Why was it canceled?

why was it canceled?

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because its shit

Because you're not funny Sam. Now go back to hiding in the bushes by the playground and fuck off.

Buy a fucking ad

t. alt-right pussies crying about literally everything

im not sam and what the fuck are you talking about?

that image isn't even updated you autist

How does it feel that your only fans are people who will outgrow the phase they're in within two years and you don't even have the qualifications to get a job at Arby's, Sam?

If you aren't being ironic you should see how fast you can make a bullet sever your brainstem as soon as possible.

Two of the sketches hit too hard to home for the people who really run the world behind the scenes

Can't have the normies waking up any time soon.

What was the fucking appeal of this shit? I watched the first two episodes and it just seems like another one of Adult Swims "we want the stoner audience" live-action shit

If you aren't being ironic about being a drumpf supporter I can't wait to see you cry bitch tears when he gets impeached.

>be sam
>become within inches of your goal, dream of a lifetime: a television show of your own
>can't not antagonize people in higher places long enough to become too established to drop
>antagonize people in higher places just enough to get dropped
>try to rebound, start video blogging, do interviews
>weeks later, a thread on Sup Forums pops once in awhile
>"hey guys remember world peace"
>"g2b sam"
>nobody does video with you anymore
>resort to taking pictures with literal autists in front of a camera shia le poof set up
>be sam hyde

he was the final JUST of 2016 and the irony is that the election is what really did him in

Fuck OFF Sam

Lazzo gave you a chance even though everyone told him not to and you blew it retard now get over it or kill yourself

what kind of self important retards are you people to assume you are talking to sam? seriously, use common sense

>Fuck OFF Sam

>use common sense
You're asking too much of the people on this board.

In all seriousness it had like 4 good sketches, the rest was forgettable

Right. Because Sam Hyde is such an important guy with so many more valuable things to do with his time than shitpost on Sup Forums.

he has nothing to gain from shitposting and has to work on his art if he wants to keep on making money the way he does, so he does have better things to do.

plus im not sam

>plus im not sam

well now you are, and i didn't think you were before

youre retarded

Guys seriously everyone stop picking on Sam he's going through a tough time and shitposting is his way of venting.

I got your back Sammy.

Thanks bro say how about I get your back and you let me fuck your twink asshole?

Sure thing babe. I've been eating Taco Bell and IHOP for two days so my asshole is nice and greased up for you to glide right in.

It made SJW's booty-blasted. Pure and simple.

Member me Sammy? I'm the guy who fucking buried you, kid.

Obama is going to prison you faggot

lol your godawful show died

do you really believe that?

>impeaching Trump
Give me a break, so pathetic. You think they want President Pence? No chance.
You're ridiculous.

In my opinion he just should have played ball and phoned in a generic interview with the buzzfeed guy just plainly telling him that his accusations were false. He shouldn't have made a video of that, and he should have stayed off of twitter during the show's run.
It's a proven fact that ratings were good for the show.

Gellman was a bigger problem I bet, and Tim is just an old jaded fuck now, however he will hold onto his place in [AS] for dear life and is probably butt buddies with Gellman. It was really shitty for anyone involved to can a well performing startup show, whoever it was, and it was somebody.
t. a guy who liked World Peace

Right next to Killary I'm sure.
Yep, any day now...

Because it's the opposite of good or funny.

>why was it canceled?

Because the jews threw a fit when a show with a 'message' they didn't like drew attention and viewers, cue the 'evil alt right' card and full access to all the jew owned media where they could complain loudly.

>Gellman was a bigger problem I bet
That would ironic if true considering Gellman ended up leaving AS anyway

>Sup Forums never talks about Charls despite the fact that he is the true kino practitioner


nah he tries too hard

>on his art
You mean ripping off Tim and Eric ?

As if your JOO boogeyman needed to dig deep to find Sam closet skeleton.All they had to do is wait for Sammy to make a spectacle of himself with Dindunuffin Weev

how has he done that ever?

>Tim and Eric created LOL SO RANDOM humor

Their earlier videos were undeniably Tim and Eric knock-offs


your earlier post was undeniably wrong so fuck you

Name 1 (one) skit from Tim and Eric that was politically motivated.


he should get obamacare