I don't get the ending. She didn't offer her blood instead of her brothers', she got shot...

I don't get the ending. She didn't offer her blood instead of her brothers', she got shot. How does that grants her the access? It doesn't make any sense.Also why was she such a bitch? The faun only wanted 1 or 2 drips of blood. I'm pretty sure a baby can survive losing that much.

It was a test. She wasn't supposed to sacrifice innocent blood.

It was a shitty movie.

Yeah but its only 2 drops.Lets say thousand years later she is faced with a dilemma, she either kills a child or billions of people die. Is she supposed to let everybody die because you can't hurt an innocent child?

The labyrinth isn't real. She's just a delusional kid who died a meaningless death.

This film could have really used more fantasy and less boring wartime drama.

the ending is ambiguous
you either believe in the fairy tale
or you see it like

i believe in the fairytale but it just doesn't make any sense

because it was the delusion of a child hallucinating as she bled out.

that's a really shitty excuse

it's another "Sup Forums misses the entire point" episode:

Psycho: Mrs. Bates died of old age after killing Martin Balsam, right? Then Norman dressed up at the end.

Fight Club: Brad Pitt just tricked Edward Norton, he was a real person, right?

Sixth Sense: Bruce Willis died at the end for some reason? I don't get why it didn't show him die!

>It was just a dying dream!
Anyone who writes shit like this should be shot

it's not about the point. Either way it's just bad writing. Whether the ending is real or not doesn't matter


Kill yourself please

it's a fairytale, with magic and shit. and your issue is logical consistency?

GDT should stick to being an ideas guy. He comes up with cool ideas but his movies suck.

This movie unironically made me an anti-communist.

When they killed the military guy in the end, denied his traditions and told him his son would never know he existed, I realized I was in the side of conservatism and order, not in the side of revolutionaries.

This movie was bad and designed for plebs

The villain had no reason to be evil aside from being evil and the commies were glorified


Of course he had a reason to be evil. He was trying to flush out the Commies and secure the woods for Franco's forces, in turn stabilizing the government and preventing suffering in the long run.
But no, he loses and the commies will be inevitably crushed by the next officer to arrive and his forces. Who knows how many civilians are going to suffer in the long run?


>The Lion King wasn't just a metaphor for what happened in colonial Africa after the white ruling class (Lions) got dethroned, right?
Fucking Sup Forums plebs


Sup Forums continues to leave me confused on who is trolling and who completely missed the writer's point.

I'm going to choose the former because the latter depresses me.

Frankly, compared the body count of Franco and the body count of Stalin.

The fascists were the good guys in Spain.

You know she's dead at the end, right?

ITT: The retards that visit Sup Forums to "discuss" films.

op here, i missed the writer's point. Enlighten me please.

>compared the body count of [a fascist] and the body count of [a fascist].

>the fascists were the good guys in spain

dude lmao

at least we try

Stalin wasn't a fascist, he was a communist, just like the "heroes" of Pan's Labyrinth.

He was even the creator of anti-fascism.

Hatred crushes innocents.
She isn't "granted access", she just sees her fantasy as she dies.

you're acting like pan's labyrinth is capeshit. It's supposed to be smarter than thant

guillermo himself said the ending is real tho

>stalin, a supreme dictator, was a proponent of a societal structure in which all are equal


The war/genocide plot is fantasy as well. It's like you didn't get the message of the film at all.

Indeed, many dictatorships have been established promising equality, do you even study history?

I guess I didn't.

there are many ways in which she could had spilled her blood

Wait, wasn't there a door that's supposed to open? I haven't watch the movie in years but didn't she died at the entrance yet it still showed her walking around in the fantasy kingdom?

>dude lmao what if the communists were really the good guys and Christianity is actually evil lmao

Fuck off Del Taco you fat slob.

>lion king

The ghost of Mufasa expressly tells Simba, "You are my son and the one true king." Bear in mind though that this scene takes place at night

Yet at the beginning of the movie, Mufasa clearly states to Sarabi in no uncertain terms that "Before sunrise, he's YOUR son." This represents a serious breach in established continuity. How could Mufasa forget his own rules? That night when he appeared to Simba, he should've either said, "You are Sarabi's son and the one true king." or "Come sunrise, you will be my son again and the one true king."

The fuck is this dogshit? Did the writers forget or were they just being lazy?

>The Pale Man represents all institutional evil feeding on the helpless. It's not accidental that he is a) Pale b) a Man. He's thriving now.

fascist fag had it coming
>bashing the hunter's face in front of his father for shits and giggles
>executing the father just because
>being a sadist asshole to the stuttering guy
>chimped out at the doctor for standing up to him

Not telling the kid about what a fucking animal his father was was an act of mercy of the revolutionaries

Yeah, real depressing.

yet she didn't. She didn't choose to spill her blood. She was forced to. It only makes sense if we act like the ending was fake. But del toro said it wasn't fake.

Is it bad that I am friends with someone who actually unironically thinks like this?

