I like fury road

>I like fury road

looks like Oxford in the background.
Why is it only sheltered nerds who back feminism?

fury road is a good movie. rewatched it a week or so ago.
i do wonder if the black & white version was ever released.

It looks like he has.

Damm white people you fucked up as shit

Now if I posted a good looking person, wouldn't you just name it a cuck ?

>all these people who claim to be smart and logical for wanting feminism
>not realizing that by researching human civilizations and behavior that feminism brings the death of it all
I can understand wanting feminism but to claim it's because you're smart is laughable because everything in history points to it being a mistake.

>I have never been in isolation aka I have never thought for myself
>I need feminism because I haven't been an independent thinker ever

All these cucks and traitors gotta go.

Cazale impersonator?

>not realizing that by researching human civilizations and behavior that feminism brings the death of it all

like what exactly?

no, Im quite literal with my words


lmao fair enough. He is quite hunky tbf

what did he mean by this?


God damn nu-banes

with those eyes he is eternally a low life anyway

>liking kino

i don't see whats wrong?

>whats wrong?
your perception

>girl touches your hand

yeah the movie was pretty dumb

who is this guy

can't remember what from

care to elaborate?

It was all oxford university students who did this actually.

The future elites of the UK are all cucks. Makes sense.

Look better than most of you lot lol

me on the left

Why do lefitsts love love using photoshop?

>profiting on peoples hate of a political figure
truly genius in america

poor bastard

Do you think he killed himself when trump triumphed?

Criminally underappreciated

Everyone who did this was an oxford student
But not every oxford student did it
I swear I'm not a cuck

Reminder that Elvis' manager made a ton of money selling "I hate Elvis" badges.

what are you studying?

>Why do lefitsts love love using photoshop?

Why do Trump autists hate using spellcheck?


They are nerdlingers who finally see this SJW movement as their chance to belong.
Intelligent people are still victims to groupthink, peer pressure, societal pressure, and so on. That includes most scientists.


It won't be what you want to hear, user, but it's unlikely he was as invested as you.

>They are nerdlingers who finally see this SJW movement as their chance to belong.

so not like you trump pissbottles posting the same shit every day on Sup Forums at all then. excellent!

>not the same as people who want to save the world and stop white genocide

No, not the same at all.

>people who want to save the world and stop white genocide

yeah, good luck with that user. I guess when you've squandered so much of your life in ways everyone except yourself and a few other fuck-ups recognize as a squalid joke it's important to believe you're really enagaged about something consequential

way too obvious

20 & 40 years from now you'll be on Sup Forums saying the same thing to people a fraction of your age who don't give a shit about any of the things you consider important. don't forget, you're here forever

>most blatant troll imaginable
>he doubles down

I guess any (you) is a good one yeh? Heres your scrap of attention you so desperately crave.

>unlikely he was as invested as you.
he bought a $60 dollar hat while I shitposted from my house in Ireland

>Sup Forums vs reddit

powl beetey effow

>Why is it only sheltered nerds who back feminism?

Leftists tell them that in order to get a gf they have to be feminist.

Shit like this makes me embarrassed to be an oxford student t b h

So glad I went to a mature college at Cambridge. Never had to deal with anyone who had causes like these because we were all too old to give a fuck.

>21st Century
>going to the meme version of oxford


>be born on the cusp of gen x and y/millennials
>go to college
>when I get there all the older students are chill as fuck and take their work seriously while still having fun whenever they can
>everyone is cool and open-minded and willing to talk about anything without getting offended. Even if you're trying to offend them intentionally, they stay chill and just turn it around on you for being an ass
>go to giant parties every week, sometimes so large they take over entire apartment buildings and spill out into the parking lot and street
>Parties are so large and fun because everyone actually NEEDS to let off the stress of working so hard all week
>half-way through college start noticing a shift
>parties have fewer new people
>most of them just stay home watching tv or doing shit on the internet
>classes with them are annoying because they don't engage they just complain, and they don't want to actually put any effort into anything, just the bare minimum to scrape by
>they all seem to lack a sense of humor and act autistic and entitled/condescending when you try to talk to them
>one girl actually breaks down in tears "literally shaking" because we don't take her "I'm a 3rd wave feminist" viewpoint as gospel truth (first time most of us had even heard of the "3rd wave", we thought she was joking because she sounded like an idiot)
>by the time I graduate there are no more big parties, only hear about small little clique "parties" where weird kids sit around sharing a bottle of wine and watch a movie together, or have a pot-luck dinner
>two of the coolest teachers, who are known for being very passionate and trying their best to get students to break out of their shells and think outside the box, get in serious trouble for upsetting snowflakes feelings (one "literally raped" a girl by touching her while speaking to her, the other "literally gave a girl PTSD" when he started screaming at her for being a lazy POS)

At least I got in just under the wire.

>guy on right is a loser

Dog Day Afternoon

Why are you so angry?