Who was the best italian actress

Who was the best italian actress

Giulietta Masina

muh Ornella

Was there ever something between her and Antonioni?

Italian women just have this certain thing about them. They're so goddamn attractive even the "average" ones seem extremely feminine and loveable

I don't know

Valentina Nappi.

lol. Come to Italy. The women are 100% whores these days.

yes like a decade long affair

so nothing has changed

Monica Vitti

Italian here.
Italian women are overrated. You can find a few very attractive ones, but on average they are not that good looking.

>The women are 100% whores these days.

Not true, unfortunately, because of the catholic upbringing.
It's still hard to have casual sex with an italian woman, especially if you don't live in big cities.

It's impossible to find an italian woman that won't cheat.

Have you tried not being a pathetic and worthless cuck?

>Not true
>because of the catholic upbringing
Daawww Sup Forums virgins are so cute

Virna Lisi

She was amazing in Queen Margot as Catherine Medici

Anna Magnani


a dead one.

holy shit this

Sabrina Salerno.
She acted the whole video like she didn't notice her tits were falling out.

>you will come home to motorboat an Italian 10/10 sexobomba every night

>mamma mia

Came here to post this.
Good taste my man.

I didn't even know Claudia Cardinale was Italian. I thought she was a pied-noir from Tunisia.

It depends on what you're used to when it comes to women.
If you come from some place like Germany then even your average Italian girl will look like a total cutie.

She is Tunisian.

Both her parents were from Sicily.

So I guess Messi is Italian too...

She was born in Tunisia when it was still a french protectorate, but from sicilian parents.

>parents are both native Italians
>lived in the Italian diaspora in Tunis
>won the 1957 "Prettiest Italian Girl" award in Tunis
>moved to work in Italy once she decided to become an actress
Yeah, man she's totally a Tunisian. Went to mosque each Sunday and prayed to Allah.

Leonora Fani

Fugg kill me

>active for seven years
>makes a bunch of sexy flicks
>totally disappears
Anyone else got an Italian actress of the exploitation era who dropped off the face of the earth? Anyone ever heard of Macha Magall?

>Her native languages were French, Tunisian Arabic, and the Sicilian language of her parents.

>She did not learn to speak Italian until she had already begun to be cast for Italian films


You fucking retard. A Sicilian is a fucking African Moor anyway.

Messi is not even full blooded italian.
Claudia Cardinale has italian citizenship and she has lived and worked there for a few decades. Now she lives in France.

Not > totally disappears but Agostina Belli

The most popular ones like Edwige Fenech and Gloria Guida are still active today, at least in their homecountry.


She's still got it.

Anouk Aimee is a French Jewess, no? I watched her in Sodom & Gomorrah and thought she was stunningly beautiful.

Dominique Sanda

Sandra Milo was great in Rossellini's Vanina Vanini.

>Virna Lisi


Sicilians are italians.
You are italian by blood.
You can be italian and do not speak italian as primary language (it can be, say, slovenian or german). Back then, it was even more common.

I bet you are a yank.

>ethnicity is determined by the first language you speak

Check out this fucking retard. Are you also going to argue that some arab born in Germany is actually German?

>mfw all those plebs


This was my experience visiting Rome and Florence

Reinforced my opinion that us Scandinavians have the most beautiful women in the world

is that jlaw




I found women in the north generally attractive, albeit overall less feminine.
One great thing of Italian women is variety. You can have one that look nordic, one that look levantine, and so on.

Also in 8 1/2 as the mistress of Mastroianni's character Guido. She was Fellini's mistress in real life too.

Not a great actress, but the hottest in recent times.