>I have done absolutely no research on the ussr
>every communist government wasn't really communist!

that older lady was fine af tho

The pale man is the scariest shit ever put on film. I still get chills when i think about that fucker. It almost feels claustrophobic thinking about being in a room with him and nowhere to run.

speaking of movies with shitty endings

her mom or the dark skinned one?

So it was an oblique reference to the film industry?

>the fucking heart beat and sobbing kid sounding in the background
that shit fucked me up

Did his layer have an entrance? I don't seem to recall seeing one

Is this bait?

she made it with chalk

They have also been established promising to "make [insert country] great again."

But with the notable exception of Nazi Germany, they have not been as violent as the dictatorships established promising to make people equal.

yeah i get that but how does he bring other children in there? there were tons of shoes just laying. They have to get in somehow right?

>accept defeat and face death in the eye
>relinquish your son to your enemy
>only ask that your son knows of you
>be denied of your only request and face oblivion

I've seen people cheer for this moment, even when during Franco's decades in power some political enemies (to say the least) were given the same treatment and no one in Spain or Latin America would publicly cheer for that.

Are you antifa?

Franco didn't erase the memory of the commies. In the "Valley of the Fallen", they are buried alongside the nationalists.

It's always the commies the ones who want to erase memory of their adversaries. They want to destroy this monument only because it doesn't establish the communists are the only ones deserving of memory, but celebrates the nationalist dead too.

No, I'm anti-communist. As I mentioned, thanks to this film.

>In the "Valley of the Fallen", they are buried alongside the nationalists.

That's surprisingly high road for what I would have believed about Franco.
Maybe I was confusing him with Pinochet or others.

taking away the kids of murdered dissidents was common practise during the latin american dictatorships, kinda hypocritical of these guys to do the same to vidal, but then again the movie is set at an earlier time and they had personal beef with the guy

So you're antifa then?

You're not making sense. Antifascism was literally created by communists to enlist the support of liberals and social democrats to their policies. If I'm anti-communist, then I'm also anti-antifa.

was there two? i can only remember that one

this thread took a dark turn

dude, the fascists were the revolutionaries ya dummy.

there was the pregnant mother and the communist woman who attacked captain


you know, there's a simpler way to phrase that

that isn't the same kid, right?!

Kill yourself, shill

you don't have to be a fascist to hate edgy communist LARPers

To be fair, him being such an absolute asshole was directly tied to the story of his father's death. The guy was literally obsessed with it and the idea of needing to live up to his daddy's manly death that he had developed a full-blown chauvinistic superiority complex.

Hence why he abuses his power without remorse (like when he murders the two peasants and then finds the rabbits they were talking about, he's only annoyed that he was called there for no reason, not that he just beat an innocent man to death and shot the other one) and is confident that his kid is a man, who would continue his "legacy." Or how he puts the life of the supposed son ahead of the mother, and doesn't seem to give a shit when she dies. The guy had formed his whole douchebag identity around the warped idea of what his own father was like and what made him so great.

The kid basically is better off not knowing who his real father was.

What part of "she wasn't supposed to sacrifice innocent blood" do you not understand? If you're too stupid to understand really simple movies, don't even bother.

>piece of shit communist
>thinks everybody that hates his dumbass is a fascist
checks out

didn't they say last one was to offer your own blood instead of an innocent? So she had to offer her blood for the doors to open but she didn't offer her blood she was "forced" to. That's what i don't understand.

It is

Ivana Baquero

oh shit

That Mama?
I agree the ending was shitty.

I used to hate scary movies, but now I honestly wish I had someone to watch them with.

it was cool seeing him break the watch at the end.

Thats not fantasy.

Civil war happened in Spain.

The dictators army were Hitler wannabe extremists who executed everyone they suspected to be rebels.

The country still hasnt fully recovered from that and some retards still sympathize with the dictators regime.


>i believe in the fairytale but it just doesn't make any sense

Funny, in this thread you find everything that is wrong with Sup Forums.

at least it's not a capeshit thread

Only in Sup Forums can you find people that sympathize with a murderer, and a torturer dude for the most stupid of reasons, lmao.

Denying someone his roots is wrong no matter what, maybe the kid didn't need to know as a boy but as an adult he deserves to know.

But people like the villain really existed. More like you need to read more, pleb. People in a position of power (more in a war) often abuse that power just because they're insecure assholes.

I really hate fascists

I really hate Communists.

who's to say that doesn't eventually happen? they denied the captain's last request out of spite, due to him being an utter bastard whom they despised, but that does not necessarily mean the kid won't eventually find out.

and it's not always for the best to know the truth. finding out your real dad was a fascistic monster who took pleasure in personally torturing people and had no remorse when it came to killing people could easily just fuck you up as a person. make you despise your very existence, and question if you will become like your father in the future

he's got a nice house so if i was in there i would try to not be rude about it.

a bunch of redditfags and a leftypol communist?

It was all a hallucination created by her mind to remover her from the horror of the situation.

Liked the movie even though it pushed the "Franco and his army were the bad guys" bullshit. Both sides did bad things but Franco was exactly what Spain needed at the time and everything had been going downhill since he died.
t. Spaniard