Patton Oswalt

Do you respect this actor?

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I don't respect fat slobs so no.

>inb4 wife meme


just because he's fat., ok. But do you appreciate his acting method?

not anymore since he advocates violence against people with different opinions

was always really annoying and constantly got on my nerves. though, losing his wife might have made him a little more grounded or wise or some shit? made his shitty brand of comedy easier to digest? idk

He looks like the kid who was always picked last in gym class.

The kid who would beg girls to fuck him.

I don't like that he pretended it was a mystery why his wife died when she was a fucking junkie

He's the same character in everything so no

Nice actor, weak character. The movie industry is not a place for nice but weak characters.

Only ever enjoyed him on Veep.

Just Trump supporters, so it's ok.

gas yourself

Stop embarrassing yourself alt righty. We know your terms now.


I know you're fishing for replies, but for some reason I feel obligated to respond.

No it isn't you hypocritical retard. Jesus Christ I couldn't live with myself if I was as goddamn stupid as you.

I dont respect people who kill their wives

His standup is pretty good

Do you guys think he's an addict too?

he is a hillary supporter, so no.
I imagine him being the little loser from king of queens, just with money

He didn't have fentanyl and Coke and Xanax in his house for pain and anxiety that's for sure.

Holy fuck my sides someone actually spent the time to write up memes

This. He also bitches and moans on twitter about every single little thing that Trump does.

I fucking adored his standup.

When he got married and had a kid his routine noticeably depreciated, but I figured if he was happier for it than who am I to complain? Let someone else do good standup for a change.

Then his wife died. And then he goes on angry rants on twitter and gets in fights with both MAGA idiots and SJWs on a daily basis.

>No it isn't

It is.

I liked him in Ratatouille, never seen any of his other stuff.

The only thing I think I have even seen him in is The King of Queens and I didn't really like him in it. Otherwise, his twitter is pretty annoying.

He killed his wife and got away with it (for now).

He should be sitting in jail next to OJ.

>He killed his wife

can anyone here guess a motive for that?

Why the fuck would he kill his wife when she's been the single best thing that's happened to him in the past 10 years?

I can only respect lesbians who are slender and attractive. These bull dykes make me fucking sick.

He was pretty good in Orange Is the New Black, though.

>fat midget who killed his wife
who could ever respect a discount dan schneider?

>Feelsman meme
Poor Wojak can't even get respect on Buzzfeed