The Sopranos can only dream of being as good as The Wire

The Sopranos can only dream of being as good as The Wire.

Nobody argues because it's true, you know.

I feel ya.

The Wire can only dream of being half as good as Deadwood.

Deadwood can only dream of being half as good as Generation Kill.


Deadwood is a good show and would be even better if it didn't shit the bed later on.

Indeed, my dude.

Generation Kill can only dream of being half as good as the Sopranos

The Sopranos can only dream of being near The Shield's level of quality.


Is Generation Kill better than Band of Brothers?

Lol wrong they just dont like conversing with autistic redditors with shit taste

Its a better representation of what being a lower enlisted following around a bunch of circle jerking officers through a warzone.

someone post the chess pasta

man who cares, they're different beasts.
but i'll say that the wire did something i think wont be achieved in television in a very long time.

The Wire has too many blacks. I literally cannot get into it.

House of Cards is better than all the garbage you've mentioned

Wire is about hemorrhaging Baltimore.
Sopranos about the human condition, depression of society and Tony. I don't the Wire can beat that.

Besides fuck 50% of S3 and 100% of S5


Is this right?


pretty much

what a plot twist

>House of Cards is better than all the garbage you've mentioned

Me watching House of Cards
>they build up teachers strike in the first season
>me wondering how Frank will solve this.
>will it be some big political maneuver? some big scheme?
>no, Frank just gets the guy to punch him in the face, and threatens him if he doesn't stop the strike.
>crisis averted.

This is what passes for good TV on Sup Forums

Not if you seen the leftovers

>shit nigga
>ayo five-oh
>yous a gay nigga
>dis is booshit man
>da nigga cray
The Wire

I'm watching the 1st season of The Wire and I just got done watching the episode where DeAngelo teaches the younger kids chess. I was blown away! I had to watch it a couple times to really pick up on it, but did you guys realize that when he was teaching them about the chess pieces, he was really referring to THEM being the pawns! What an incredible metaphor!

It was so deep and meaningful, I am amazed by the symbolism of this.

Do the later seasons continue on with masterful symbolism like this? This was truly the pinnacle of storytelling that I have ever seen on a television show, and I think I can confidently say The Wire is the best show ever made without even having seen the entire series.

Also the acting is amazing. Idris Elba and Dominic West do a great job with their Baltimore accents.

The Wire is fucking awful, Sopranos is far better

nobody cares about muh niggers and muh depth, theres a reason nobody gave a fuck about the wire when it was on

>nobody cares about muh niggers and muh depth
Exactly. That''s why it's widely considered one of the best tv shows ever, because nobody cares.

Until you watch the final season of The Wire and have to disregard everything about it and throw it in the trash.

my nigga

The final season is weak but its still a good wrap up

I really like this meme.

house of cards season one was not bad, but it got too much of a clichee, frank and his wife are like clowns for me now.
maybe some retards on tv think it is an intelligent show because it is about "politics", but house of cards is nowhere near sopranos.

you forgot
>yous cock sucking faggot

Watch the show instead, because it has everything you mentioned in only one character - McNulty.


I'm okay with this

Swap The Wire with The Sopranos and then switch The Sopranos with Mad Men.

>7 episodes
>comparable to Wire or Sopranos

The Wire is shit. The police characters are all bland, and the gang characters are all 100% unsympathetic niggers.

Only decent season of the Wire was S2, because the polaks at the dock were actually sympathetic characters.

This scene alone disproves of anything you had to say. Sincerely, fuck you and everything you stand for.

The Wire threads always get btfo by Sopranos posters. GABAGOOL

The Wire can only dream of being as accurate in its portrayal of inner-city crime and law enforcement protocol as Starsky & Hutch.

>Yo, Stringa, where's Wallace?!

McNulty is barely even a character. He's so insignificant that he even disappeared in one of the later seasons and it didn't make a difference.

I'm sorry, but what bullshit are you spouting? McNulty not even a character? Him being insignificant? What? How?! He had more in him than most shows have in their whole cast.

Dominic pls go

Next thing you're going to say is that D'Angelo wasn't a character either, eh?


speak for yourself and only for yourself. i'll let you off with a warning this time, punk

Buzzwords won't make you look smart, kiddo.

No, he actually had characterization. He was the only mildly interesting nigger in the show, but they killed him off halfway through S2 anyway.

Many "niggers" on the show had characterization to them, just look at what Bodie ended up becoming. Cops had it, too, just take a look at Herc and Presbo.

as opposed to
>watch it, Chrissy
The Sopranos

Delet this

>The Sopranos can only dream of being as good as The Wire.

B-but niggers!

How dare you pit children against each other?

Spoiler that shit, faggot

>fun you in the love


Don't participate the thread, if you didn't watch the show, faggot.

