking about, it's been a while since I've seen it.

I'm not talking about some expert chef that knows how to cook anything and dedicates their life to get Michelin stars. I'm talking about the run of the mill chef really. The low tier chef is on par with the guy that plays guitar on the street. It sounds nice but he can't write a damn thing or play styles he's not familiar with.

>I'm talking about the run of the mill
That pretty much goes for everything though, not many people will ever be exceptional at anything.

Another meme documentary

I bet you like Dear Zachary as well op.

Jiro Dreams of Sushi is so fucking boring. It could have been 15 minutes long and relayed the same information.

But if you go on to make your own business then who's menu do you have to go by? You have to consistently come up with new ideas that work and present them well. Not low skill at all just because heating up fries and patties and McDonald's was easy for you

Fuck information you fool. It was kino. That directing

>people probably line up outside for it
I read somewhere the reservation list is like a year+ in advance, so yeah

hes lowballing, if anything.

Not necessarily. There are many places that serve one really good dish that almost everyone eats and everything else on the menu isn't nearly as good. When you watch Kitchen Nightmare that's basically what Ramsay makes every restaurant do. Focus on one dish and try to save the restaurant by being famous for it. Most chefs don't dedicate their being to learning how to cook everything.


Because sushi is good.

If you think it's just about the sushi job then you're an idiot

Before the documentary the waiting list was 3 months, now its a year.

Honestly just eating the raw fish is a lot more flavorful than eating a bunch of rice and vegetables. Fuck sushi, it's a meme dish

Do you need specially developed tastebuds to taste the difference between decent and GREAT sushi? I feel like I wouldn't be able to taste a big difference between it and any cheap local sushi place.

Off you go now

If those were the actual numbers then he'd be earning $134,880/day for the cheapest menu course ($281) given a constant influx of customers for 12 continuous hours consuming just that. Now let's say this isn't really the case and there's less people on a daily basis, he could still be making north of 100k/day if you compensate the less amount of people with the higher price menu items. The guy is a Michelin chef so it's somewhat expected I guess. Running a food business isn't as easy as it sounds, this isn't your local McDees

Sushi is just rice with vinegar on it. The only difference I can think of is the freshness of the fish and veggies. I've never noticed a difference between cheap vs premium rice.

>Running a food business isn't as easy as it sounds, this isn't your local McDees

I'd only say that for establishments that actually cook food.

Good sushi doesn't taste like anything.

Bad sushi tastes like rotting meat.

Ate there in summer of 08, was traveling through Asia after Uni. At ~600 bucks per person, not worth it. Half of what we were served was average sushi place tier, the only stuff I liked was fatty tuna and eel. Also eating there is uncomfortable as fuck, and no one speaks a lick of English.

Overrated, overhyped by retarded foodies.

>he doesn't appreciate the parable between food and life

Good sushi tastes slightly sweet with a little bit of cream cheese.

>with a little bit of cream cheese.

So just starting to rot but not unpleasant yet.

Some fresh fish (like blue tuna for example) are sold for millions of dollars in tsukiji fish market for a very narrow select amount of bidders with the intent of making premium sushi off it. No wonder that shit can be so costly.

>In 2013, Kiyoshi Kimura, the owner of a Japanese sushi restaurant chain, paid $1.76 million for the first bluefin at Tsukiji, which weighed 489 pounds. Kimura had paid $736,000—a world-record price at the time—for the first tuna of 2012. That fish weighed 593 pounds.

How was the waitlist? How many weeks/months?

Best sushi I ever had was 1500 yen ランチ at a place near the Omiya station in Saitama prefecture. The red-eyed snapper was to die for.

>someone taught me in 3 years all I needed to know about cutting exquisite raw fish properly for people who can't appreciate it
It's a fucking joke. It's like he wanted to be THE BEST at something, so he picked something easy, and has rested on those laurels for years, content that he has achieved the best he ever could. Rice, egg, fish

Godzilla roles are, the most kino of kino. Take a step back and soak this fucking monster in. We nuke the japanese, twice. They make a monster out of it cuz muh suffering. Years and years later some jap comes up with the idea to sell deep fried sushi, and calls it a godzilla role.

Every fucking time i go out to eat sushi i get this fucker, there is nothing better in all the world of food making, then having a japanese man serve me his own deep fried heritage for 10 bucks.

Stick to your peasant daily ration. This is Patrician food we're talking about.


