Redpill me on Girls

redpill me on Girls

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Women are the niggers of gender

Arguably the best HBO comedy of all time.

Jessa > Shosh > Hannah > Marnie

Sometimes girls are born with penises and sometimes not. Rarely they have both.

women want to do away with the conventions of shame and behaviour standards/decorum

Lower class women never had these. They pretend women like them were yoked with such responsibility in the past so they have something to rail against and create a victim complex around.

what did he mean by this?

smelly jews

it was supposed to be a satire on millenial women and it succeeded because almost all of the main characters are total unlikeable bitches

i disagree. a 19th century peasant housewife would never behave like the women on this show

Marnie is gorgeous and a bitch but I want to take care of her and hate fuck her at the same time.
The fat girl is disgusting. Not just because she's fat. She's a disgusting human being. Outside and inside.
Show has its moments but generally meh

Show with self admitted child molester is allowed to remain on air while that dipshit Milo gets dumpstered for words about pedos.

parasites feeding off of your biological urges.

they are as unevolved as niggers.

>mfw I run across a naked photo of that fucking ham galaxy who stars in Girls
>mfw people defend this hog's molestation of her sister

It's what happens when you give a feminist a millions of dollars to make a hbo show

it's a well done slice-of-life comedy drama that gets a lot of shit because the star and writer rubs people the wrong way

they want the freedom to think and act as a man does and face a level of societal judgement similar to a man's.

whose life? upper class, college-educated 20-somethings?

It was only ever the upper class who was held to any kind of standard. The middle class emulated it to seem more respectable to their betters and peers which they eventually cast off to return to peasant debauchery. That's where we are at right now.

I think fat men are fucking gross pigs with self control problems and are likely pieces of selfish shit. I think people who are casual about molesting their sister are brazen deviants who shouldn't be propped up as thought leaders in any group. I think people who have emotional, knee-jerk reactions to things are mouth-breathing simpletons. I think nepotism-driven passion projects are usually crap. If she were a dude and did all of the same things, her fanbase would be nil.

But if that were true they would have less freedom. That's what it means to be a man.

>peasant debauchery

Peasants might be prone to all kinds of debauchery but I hardly think they are so entitled

I like it a lot. It's funny in an edgy way that Sup Forums should appreciate. As a robot/cyborg, I find it's portrayal of anxiety and romantic naivete to be comforting.

Shosh > Marnie > Hannah > Jessa

Ray > Charlie > Adam > Fran > Elijah > Desi

>they want the freedom to think and act as a man does
not all men think and act the same way. not all men behave like the women on that show
>and face a level of societal judgement similar to a man's.
except when it comes to relationships, sexuality and the law; then they want to be held to a different standard

This was a great episode. Very similar to One Man's Trash from the second season.

yeah that sounds about right
upper-middle-class to upper class.
a lot of the comedy comes from the absurdity and detachment of that worldview.

>If she were a dude and did all of the same things, her fanbase would be nil.
she, as a professional, doesn't exist in a political vacuum, and politics has played a large part in her ability to not be completely discarded by the entertainment industry. The show is good on it's own merits, however, and would still have carried her pretty far as a man. Fact is there are plenty of stupid, emotional, and molester men who have fanbases very far from nil, so I don't know how you draw that conclusion

I don't think that's true. I think there are unequal freedoms, to be sure, but in general there is a fairly large number of social freedoms afforded to men that women are judged more harshly/unforgivingly for

>not all men think and act the same way. not all men behave like the women on that show
I never sought to make that argument
>except when it comes to relationships, sexuality and the law; then they want to be held to a different standard
specifically when it comes to sexuality and relationships they want equalization of the standards.
although I'm sure that nobody is envious of men's far more unforgiving societal rigidity regarding sexuality


is that Rick?

Remember that time when Marnie seduced a black man and lured him to her parents' house where his brain was scooped out and a replaced with another?

Fucking millennial women are such entitled bitches. Worst girl by far.

>in general there is a fairly large number of social freedoms afforded to men that women are judged more harshly/unforgivingly for
That hasn't been true for decades. Women can do whatever they want including kill their children and face no repercussions.

>I never sought to make that argument
you implied it. "they want to think and act as a man does," with the example being the females on the show, implies that they want to be like men who womanise, have no standards, dignity or respect
>specifically when it comes to sexuality and relationships they want equalization of the standards.
no they don't. women aren't expected to be financially successful, socially and sexually dominant, of a certain physique and height, or to be the 'hunter' in the dating scene, and they don't want to be. women do not want to be held to the standards forced onto men

I want a Ray spinoff

was it sexual assault?

Calling it now. The guy who plays Ray becomes an HBO standard actor. He'll probably be on two HBO series in the next five years.

i-is that his real penis?



it's really funny

>saw that clip recently of marnie getting her butthole eaten
>about to unironically start watching the show

does anyone else get nekked besides lena "stash the cache inside my sisters gash" dunham?

The thick one gets naked somewhat often.

he played a NYPD Aux cop on L&O SVU for a couple of episodes... probally best ones of that season too... i wish he gets his own show

jessa shows her tits a couple times throughout the series. showed her bush too this season

Women being women (cunts) posing as satire posing as honesty.

She's not thick she's fat. Thick implies a hint of form. She's collection of randomly positioned blubber blobs

You Sup Forums contrarians are ridiculous. Girls is a 7/10 show.

Not talking about Dunham, mate.

it's funny and makes feminists mad

Sorry then. My hatred got the better of me.


Can someone list the hairy armpit scenes and actresses that show their pits in this? Thanks!


Some in a show written by a feminist and starring women, the male side-characters are better written, have better characterization, and are generally better actors.

Charlie should have stayed after his comeback instead of being a one off episode. He played essentially the exact same type in that movie hr did