Are they right?

Are they right?

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Theres not much competition, could probably forget the age barrier all together

literally bi masterrace


No. She's the best actress.


Would you be okay with Kristen Stewart cucking you with other women every now and then? She'd still be with you.

I'd insist on it.


Only if she had good taste in women

I would tolerate it if I got to be with her, to be honest.

Not quite

It's not as fun as you think i guarantee you. Anyone got that story about that /fit/ who got cucked by a lesbo and lost his gf to her?

Absolutely not.

A cuckold is a cuckold is a cuckold.

ugly as fuck but i find her strangely attractive. her mannerisms and voice is really hot

>ugly as fuck

Maybe, she's pretty good.

What I don't understand is how Personal Shopper isn't even out in cinemas yet.

she really is

Please be nice to Kristen.

she objectively is not

Not even close.

well, thats your opinion

Saorise has less range than Kristen Stewart though. I'm not even trolling. She can only do stuffy costume drama roles.

She could never pull off sexy/seductive/bad girl or anything like that.

no it's a fact (not him btw)

How much makeup did she use here to hide her acne?

Not him either, but it is a fact

i love her so much

>kstew will NEVER be your gf

She's the top actress under 30 I want to bang, of that I am certain at least.



>Shirshefags unironically think she has range


>daily reminder that she is dating Miley Cyrus' ex

>Miley Cyrus' ex
Miley is les/bi?? I thought it was a meme

>Miley is les/bi?? I thought it was a meme
Miley is "queer" and pansexual. She used to date the model Stella Maxwell.

Why do Euros love her so? Is just 'cos
>muh fashion

Haven't seen Clouds of Sils Maria but every performance of hers I have seen could not be called great.

Europeans have taste.

Clouds of Sils Maria is pure kino. What else have you seen from her besides Twillight.

The only reason kstew is able to pull off the sexy/seductive/bad girl roles is because she's a slut irl. She's not really acting so it doesn't count.

After she turned into a dyke, she became so fucking ugly. She's even ugly by dyke standards.

Euros have heightened sensibilities since they are drowned in culture, arts and fine architecture.

lel they're swine

t. seen twilight and american ultra

Best sweety feets for sure

She's not a druggie/bohemian slut in most movies though.

She has range. She just doesn't have main lead/heroine charisma.
The Snow White movie were better than the Hobbit movies, but she really couldn't pull off the rousing speech to the army. But then again, there are few actresses who could I think.

Anyone wanna pretend to be Kstew for each other and have fun?

If you take her as a girlfriend, will you make her bottle all of her pee for me to drink?


the fanning sisters
at the same time
still would?

>dat makeup and photoshopping
kek. she looks ugly without it.

>10 year old pics

here's what the uggo dyke looks like now

fucking gay

Off the top of my head I've seen The Runaways, On The Road, Adventureland and Cafe Society more recently, and they were pedestrian performances. I can understand not really giving it your all for Adventureland, but you could have used any other young Woody Allen film regular in Cafe Society and nothing would have changed.

How good are you at playing kstew

Uhhh except she looks gorgeous?
I've got some experience pleasing boys

Potato needs to do more then oscarbait shit nowadays.

She's a fucking uggo dyke WHORE

thats not hailee steinfeld


sometimes im forgot that gen-Z are slowly taking 4chin

Reminder to never hate Robert.

cuz he never got the pussy

not that anything publicized can ever be trusted


>Haven't seen Clouds of Sils Maria
It's one of the best films of the decade. Get off Sup Forums and go watch it right now.

>What's the best way to get a job in Hollywood
>We're sitting on it.

What did she mean by this?

shes redpilled

top jej

almost as based as MRod when she told blacks and mexicans to get their own superheroes


Blatant ageism

wtf i want to make white babies with kstew now

I bet she'll make it to old age being pretty and being in a ton of commercial and arthouse movies.

pit whore

I got news for you dude

>she will never bounce on your dick for hours

>implying you wouldn't do this

literally perfect




Kirsten gags on suicide watch

How many Oscars Kirsten won?

she's so ugly and the way she speaks makes me wanna kms.

ps: what's with those eyes? fetal alcohol syndrome? mild retardation? yikes!




She's a frogfu.

dumb frogposters

Where is that from?


Shit tier legs

Fuck off dutchcuck

those fugly eyes and wrinkles... she's a fucking butterface. she needs a bucket of makeup before she does a scene.

Cute af


Should I make more?

get yer eyes checked... they seem to be faulty. try washing that semen out of them you beta cuck.
