The Russian government is coming under pressure to ban Disney’s live-action movie “Beauty and the Beast” for...

>The Russian government is coming under pressure to ban Disney’s live-action movie “Beauty and the Beast” for allegedly contravening a 2013 law that prohibits “gay propaganda” aimed at children.

>In Bill Condon’s film, LeFou (Josh Gad) has a crush on Gaston (Luke Evans). Condon told Attitude magazine that LeFou’s role is groundbreaking.

Good, it should be banned globally. Gays should be embarrassed by this, that a character who wasn't gay in the animated film is now suddenly gay simply because the director wants to be regarded as a socially progressive person. Brokeback Mountain was progressive for fags in film, whereas this is just shoehorning it in for personal credit.

I don't even care if it's a kid's movie because kids are either gay or they aren't, I don't understand the "shielding kids from homosexuality" mindset. And this film will probably be utter shit anyway, so this whole post will be moot. But still, at least Russia has the balls to block this retarded shit.

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The only kids that are gay a children belonging to libtard/fag parents, and have been brainwashed.

Russia is doing the right thing.

Russia is in the right. Traditional families are important, too.

I don't get it, wasn't he gay in the animated film as well?

Wtf? I love Russia now

>LeFou’s role is groundbreaking
He's comic relief. That's all he's ever been there for. He has no relevance outside of that. And that's fine. What kind of moron uses him to try and make a sociopolitical point?

And moreover who the fuck thinks it's a good idea to pander to fags by making their 'representation' a fucking little fat annoying butt-monkey?

No, but Maurice was

It's embarrassing that directors still think tokenism is "groundbreaking".

Probably, but they didn't use that as a selling point of the movie. The problem isn't that there're gays in the movie, the problem is that they're using that to promote the movie and paint themselves as progressive, that's dishonest.

>implying he wasn't gay in the animated version

C'mon. Open your eyes.

He attached himself to Gaston because Gaston is strong, popular, handsome, influential, etc.

Any notion that he was gay was dreamt up by the audience.

No, he really admired Gaston because he was heroic and strong, and was just his comedic lackey.

Crazy old Maurice, eh?

No, he was just Gaston's lackey and adulated him the same way as the other townsmen. His whole purpose was that he was trying to help Gaston marry Belle, which he wouldn't have been doing if he wanted to suck Gaston's cock. In other words the new version of this character isn't going to make any fucking sense.

You know, you don't actually hate cilantro. You just think you hate it, but if you ate more of it, you'd finally understand you're wrong and it's delicious. I am going to start slipping cilantro in all your food, it doesn't taste like soap, this is for your own good. You will learn that you love cilantro.

Will this kino cause the return of gastonposting?

He was absolutely not gay. Watch the first song, where they're running around the town. He is not gay.

>admires Gaston and literally just WANTS TO BE LIKE GASTON like every other male in the town
>actively wants Gaston to marry Belle
>is occasionally terrified of Gaston

You are the blind, user.

He's probably still going to help Gaston chase Belle and that's where his new character conflict is going to come from.

He's helping Gaston because he loves Gaston, but at the same time he doesn't want Gaston to marry Belle because then his dick's going to be inside her instead of him.

I'm only nervous about how they'll resolve it. Will Gaston still die? Will LeFou confess his love to him first? Will Gaston end up being gay too?

Regardless, this shit doesn't belong in children's movies.

>homosexual director
>making characters homosexual

it really makes you think

You really have to give it to Disney in the nineties for making a male character who really just likes and wants to be like another male character, but not once gives an inkling that he's a secret faggot. This new director obviously can't into subtlety and just has to make him an actual faggot.

How does Russia treat other gay films like Moonlight and Blue is the Warmest Color? Are they banned there?

I imagine it will end in a Robin Hood: Men in Tights-esque scenario where Gaston is crippled or something by the Beast and LeFou is going to take care of him, and his sexuality becomes known to Gaston. Except Gaston probably won't be terrified of it because the director is a faggot, he will probably reciprocate, and everyone lives happily ever cocksucking.

