What are the saddest scenes in cinema?

What are the saddest scenes in cinema?

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>You could fuck me right here if you wanted, I'll let you do anything to me

fucking destroys me every time


what's that from?

There's literally another active thread exactly like this at the moment

The confrontation between Noodles and Max which is also kind of the end in Once upon a Time in America


The ending of Requiem For A Dream fucked me up.

Littlefoot's mom buying a farm

Dan eating on the floor on King Gimp

The man last conversation with the taxidermists on Taste of Cherry

the end of Oldboy

This one and the ending always get me crying

When adam sandlers dad dies.

>your reflection on the screen

>Watch a flick
>Adam Sandler is in it
>He doesn't die in the first 5 minutes

Click was rough

>radio shed molestation scene
>radio mom scene
>radio end montage of the real guy
>under the skin toddler alone on the beach scene (fuck that mother, double fuck that father, and fuck that dog I hope it was slowly crushed against the rocks brutally)
>hacksaw ridge shaking hands lowering rope please Lord just one more scene
>hacksaw ridge end of movie with real people montage
>toy story 3 garbage incinerator holding hands embracing death scene
>titanic mother tucking her children in to bed knowing they're all going to drown scene (this one hit me hard watching with my mother as a kid)
>lotr too many to name scenes
Off the top of my head these are the only movies to get me choked up


>Don't be what they made you

>tfw I almost posted pic related but am always wrong when I try and call my gets so I went with a stupid cat in the hat picture


get rekt

I thought the complete opposite

Stupid cunts had every opportunity to change or fix their shit but no

They only come to those that need it the most.
They may never be called upon.

my brother cried during Radio and I just looked over at him and thought "holy fuck what a goddamned pussy"

scene is badass. michael is cold-blooded



Toy Story 3 scene pissed me off. Completely against Woody's character to accept death. Would've been way more powerful of instead of holding hands and accepting fate, he fought against it. Would capture that emotion of 'don't go gentle into that good night, rage rage against the dying of the light'

The one about your life lmao


This scene always got to me, especially the way Wyatt goes out in the rain with blood all over him


also RIP Bill Paxton

Grave of the Fireflies really got to me since I had a little sister at the same age whom I cared deeply for

The ending of Marley and me

Did she died?

Watchign your kids grow old while you go on a time-dilated journey around the cosmos to save your planet.

old yeller

She was the same age when I watched it, so I longer have a sister of the SAME age since she is older now. I apologize for the confusion

I would probably have killed myself if she was dead though

user he accepted death because he knew Andy was grown up. He was done. He didn't want his last moments to be wasted trying to get back to Andy like so much of his time, but rather spend it with his toy friends embracing each other. They all did fight anyway. It was hopeless. Why they let go of the magnetized shit on the ceiling in the previous scene however...

Fighting against the hopelessness makes it more emotive.
Imagine the scene altered so that when Bo Peep gets his attention and he sees everyone is braced for a communal connected peaceful death and just says no.
Even if Andy had grown old, Woody's devotion should have held harder than anything.
Sam Gamgee would've fought

What movie?

Once Upon a Time in America, when that guy who wanted to see the pacific died looking at the puddle.

Drugs m8

>bo peep
user bo peep was yardsaled in between movies... I assume you mean Jesse? How would you have wanted woody to fight? Just keep trying to climb up the pieces beside everyone going nowhere looking like a dude on a stairclimber while the rest just hug it out? Not a lot of options

Yes, the futility of it would've been poignant

The ending from Downfall ;_;

Where dis from?

I actually cried watching House when Amber (Wilson's gf) died. That's the last time I remember crying because of a film or TV show.


this shit always gets me

I can't feel shit if I know the character is going to die.


The whole movie in general was surprisingly good.

What movie?

Manchester by the sea

Saw this in the theater, everybody was crying at this and the conversation with his ex near the end.



I can only watch this film once a year but it's one of the best I've ever seen.


shit user i feel the same about my little brother and sister
any good movies about brothers?

Unbeaten champion


That's Once Upon A Time In The West, lad. Once Upon A Time In America has more soul wrecking scenes, like pic related.
>Why did he have to do it, lads? ;-;

> Are we God's plan or are we God's mistake ?
> Loli mutant turns the Cross into a X



Because she was a cock teasing little whore who wiggled her ass in his face for decades. He tried to treat her like a lady and she shunned him, so he fucked her like the cum dumpster she is.


>radio shed molestation scene
I don't remember this scene at all. Did you get hard?

Better scene

seeing them stop...

>You can't just die

Every single lilja 4ever's scene

Radio Flyer

>Taste of Cherry
That whole movie is just so human and soul-crushing. Kiarostami was a genius.

This was depressing as fuck

>i can't beat it




Jesus fucking Christ

It's incredible people have to have this explained literally. It's incredible his nephew, in the movie, didnt get it.
I thought at some point he knew why he couldnt stay.

Hey, I saw this on Mubi sometime last year. Probably the best film I've watched off of Mubi.


Rocco fucks Dirty Anal Kelly

That Narcos scene fucked me up when I first saw it. Can't believe I felt sad for Pablo Escobar.

>"He's just so smart Jenny!"






>the round up scene
wtf i hate the people's republic now

i feel you on that titanic one, me too

>"Tommy, I'm scared!"

Makes me cry everytime but they arent sad scenes, more like inspiring scenes



not sure if I want to cringe or embrace the blast of 12 year old me Nostalgia.


I cry like a baby every time

shit this isn't Sup Forums

>I guess i just miss my friend

Everything after this scene in Wages of Fear

Tony Stark's virtual reality simulation with his dad





