Tetris, the lastof us and emojis are getting movies

>tetris, the lastof us and emojis are getting movies
>this isn't

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It doesn't work very well in a non game format. It's famous for good reason as one of the first postmodern/deconstructive games. Literally everyone who's ever played it will remember bashing in Andrew Ryan's head and spamming on the controller, then the whole "would you kindly" bit. It works in the game because YOU feel like YOU got duped, and had no real control. The same scene for an audience wouldn't have the same impact, without spending a LOT of time building up the MC and Ryan's relationship. It just doesn't work very well; it's something that only videogames can do.

>tetris movie
fake and gay

Make it a love story about a couple trying to escape Rapture during the civil war. They end up having to use plasmids to survive, but they end up getting addicted and start to get more paranoid and unpredictable, to the point where they end up betraying each other. The final scene is the 2 of them fighting before they learn to forgive each other and go fight a big daddy together, before getting fucking murdered in the process.

you're a complete faggot if you don't think it can be translated to film

Bioshock was mediocre at best. System shock deserves a film more than that tripe.

Sorry, you're a complete ignoramus if you think a film would add anything or even work.

Why do you think a movie adaptation is a good thing to do to a video game? Be glad they haven't yet exploited it for a point-missing buck.

Nobody said it couldn't be translated to film.

It would just be shit is all

People who desire films based on video games because the games were good should never reproduce.

>no Deus Ex film

It's happening and it reportedly has a $80 million budget

The world is not ready for Deus Ex to become mainstream

>he wants Hollywood to ruin another video game movie

they would just turn it into a cgi-filled matrix ripoff with dubstep and you know it

fuck that poltard game, fuck you and fuck drumpf



This is as close as we're going to get.


got you covered


If they'd get the VAs to play their characters it'd be kino



Really? 6 huge conglomerates own most of the mainstream media and give us actual news sites like CNN, MSNBC and Buzzfeed. Small business should be wiped out, globalism now, fuck white people, fuck drumpf, fuck borders.

Please see

List of films that could actually be made into good movies:

Deus Ex
Planescape: Torment
Gabriel Knight
Broken Sword
I have no mouth and I must scream

I like where your head is at

>films that could actually be made into good movies

What films could be made into flicks?

>one of the first postmodern/deconstructive games
>six years after MGS2

Gore Verbinski tried, but producer meddling ruined it, they wanted PG-13 and shit.

So he made "Cure for Wellness" instead. It's similar

I don't like bioshock I think it's really fucking gay and I don't think it'd work well as a movie unless it completely encompasses rapture's rise and fall.

>Deus Ex
Deus Ex is kind of like Dune in the fact that it's such a large subject you couldn't contain it in a movie.

>Planescape: Torment

>Gabriel Knight
haha, maybe.

>Broken Sword
I love broken sword but I would never watch a broken sword movie it'd be way too fucking boring

>I have no mouth and I must scream
You'd probably base it more off the short story rather than the game.

Would be interesting but if you gave it to the wrong director it would easily become some faggot horror garbage.

This game was given too much credit for its "smart story" when the strength of it was in its atmosphere, its moments, and ok combat.

kek, meant games.

How is it a poltard game? It's literally about evil corporations controlling the world.

one of the first postmodern/deconstructive games that people actually played*

>bioshock movie
>not a system shock movie
*grabs you by the throat*

yeah, the metal gear solid series really is unheard of.

come on man

The last of us is getting a movie? For what fucking purpose.

ss2 still freaks me out

Popular among weebs =/= popular

fuck, that's a good one

great atmosphere and story. that ending though...

Normally people don't really distinguish much from story, atmosphere and "moments".

This. The games main twist was great, not only giving us a pretty intense reveal about our character and his relationship to Rapture, but also even going as far as to apply to us as the gamer, blindly following every single instruction that pops up on screen.

Rapture and its story are cool enough to have more stories within and maybe even deserve a live action film, but trying to adapt the game into a movie wouldnt work.

>directed by nolan


A lot of these probably would work better as a miniseries or a series of movies desu. Either that or condense them in a good way.

>I have no mouth and I must scream
>You'd probably base it more off the short story rather than the game.
A combination of the short story and the game would probably be best. The game expands a lot on the story and brings up the character backgrounds and the motivation for AM keeping them alive.

SS2 is a great game but the story is pretty dumb. I figured out the twist in the first five seconds. Could probably be rewritten into a cool movie though.

every bioshock thread
>hmm excuse me m'lady, but I must say system shock is better

"Starcraft 1+Brood War" would make for an amazing movie or triology, and you could make it diverse as fuck still.

Even the cutscenes were fucking kino

Easy as shit too, just do Jim Raynor human POV story.

We'll get a Bioshock movie.
But it will be Bioshock Infinite.

If you actually played both games you'd say the same thing too, and I fucking loved Bioshock.

yeah but no one is talking about system shock so shut your mouth

Oh boy! A poorly handled multiverse story!

Found the alt-righter. Centralization is inherently better.

SC1 sets up a pretty cool, gritty sci-fi universe that would work well for a movie or series. A shame Metzen had to go full retard with it in SC2.

we are now.

LGS were really good at making atmospheric games. we need a system shock or a thief movie. both have potential and a good lore.

Bioshock is a spin off of that series. The subject will sometimes come up. Get over it.

What are you?
Some kinda commie?

Problem with vidya movies is they try to retell the games plot which doesn't work.