Wire plebs are always talking about The Sopranos

must suck living in another shows shadow like that

Funny how Sopranos threads never talk about The Wire.

does Sup Forums just not like breaking bad because its popular with normies?

fack you cant

Shut up D!

Funny how Sopranofags always tend to invade The Wire threads to yell "LE NIGGERS, GO BACK TO PLEBBIT XDDD"

Yeah, def not because the last two seasons are shlock

its all briliant. stop hating. ive just started watching the sopranos and so far ive much preferred breaking bad, a lot more entertaining

Sopranos is overrated, Mad Men is much better.

Mad Men, you mean the show where nothing ever happens and it's just a bunch of faggots sitting around?

Oh, oh, but Don Draper is le epitome of manliness xD I love mad men!

Hahaha you can barely muster one wire thread a week kid

so adorable. from the projection and copying of their superiors wire plebs must mostly be demcucks

>Mad Men, you mean the show where nothing ever happens and it's just a bunch of faggots sitting around?
You can't handle mature themes conveyed in a mature way.

nailed it

Wire fans on here are so insecure cause they know The Sopranos is recognized as the better show.

>muh noble neegrowwssss playing chesss
yeah back to r3ddit

The Wire and The Sopranos are top notch. So are Deadwood and Rome and even Carnivale.

But this is the real patrician HBO show.

There's no driving story of Mad Men. It's just slice of life bullshit. Things happen, but there's no driving plot actually going anywhere.

>appeals to popularity
>durr if you like a show I don't like you're my political enemy! >:'(

>Oh, oh, but Don Draper is le epitome of manliness xD I love mad men!
confirmed for never watching the show

and the only criticism any of you retards can come up with is that The Wire has blacks in it
but I guess it takes a real patrician to love watching Tony wheeze while stuffing his face and then go smack some people around

italian mafia is the biggest meme of all time and sopranos definitely plays a role in that

in real life, most of these "mafias" were jewish and had fuck all to do with italians. they just memed it up doing "italian" shit, because that's what jews do

the wire, meanwhile, tells a true story.

You know David Simon is an uber leftoid kike who was pushing out propaganda to make ooga booga gangbanger niggers look sympathetic, right?

Can't even tell if this is a satirical post or not at this point.

pretty much. you should see how hard they were sucking the show's cock before it blew up in popularity around season 4 kek.

but you can be as revisionists as you want, fellas. it's your delusion


that's great, but the story boils down to niggers being poor and doing poor nigger things and some other niggers exploiting them, which is then contrasted by a very decent portrayal of how the police operates

meanwhile the sopranos is a steaming pile of shit, which is probably based on a embellished to the tits real-life story of a some italian fatass who owned a laundromat

Most of the black characters were violent thugs, the black police commissioner was crooked as fuck, and one of the most evil characters in the show was a stereotypical Jew lawyer.

>that's great, but the story boils down to niggers being poor and doing poor nigger things and some other niggers exploiting them, which is then contrasted by a very decent portrayal of how the police operates

it's not as consistent in quality as the wire or the sopranos. weiner just has this love of butchering characterization for the sake of filler episodes or arcs that gets really old. mad men had a certain lack of tightness compared with the wire or the sopranos--it ran 92 episodes when it probably could have made its point in 60.

oh that's right, not only that but every season changes up the setting a bit, so at the end you get a look at the police, lawyers, drug-dealers (low-level/high-level), IBS, town hall, the press, international crime (trafficking/smuggling/etc)

sopranos looks like a latinx soap-opera compared to that

God, what it must be like to have such a simple view of the world as you do.

This is not a bad thing retard

Again, you can't handle mature themes conveyed in a mature way.

the italian-american mob was very real and there are still remnants of it. there was also a lot of jewish organized crime, but those guys were smarter about getting their kids into good legitimate lines of work, so it died out earlier.

Lester and Bunk cancel out all the shitty niggers anyways

yeah, sure.

The way you keep using that phrase makes it obvious you don't know what it means and just copy pasted it from some online article.

a roundabout way of saying "2deep4u" isn't an argument.

I suppose it's not bad per se, and perhaps some people can better appreciate a show with no overall plot that seems totally directionless. I'm simply outlining why I don't like madmen. And I'm sure there are others that feel the same way.

> know what the plural of pussy is?
> pussay
>... Jimmy taught me that

don't be stupid, son.

Nigga, get some fucking standards, yo.

Italians mob still does stuff like pump and dump stock schemes and insurance/medicare fraud but the cartels and the integration of Italians into the greater American community led to their demise. By the time the 90's rolled around they couldn't get any "pure" Italians who could trace their lineage back to Sicily, something that used to be a prerequisite if you wanted to be more than an associate