I always assumed he was a faggot.

Why does everything have to be the same?

If everything was the same they wouldn't have included a gay character. This is change, user. It's what happens. Welcome to the world outside your safe space.

Assumptions are generally formed without proof.

>not wanting to have a threesome with Belle and Gaston

Are you a faggot?

It's not progressive, it's insulting. That's like trying to paint Waylon Smithers as a progressive queer character.

Besides, for all the talk about this 'groundbreaking' gay character I bet it ends up being a momentary thing that gets brushed off and never brought up again. Lefou is just the antagonists comic relief sidekick after all.

Just another dumb mistake in the ongoing series of bad mistakes that is the live action Beauty and the Beast remake.

Russia is in the right

Fuck changing classic movies for no other reason than to shoehorn an agenda

"You ride another niggas nuts that hard you are probably trying to get the pipe." - Pope John Paul VI

Being gay should be illegal on penalty of death.

Disney officially died for me after they fired that youtube guy for making an obvious harmless joke about the kikes. The House of Mouse is now the House of Shlomo.

>Traditional families are important, too.
Tell this to Russia. They have the highest abortion rate in the world.

> he wasn't gay, he was just completely obsessed with another man because of his strong, masculine exterior

It's ok guys, you can come out of the closet. It's 2017.

When you nut but he still sucking.

Betas are naturally subservient to alphas, they crave the chance to serve knowing their own inferiority.

Daily reminder that Russia had mainstream lesbian group T.A.T.U. back in late 90s, but now it's literally Iran with snow

do you know this from experience?

Russian Kino is great,

No gays, no obese people, white hero, and the only shitskin is a criminal.

Dunno is sarcasm
But, again, the problem isn't the homosexuals, is using the homesexuals as a selling point. It has nothing to do with helping the gay cause and everything to do with cash some money from SJWs

>First gay Disney character
>Fat, ugly and dumb

Why is this allowed?

>I can't admire other qualities of other men in any way because I'm scared of possible suppressed homosexuality

I can't hear you so good from behind that closet door

Not him, but when I beat the shit out of guys in high school they always followed me around like a puppy. It was actually fucking weird as hell.

Admiring is one thing, literally serving them like a bitch and praising their physique 24/7 is where it gets gay.

Liberalization failed in Russia (too much corruption).

>Groundbreaking role for gay people
>The character's name is literally "The Fool" in French
Real groundbreaking

Still can't hear you too well from behind that door there, bud

Everyone falls in love with a man like Gaston

I've seen it.

>lying on the internet

Guys who's fathers raped them might have done that. But otherwise you don't see that happening.

>who wasn't gay in the animated film

Many things have failed in Russia. Russian itself is a failure.

Reminds me of the ending of Legend of Korra, where they suddenly turned the main character gay in the last episode and tried to pass it off as "progressive."

Have you never heard of a bromance? Has your lack of male role models growing up really made you this defensive against the notion of liking a guy for being a guy without the urge to shove him ballsdeep down your throat?

>first Disney gay character
>hes a fat, ugly, and stupid lackey for the villain

What did they mean by this?

Nothing wrong with being gay. I should know, because I am.

Using gays to manipulate mainstream society and push divisive and anti-family social engineering programs... now that, I have a problem with. Kids shouldn't constantly be exposed to homosexuality at a young age. They should be left to make up their own minds. Otherwise you could end up confusing alot of vulnerable people who otherwise would have just been straight like the vast majority.

One of them did have serious issues at home because his father was a drunk and beat all his kids pretty badly. That guy was the worst one about following me around trying to be my friend after getting his shit kicked in.

>implying thats not the exact intention

*rubs hands together*

Who the fuck gives a fuck about a gay character in a movie in 2017??? Are you guys retarded? B-but MUH KIDS!
Gays exist in everyday life and kids see them and interact with. It,s not like Gaston is going to fuck him with his 10inch dick for 90 minutes.