For vidya movies to work they need tell a new story set in the games world/universe that adds onto the mythos
is a perfect example of how it could work

A Bioshock movie has to be rated - R for it to work and the film has to focus on Rapture itself for it to be compelling.

Would have. Now all the bad guys are just misunderstood, but also AN ANCIENT EVIL HAS AWOKEN!

What makes you think anyone cares about your faggy opinions?

I don't think I follow you. The entire platform of the right (and Trump) is to deregulate and empower corporations.

Yeah SC2 is like some weird love story. I thought Wings of Liberty kinda worked, but after that just lol.

Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week, I've already discussed the matter with the senator.

i figured out the twist after finding Polito's voice records and how she sounded so nice but when speaking to me (shodan) she was an asshole. but still, SS 1 and 2 have a lot of potential for a movie


It's hard to see how a movie could really capture tat incredible atmosphere of Bioshocj you get from the first person view in the games.

fuck it was so good.

i remember those other clips too, the redneck marines at the infested space station blowing it up with the nuke

The atmosphere was so good, it was scary at times.

>I figured out the twist in the first five seconds.
as opposed to when you saw the cover art?

Great game otherwise, btw. A favorite.

FML, the last thing we need is another "wacism iz bad, ok" movie combined with shitty misinterpretation of quantum mechanics.

Why is it always quantum mechanics? Is it like with neckbears, in that it just sounds smart?

God this thread makes me wanna play deus ex so fucking badly right now

Gosh I know this is fedora le edgy 13yo xD but I can't help but be moved by Andrew Ryan speech at the start of the game


I should've been more specific. The narrative is not so great.

I take it he was agreeable?

Wierd love story with woman he promised to kill. SC2 shits on Brood War so hard. Bringing in shit like prophecies, having dead characters come back to life and tons of other lazy writing. It only works if you see it as Raynor hallucinatng everything in a drunken stupor.



Actually the Left always ends up dealing with corporations and offers to use government power to help them because everything they do destroys small business and individuals and they crave centralized power anyway. The government in particular prefers dealing with massive corporations because once a corporation agrees to grant government access it gives them entire access over all resources including locally and internationally.


Ken Levine thought quantum mechanics could make up for bad story telling.
Also didn't help that a lot of the good plot features were taken out in the enormous amount of good cut content.

It's hilarious that you've actually bought into this. Almost every Trump/Republican policy is designed to help large corporations, from financial and environmental deregulation to tax cuts.

The Americnan left isn't anti-corporate, obviously, but they're much more willing to regulate, pursue antitrust violations, etc.

>what is shutter island

Bioshock 2's story was better anyways

I don't care what Neocons are doing, they're in league with the Democrats, you're attempting to brush even Libertarians being pro corporation and want to do what the left does, subsidizing them, impeding their competition, creating programs to import cheap labor to replace the population. The Left will always be fundamentally crony-capitalist as the means to have an economy that can only thrive through parasitic policies.
Oh, is Trump's policy of lowering taxes and regulations on the poor a corporate favoring strategy? Is lowering drug prices a corporate favoring strategy? Is restarting power industry a corporate favoring strategy?
It benefits them, but it also benefits the working class rather than the Democrat-Neocon strategy of only helping the rich.

Hilarious how you've bought into pro-corporate anti-poor policy.

Fuck off Sup Forums

It's a thriller/mysters movie with Leo Dc, abut a murder that occurs at a mental hospital. It's great, you should absolutely check it out.

>Making a movie out of a game where the entire reason it works, is because it plays off of how people think in a game to make its point.

There's two ways to make a movie out of Bioshock, and both ways have been done.
One is to concentrate on the social commentary: Go watch Atlas Shrugged
One is to concentrate on the twist: Go watch Ender's Game
Not saying either of those are great, but you can't really make the main, unique thing about Bioshock work outside a game, because it entirely relies on the observer playing along with the plot on their own slavish volition, which movie goers can't.

>thinking they'd make a movie about the actual game's story and not the rise and fall of Rapture, and the events leading up to the plane crash

you forgot shenmue, mate

Grim Fandango would be a sweet stop motion movie.

I would also love a dumb comedy movie about the rise and fall of El Presidente in TROPICO THE MOVIE!

I can imagine the Binding of Isaac as a creepy horror movie too.

>No Witcher trilogy habbenin



buildings are made us using anti gravitational lifts to movie heavy blocks around. 9 year old Vasily watches his father get pushed down a foundation hole Lion King style by his shady uncle.

20 years later shady uncle is the head of a huge construction firm and the kid invents some new patent that the uncle wants to movie in on but he doesn't want to sell. Has to make his way dodging shady hitmen and political scandals as he tries to get back the construction company thats rightfully his. Climactic fight is the uncle and nephew fighting among a new construction amongst falling bricks and walls

Could work desu

Resident Evil

Plasmid powers would look fucking awful.
No questions. Hollywood can't be trusted.

I feel like every political message that made the world so gray and interesting would be horribly misconstrued and turned into some leftie propaganda piece.

Minimise emphasis on plasmids and focus on the politics/drama. If you bring plasmids to the forefront people will think it's capeshit.

>I don't like bioshock I think it's really fucking gay
What a sound and well-reasoned point

>the edgy contrarian rears his ugly head

poltards love that game.
t. poltard

this. Rapture before the events of Bioshock has enough potential.

Star craft
Command and conquer
Half life

Id pay to see a Starcraft movie or a half life movie.

he's right though