I believe it's about $200 a dish breh

>retarded foodies.
They're all retarded

How come Obama gets to waste millions of taxpayer money just so he can get some meme sushi while Trump isn't even taking his salary?

>not eating it from the chef's asshole


you can't criticise a black man, that would be racist.

Sounds right. Some of the less traditional sushi roles are fucking great. I had a bacon avocado roll once when I was eating a bunch of california rolls and it was very surprising how great it tasted. I always want to get those expensive rolls with cool shit in them but I never feel like dropping the cash to get them.

Why did Obummer spend 30,000 dollars on a few packages of hotdogs? Government spending is through the roof because no one can be held accountable and there are no consequences to being a fucking negligent retard. Kill everyone in washington please right wing death squads now

California roll is to sushi as Taco bell is to authentic Mexican.

>panda sushi
>caribou sushi
>sea turtle sushi
>lizard sushi
Sushi truly is the pinnacle of culinary art

it cost the taxpayers a million dollars if he wants to take a shit in the woods

That jap must be pissed to have a black guy in his restaurant

probably had it deloused and replaced all his furniture

>Trump isn't even taking his salary?

Trump is paying himself by staying at his golf resort. Tax money has to pay for his staff and security to stay there too. So he's just funneling money back into his own pocket.

Sushi is just rice with vinegar there is literally nothing wrong with california rolls. you actually believe it takes 10 years of training to become a sushi chef? fuck off pretentious asshole

I've been to Jiros and other michelin classed sushi places, for places like this you need to call them to reserve IN JAPANESE months in advance. They will give you a certain timeslot that you need to appear right on time or else they'll cancel you and charge you full price for the booking even if you haven't eaten there.

The places are quiet with nobody around, you just walk in and tell them your reservation and then sit and enjoy your meal. The restaurants with a lot of queues are cheaper lower end places.

Sushi chef is such a low tier culinary art. There is no skill involve. In fact it probably takes more skill to be able to cook a souffle or a steak medium rare with a hundred percent accuracy than it is to drizzle rice with vinegar and put fish on top of it

Bait for the bait gods.

Having the prime minister eat at your meme place probably made up for it.

Sushi is such a scam
>dude rice wrapped up with uncooked fish for hundreds of dollar lmao
I would rather get some wagyu if i was going to pay for japanese overpriced food

I've been to japan and ate from the cheapest run of the mill chain shops to michelin classed sushi places.

Once you reach a certain threshold, it gets harder and harder to notice the difference between decent sushi and GREAT sushi.

I would have to say that even japan's cheapest sushi is better than the top of the line sushi in most countries but once you reach the middle ground of about 3000 yen for a sushi set, you can pretty much taste the best of what japan has to offer. If you go for Jiro's levels of michelin chefs, the sushi is AMAZING but not really that much of a major step up between the mid tier sushi. Most people won't be able to tell the difference too so it'll be a waste of money to go from my experience.

he doesn't make that in a week
>my family owns everything from a Greek diner to multiple 5 star steakhouses

You would probably only be able to tell the difference if you ate as efficiently as possible like a fucking autist. video related, it's how you'd have to eat to tell the difference.

it's the emperor new clothes with expensive food and run of the mill standard food

literally watch chef taste the difference between expensive shit and cheap shit in a blind taste test and they won't know the difference

> art has to be preserved forever

"You" employ more than five people who have to do things other than not cook fish.

preparing food isn't even an art form unless you're a pretentious retard.
don't need music to live
don't need paint to live
need food to live
putting it on a plate with some garnish and calling it art is stupid as fuck.

>is stupid as fuck.

But why? Explain yourself.

You're not factoring in costs at all.

Hes not factoring the fact each DISH/course is minimum $200.

Trump is required by the Constitution to take his salary

Because your hunger gets in the way of your judgement. All art should be objectively judged by the viewer. But when you eat, you let other emotions influence your judgement and decision. These emotions include hunger, thirst, time, and cost. If you're more hungry, you are more likely to think a dish has more artistic merit. Since everyone must eat, the time it takes to prepare a dish or even eat the dish may influence your judgement. Even something as beautiful as roe might seem disgusting when you consider the price you are paying for it. Thus, food is not objectively able to be judged and is not a good medium for art.

this isnt even remotely true you idiot

i work for an investment bank and >we have clients from all over the world, sometimes with only a few million dollars who want private banking services