calm down dude, i think this meme is pretty swheat

Dude wheed


Of the 2 alien memes. This and Bonus. Its 2 for 2 desu famalam

Based wheat. Beats them all.


Fucking retarded maymay.
You guys are losing your touch

Sup Forums has been shit for years now

Fuck you. I like this meme.

Thos could be a fine meme of the faggots that kept pushing it would come up with something else for it. It's always the same images from the new trailer.

Taxposting is a shit meme too, but at least those faggots found a way to use it broadly


I like wheatposting

That's how the Engineers go so buff, eating genetically engineered Wheat Gluten.

>implying this terrible and unfunny meme isn't the work of a marketing company

I want to fug fasbebber!!

Edit the space axe into a space scythe

Is baneposting? How did you asses that? This meme feel pretty real. Sup Forums's style. In both cases, people who enjoy this meme will likely not go see this piece of shit movie in theatres.

haha good memes guys keep them coming! :)

are you monitoring your gluten intake?

Let's cut some wheat.