>traditional famillies

holy shit, amerifats are truly clueless

I'm getting the impression that a lot of faggots in this thread saw the animated movie once as a kid and have a vague recollection of the character. There were literally zero homosex undertones, it was more like a bigger brother level of adoration.


It means you're a snake in the grass and my bitch yeh?

>It,s not like Gaston is going to fuck him with his 10inch dick for 90 minutes.

Canceling my pre-order and throwing the eggplant I bought in the trash.

Probably not since they aren't advertized for chilluns.

I watched it yesterday and that nigga was a fuckin faggot my dude.

I don't know about you but I don't break into song and dance about how great the muscles on my bigger brother is

Who weren't really dykes, both are married with kids. One hates the gays and the other goes on marches.

>I don't understand the "shielding kids from homosexuality" mindset.

This contradicts the rest of your post.

Are you having a stroke?

Is it gay that I find this hot, any juicy aotires

why do people care if the russian gov and the russian people don't like gay films or want them to be shown? Who cares what russians do? Why do americans care what other people, in places they'll never visit, believe? Leave them alone

In China the laws are even more strict. They'll probably censor it there.

I'm pretty sure there's still plenty of children's movies out there without gay people in them

> liking a guy for being a guy
> following him around all day talking about how fit he is and breaking into song about how much you love his body

Those two are slightly different.

If one of us is hurting we all hurt. Protect gays in Russia.

>mfw china edits out entire characters in blockbuster movies because they are black

they dont even give a fuck if it fucks up the plot

Even the Daily Mail review said that LeFou being gay isn't even noticeable. If its not a problem for that rag, its probably not a problem to the average moviegoer either.

Much ado about nothing. Guess the director felt the pressure to find some new selling point after Watson's "feminist
Belle" has been panned pretty much universally.

>Kids shouldn't constantly be exposed to homosexuality at a young age. They should be left to make up their own minds.

Let them make up their minds, after 10-15 years of only depicting heterosexuality as the one and only normal orientation, making them think being gay is wrong/weird/not normal? Yeah, that'll not make them biased, no sir.

Being gay in Russia is extremely dangerous. You can get beaten up and killed quite easily there.

Being hetero is by definition the only normal orientation.

Any others are defects.

>this is what pozzed faggots actually believe

The guy who plays Gaston is an actual confirmed poofterqueer, true facts.

Was just going to write this.

Being a white ethnonationalist is extremley dangerous in Europe. You can be thrown into prison for 10 years.

Not everyone shares your views, just let russia be russia and give it a rest

Good, we don't know Nazis here.

lol, what a farce you are

>Being gay in Russia is extremely dangerous. You can get beaten up and killed quite easily there.

okay? It's not your job or mine to make everyone agree with your views. Stop trying to force your worldview on people who don't share it. This is why people hate america.

samefaggot, literally

Stay mad, buttpirate.

This is true, after beating up a guy that used to bully me and my friends he would always come say hello to me first while avoiding eye contact.

At what point does "equal representation" become "soliciting homosexuality to children"

I guess Russia has decided that that line has already been crossed. And I personally can't say I blame them for it.

Being a murderer is also punishable by law in western Europe. How is this related to gays?

>a few gays exist
>no gay rights
>more and more people become gay
>gay rights and gay marriage happen
>time passes
>even more people become gay
>gay lobbyists win victories for laws and regulations
>straight people are now bent to the laws and wills of gay people

It is a slippery slope.

If you see a gay person in real life, beat them up, steal their money and belongings, trash their vehicles, and kick them in the genitals. Don't suffer gays. They will end society if you let them.

dont forget
>tranny normalization
>now pedo normalization

people said it wouldnt or couldnt happen, yet here we are

>If you beat them, join them.

I don't know why people think kids don't know what being gay is, when I was a little kid we were calling each other gay constantly.

Go to wikipedia and search slippery slope fallacy.

Homosexuals are just a scapegoat in Russia. This country has much bigger problems than that.

>implying more people are becoming gay
>implying gay rights are any encroachment on straight people
>implying anyone has ever advocated for child molestation